The Dark Knight Rises Nolan...add Robin!!!!!! - Part 1

En Oh.

Nolan's Bruce has put his 'Robin feelings' across a range of people, not just one at one time, anyway.
Where's that "Heeeelllllll Nawwww!!" gif when you need it??
hi, gota share my theory on grayson apearing in TDKR. it comes from reading about how the origional costume design for robin and the name was insired by robin hood.

i think john blake is grayson. and he will show up to the ballroom scene shown in the trailer in a robin hood costume. this will provide the perfect "robin" cameo, he can wear the domino mask (that wouldnt actualy make sense for hidding idintity) and some sort of red/green/black tux outfit. and will probobly even fight some thugs in it.

but i doubt there will be any robin body armor/ crime fighter suit.

i think he will take over the roll of azreal from knightfall (taking over as the bat when bruce is down)

I don't think this will happen, and I don't want it to happen. I'm saying this as a fan of Grayson too, he's my favourite character.

There are enough connotations between Grayson and Blake that if people want to see him as the "Nolanised" Robin, they can. With that being said, there will be enough differences for those who don't care for the character, he can be truly original.

We've got the best of both worlds already.
It's been expressed on these boards before that just about all the attributes of a “Robin” sidekick/archetype have in one way or form been woven into these films and expressed through certain characters throughout this trilogy.

But as it has been well pointed out, Jim Gordon is the closest thing to Robin this Batman will get. And they do work very well together imo.
Blake isn't Grayson and I don't see Robin in TDKR. Also agree with Mr Wayne here.
I thought Nolan didnt like the idea of putting Robin in? ...i think the triology has done just fine with out Robin...
It's been expressed on these boards before that just about all the attributes of a “Robin” sidekick/archetype have in one way or form been woven into these films and expressed through certain characters throughout this trilogy.

But as it has been well pointed out, Jim Gordon is the closest thing to Robin this Batman will get. And they do work very well together imo.
I also attribute a lot of Robin characteristics to Alfred. He helps him with his detective work, and he'll pick him up if he's in trouble.
I'm glad that we have a Batman story line where Robin doesn't exist.
My thoughts on JGL being Robin. Three reasons why I think he is.

1) It doesn't make much sense to cast a major actor for a major role who is a totally new character. All the other main characters / top billed cast from the first two films are from comics.

2) JGL is playing a cop who is assumed to help Batman fairly closely. Not a straight up sidekick, but, a younger guy who's on Batmans side helping him through it.

3) My main thing - we've seen JGL's character has a connection to an orphanage, and for some reason I think I've read he grew up there. His name may be John Blake, but I could see somehow them slipping in that his real name was Dick Grayson before the orphanage or adoption or something. A subtle nod to acknowledge that this is Nolan's 'Robin.'

Who knows what will happen, but these points are totally plausible and actually make more sense to me than a random new character.
How did this thread make it through 35 pages....? :wow:

Because it's perfectly reasonable to have had as a thread. It revolves around a character who has been a constant throughout the Bat-Mythos longer than all but three other characters in his story. Also, Nolan has shown himself to be a very competent film director as well as showing that, he and his writing staff put in the necessary research to know what makes the character work, and how they should work on film. Something that Robin, as a character, desperately needs, much like Bane did.

A lot of people don't like Robin due to a profound misunderstanding of Batman and his universe. Hence the thread, it was made for people to show why Robin is a good character.

Having said that, I do not feel it is necessary to keep the thread going anymore.
My thoughts on JGL being Robin. Three reasons why I think he is.

1) It doesn't make much sense to cast a major actor for a major role who is a totally new character. All the other main characters / top billed cast from the first two films are from comics.

2) JGL is playing a cop who is assumed to help Batman fairly closely. Not a straight up sidekick, but, a younger guy who's on Batmans side helping him through it.

3) My main thing - we've seen JGL's character has a connection to an orphanage, and for some reason I think I've read he grew up there. His name may be John Blake, but I could see somehow them slipping in that his real name was Dick Grayson before the orphanage or adoption or something. A subtle nod to acknowledge that this is Nolan's 'Robin.'

Who knows what will happen, but these points are totally plausible and actually make more sense to me than a random new character.

1) Why not? I'm sure most JGL ''fans'' don't even read the comics. The GA couldn't care less.

2) Yes, and?

3) So Nolan ''slips in'' that his real name was Dick Grayson, and that's it? So a percentage of the audience knows he's supposed to be Robin... but he isn't? That's pointless.

Nolan is not adding a new character who is otherwise fundamental to the Batman mythology... in the last film. Especially not in the second half of the last film.

