The Dark Knight Rises Nolan...add Robin!!!!!! - Part 1

Look face it robin is as important to batman as alfred. Everyone blames robin for ruining the last two bat films but that couldnt be farther from the truth. The only problem with robin in BF and BR was that he was to old. This is supposed to be a comic book movie, so make it like comic book and add the boy wonder. He doesent have to be robin, I would settle for dick grayson, as long as he is living with bruce by the end of the film.
It would be interesting to see Robin, especially if it's true that Batman will meet his end in this movie.
Horrible idea, ain't gonna' happen- nor should it.
Why do these threads keep popping up?! Nolan has said he's NOT going to do Robin ever. A few people requesting him on SHH isn't going to change his mind. I agree that Robin is an extremely important character to Batman, but he wouldn't fit with Nolan's vision.
Bale And Nolan Said No Robin And I Agree.
Robin in Nolans films would be a terrible idea...glad itll never happen.
Robin in Nolans films would be a terrible idea...glad itll never happen.
I don't really like the idea of Robin in Batman movies. I don't hate the character, but I'm not really a fan either because I feel like he undermine's Batman's character. They introduced him in the comics because they felt that Batman needed a "Watson" to talk to, and because they wanted a character who would cater to children. These days, they usually handle that function in the comics with an internal monologue, which is probably a big reason why in more recent years they ended up moving Robin into his own monthly for the most part, and as Nolan has shown us, the "Watson" function can be filled perfectly fine by Alfred.

In movies, Batman just plain doesn't need Robin, and if you put Robin in there I feel like you'd lose part of what makes Batman Batman. The image I like to think of is Batman alone, perched on the spire of a tall building while looking down at his city ominously. If you stick a kid in a red costume next to him, that image completely changes. He ends up looking less like The Dark Knight and more like The Black Babysitter. And unless you want to depict Batman as being All-Star Batman & Robin or Big Daddy levels of insane, I cannot see Batman having a sidekick.

The reason Hit Girl worked so well in Kick Ass was because she was a subversion of the idea of having a childhood sidekick. If you wanted to have a kid being a superhero, you'd have to do things as twisted as what Big Daddy does to train his daughter, and you'd have to make the kid numb to the idea of killing people. The idea of Hitgirl is really very twisted when you think about it, but the actress was talented enough that even after we see her commit mass murder, we still go "aaaaawwwwww..."

If Robin is in a movie, he either has to be an adult who is Batman's partner in crime fighting, like in Schumacher's movies, or you have to make Batman embrace his inner psycho who is not only capable of sending a child off to his possible death, but also is OK with said child having to kill if it's the only way to stay alive. The only way Robin can be anything other than child abuse is if he's an adult. Either way, I'm not keen on the idea of Batman buddying up with another hero on a full-time basis, and if Robin is an adult, then why the heck would he be living in Bruce's house anyway? If they go the route of him being adopted by Bruce and trained to be robin as an adult, there's still problems. I don't really see where raising Dick fits into Bruce's schedule between running Wayne Industries and being Batman (unless Catwoman is involved, if you know what I mean :hehe:).
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If Robin ever gets introduced, I could see it happening again like in the Schumacher Movies or even Captain America. Where Bucky will now be much close to Cap in age.

And maybe they might skip Robin entirely and have Dick Grayson start out as Nighwing.
Dear Mr Nolan,

Do no such thing.

While I may like the idea of introducing Robin into this version of Batman, I don't believe we'll see that while Nolan and Bale are on board. Maybe if there is a sequel after this that's a continuation of this, but I wouldn't get my hopes up either. I can't even see Nolan introducing Dick Grayson.

I don't get why people think having him skip Robin and be Nightwing makes it any easier. A name change doesn't make him all that cooler since you'll still have to deal with Bruce Wayne taking on an orphaned Dick Grayson and if you think they should skip that, then why bother at all?
If Robin ever gets introduced, I could see it happening again like in the Schumacher Movies or even Captain America. Where Bucky will now be much close to Cap in age.

And maybe they might skip Robin entirely and have Dick Grayson start out as Nighwing.
I hope they never handle him that way again. I'd be fine with a Robin in his teens and doing a flashback to his childhood years (like in BTAS: Robin's Reckoning), but seeing a grown man as Robin was horrible, and not just because of the bad writing.
Like I said, maybe he'll be Nightwing instead. I wouldn't mind seeing Dick Grayson in the Movies, being adopted, growing up, but putting him into a colorful outfit and making him a target for tons of dangerous psychopaths? I find that ridiculous even in the comics.

And he can be part of Bruce's life and help out without being the boy wonder. Leave him in the cave, let him help out with equipment and computers. You can even make him Bruce's sparring partner. Of course Bruce would forbid him from ever joining him on his nightly tours. Until Bruce doesn't respond on his communicator and you see Dick pick up one of the spare suits.
Firstly, if we take the most recent designs of Tim Drake's Robin costume as an example for how to give a darker toned Robin we'd be on the right track. The one that he donned in tribute to Superboy that is really an amalgam of the New Batman Adventures Tim Drake costume and the Chris O'Donnel Robin costume from Batman Forever is pretty well suited to the Nolan-verse IMO. The red would probably have to be toned down to a darker shade, but the cape has scallops just like Batman's and so do his gloves. From there the only thing necessary to rationalize in universe is the lack of a cowl for head protection. To which I would suggest it be something that is Robin's choice. Never the less, I'd rather see Dick come into Bruce's life and give him a greater sense of his own humanity and have to become a father figure and mentor to someone with a childhood situation much like his own. All when Bruce is getting deeper into Batman and losing himself to the creation totally. I would like to see him training Dick in martial arts, but not putting him out on the streets at 14-15 years old. I'd be happier to see Dick do that at 17-18 and by his own choice.

There would have to be tension there though, with Dick wanting to go out and bust heads, find Zucco etc while Bruce says "no! you're not ready!" This would result in a very short career for Robin, with Dick becoming Nightwing on his own.

The other choice is to not have to deal with the no-cowl situation and just make him Red Robin. Which could work...
Firstly, if we take the most recent designs of Tim Drake's Robin costume as an example for how to give a darker toned Robin we'd be on the right track.

That doesn't solve the biggest problem, though...'s still Robin. :(
See, here's the thing. Batman doesn't force his Robins to fight against their will. He let Dick leave, he refused to ever do it again when Jason died, Tim proved himself, Tim left, and Tim came back of his own free will. It has ALWAYS been the Robin's choices to fight crime because they knew they could and because it was the right thing to do. Bruce simply took them in and gave them training. Yes, without Batman they would have never thought of it, but because of Batman, they became powerful soldiers in the war on evil. Unlike an army however, it was always their choice to leave if they desired to. Frank Miller's kidnapper Batman is ******ed and ridiculous. It's only child abuse if Batman forces the Robins to fight crime, but its equally child abuse if he locks them in a room to keep them from doing what they know is right. Bruce originally taking Robin in because of what happened to his parents and because of his sympathy for him, and Dick finding the Batcave and being Robin whether Bruce wants him to or not is the best solution. And to keep Bruce from looking like an idiot, make it to where he planned on telling Dick he was Batman, but just not right away. He could have figured he could keep it a secret for a while since the Batcave was well hidden and Dick would be in school or supervised by Alfred.
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That doesn't solve the biggest problem, though...'s still Robin. :(

Ugh. Robin's use in the last 30 years has been perfectly fitting for the character of a man obsessed with fighting crime because of childhood trauma. The idea that he needs Robin, and frankly an adopted son/ward, to keep him grounded in his own humanity fits the character far more than your or anyone else gives credit for. I agree, the original reasoning for the character is blah and the introduction of him was weak... but that's all be retconned into a great story and each subsequent Robin has had, at least, a good reason for being there.

Tim Drake's story is still, IMO, the best of the 4. I dislike Damian Wayne, period. The kid's a psycho.
I know I'm jumping into this conversation way late and as much as I abhor the child-character that is Robin, to play Devil's Advocate--what if Robin were a young vigilante himself, inspired by what Batman does, but completely disconnected from him? I would never want to see Robin in the films, but does that incarnation of Robin subvert Batman less?
I think Robin dilutes the story of Batman. Let's finish this series by keeping it focused on the bat.
I still don't understand how some Batman fans can hate Robin with such a passion.

I'm not talking about people who don't want him in the movies, but people that get angry at the mere mention of him.

I'm not begrudging anyone's opinion, it's just interesting. I mean, it must be kind of hard to be a Batman fan. Do you just skip over every story with Robin in it? Sounds tiring.
^Right? With the amount of Batman purists I see roaming the costume boards, I find it funny that more people aren't standing up for the Boy Wonder. Poor kid.
I think Robin dilutes the story of Batman. Let's finish this series by keeping it focused on the bat.
To me, comics and Animated Series-wise, it's not the story of Batman, but the story of Batman and Robin, and even Batgirl, although I never felt she and Bruce had the connection Bruce and Dick/Jason/Tim did. However, I'm not unhappy that Nolan is leaving Robin out of his movies, as a story that is simply about Batman is hardly bad.
I dont know about Robin, But think Dic would fit great into this story. Batman is seen as a killer. He lost Rachea and is in a real dark place. Finding Dick who lost his parets and adopting him to bring him out of his lonely dark place would work and has always been the point of the Robin character. imo/.

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