I understand why some people would like to see Robin, but Nolan HIMSELF does not like Robin as a character. Not in this trilogy. John Blake's character could very well be Batman's ''sidekick'' in this film, but not as Robin.
if he wanted him to be dick Greyson, he'd be named. Dick Greyson.

I don't see why that would be a secret. Talia I get, this I don't.
Well, he never said he didn't like Robin, he just said he didn't think he would be the director when Robin was included. Goyer said Robin would be difficult to adapt to this Batman. And Bale said his favourite Batman story was Dark Victory (Robin's origin) but that he wouldn't want to do a film with Robin involved.

However; with that being said, I'd rather not see Robin in this film. For a few reasons. Firstly, it appears to me that the current writing staff do not seem to have the confidence to really tackle the character. Secondly, this is a film designed to round off Batman's career. Thirdly, and most importantly, he's not a part of the story that was ever meant to be told in this trilogy. This isn't supposed to be the saga of Bruce Wayne, if it were, there would be more time focused on his parents. It's not the ultimate Batman saga, if it were, it would feature more heavily the psychological effect of Batman on Gotham and it's criminals as well as him truly being a guardian, nor is it the ultimate Batman mythos saga, if it were, Robin would be in there.

It is trying to mesh together all three to tell the Bruce Wayne as Batman story and then parts had to be reduced (ie Martha Wayne said nothing in Batman Begins, we never see Batman stop a petty crime and we don't see Robin). What we do see, however are the three biggest events in the Batman story, we see his origins, his greatest enemy, and his end. These are stories that, do not necessitate the appearance of Robin. Especially not this late in the game.

Personally, I would rather see someone who wants to do Robin, do him justice and spend a character arc on him similar to what we have got for the supporting characters of this series. Show him as the young, exceptional man out for vengeance that Bruce wants to save. Show why he becomes Robin, not just how. Develop his growing irritation with being kept in the dark by Bruce and finally, relinquishing his childhood by becoming Nightwing.

I'd rather see that than an allusion in ending to the story of Bruce Wayne.

However, if that is unlikely to happen I've said it before and I'll say it again: For those who wish John Blake to be Nolan's "Robin" there seems to be enough connotations for you to do so. However, for those of you who do not care for the character, there are enough differences to set him apart.

Ultimately it doesn't make a difference. It neither adds significance nor diminishes his character if he wears an R or his name is Grayson, Todd or Drake. His part will still fulfil the same function.
Well, he never said he didn't like Robin, he just said he didn't think he would be the director when Robin was included. Goyer said Robin would be difficult to adapt to this Batman. And Bale said his favourite Batman story was Dark Victory (Robin's origin) but that he wouldn't want to do a film with Robin involved.

However; with that being said, I'd rather not see Robin in this film. For a few reasons. Firstly, it appears to me that the current writing staff do not seem to have the confidence to really tackle the character. Secondly, this is a film designed to round off Batman's career. Thirdly, and most importantly, he's not a part of the story that was ever meant to be told in this trilogy. This isn't supposed to be the saga of Bruce Wayne, if it were, there would be more time focused on his parents. It's not the ultimate Batman saga, if it were, it would feature more heavily the psychological effect of Batman on Gotham and it's criminals as well as him truly being a guardian, nor is it the ultimate Batman mythos saga, if it were, Robin would be in there.

It is trying to mesh together all three to tell the Bruce Wayne as Batman story and then parts had to be reduced (ie Martha Wayne said nothing in Batman Begins, we never see Batman stop a petty crime and we don't see Robin). What we do see, however are the three biggest events in the Batman story, we see his origins, his greatest enemy, and his end. These are stories that, do not necessitate the appearance of Robin. Especially not this late in the game.

Personally, I would rather see someone who wants to do Robin, do him justice and spend a character arc on him similar to what we have got for the supporting characters of this series. Show him as the young, exceptional man out for vengeance that Bruce wants to save. Show why he becomes Robin, not just how. Develop his growing irritation with being kept in the dark by Bruce and finally, relinquishing his childhood by becoming Nightwing.

I'd rather see that than an allusion in ending to the story of Bruce Wayne.

However, if that is unlikely to happen I've said it before and I'll say it again: For those who wish John Blake to be Nolan's "Robin" there seems to be enough connotations for you to do so. However, for those of you who do not care for the character, there are enough differences to set him apart.

Ultimately it doesn't make a difference. It neither adds significance nor diminishes his character if he wears an R or his name is Grayson, Todd or Drake. His part will still fulfil the same function.

Please, the topic had been discussed to death. Now, can this thread please be moved to either the non-spoiler or misc. section?

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