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The Dark Knight Nolan's Batman means...


Nov 16, 2005
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This is just my prediction:

1. No Harley Quinn - BTAS made Harley as another source of comic relief. Joker himself is often portrayed as the bumbling, comical villain. This would have little chance of synching with Nolan's world. Joker is a creepy maniac who laughs then kill. He doesn't need a comical assistant (or attractive comical assistant dreamt by young fans).
2. No variety of vehicles - The Thumbler would remain as Batman's choice of transportation since planes and motorcycles would just be too out of place in Nolan's interpretation. Boat would work as Gotham is still portrayed as a coastal city, but will have little screen time. Batman is mainly a hero on foot or with gliding cape.
3. Possible introduction of robots or mechanical exo-suit used by Villains - Never think that this is an impossibility in Nolan's Batman. Poison Ivy and Clay Face are farfetched. Bane as a Robo-villain? Very possible.

What are your own speculations on the next Batman films?
1. I think Harley Quinn could work and her story is something I think would be up Nolan's alley. The girl gets corrupted by the Joker. It'd be quite the setup, seeing the Joker turn Harley to his side in The Dark Knight, then see Harvey fall himself in the sequel.

2. I think Nolan will have a different vehicle if it's necessary, and only that. If Batman has to solve a problem that requires him to be out in the water, he'll have a Batboat.

3. Poison Ivy was handled very realistically in BTAS, so she's definitely not a farfetched villain. Bane can be done realistically. His venom serum could be seen as a new form of steroids.
chiefchirpa said:
This is just my prediction:

1. No Harley Quinn - BTAS made Harley as another source of comic relief. Joker himself is often portrayed as the bumbling, comical villain. This would have little chance of synching with Nolan's world. Joker is a creepy maniac who laughs then kill. He doesn't need a comical assistant (or attractive comical assistant dreamt by young fans).
I guess you either haven't seen much of BTAS, or haven't seen it in a while.
2. No variety of vehicles - The Thumbler would remain as Batman's choice of transportation since planes and motorcycles would just be too out of place in Nolan's interpretation. Boat would work as Gotham is still portrayed as a coastal city, but will have little screen time. Batman is mainly a hero on foot or with gliding cape.
Given enough time, Batman would have practical reasons for developing all of his vehicles. For road travel, the Tumblermobile doesn't make much sense. How is a huge thing like that supposed navigate congested city traffic? Guess BB established no one in Gotham has cars or uses cabs, the streets being way too empty. A motorcycle would make much more sense, much more maneuverability. You already mentioned why he may need a boat. And one of these days, he may go up against an airborn threat or have to travel outside of Gotham for some head bashing, then he'll need the jet. It's neccissary he get all his vehicle eventually.
3. Possible introduction of robots or mechanical exo-suit used by Villains - Never think that this is an impossibility in Nolan's Batman. Poison Ivy and Clay Face are farfetched. Bane as a Robo-villain? Very possible.
Excuse me-- Robo-Bane? in the Nolan movie? What the hell? You know, if Nolan ever did use Bane, I'm sure he'd find steroid-abusing Bane much more realistic than whatever the hell "robo-bane" is. I'd love to see Clayface, but with Spidey using Sandman next year, well, using Clayface after that would just seem like a rip-off to people. Personally, I'm rooting for a properly-done Mr. Freeze and Manbat. Mr. Freeze sadly is probably forever forbidden from appearing in another Batman movie ever after Batman and Robin, but maybe Manbat one of these days...
I am hoping we are getting the penguin, I would love to see Catwoman and Riddler some day also.
chiefchirpa said:
This is just my prediction:

1. No Harley Quinn - BTAS made Harley as another source of comic relief. Joker himself is often portrayed as the bumbling, comical villain. This would have little chance of synching with Nolan's world. Joker is a creepy maniac who laughs then kill. He doesn't need a comical assistant (or attractive comical assistant dreamt by young fans).

I think Batman's rogues gallery has many more high-calibre foes with much more deeper character which would make Quinn seem insignificant. No big loss for me if Harley isn't in any of Nolan's films.

chiefchirpa said:
2. No variety of vehicles - The Thumbler would remain as Batman's choice of transportation since planes and motorcycles would just be too out of place in Nolan's interpretation. Boat would work as Gotham is still portrayed as a coastal city, but will have little screen time. Batman is mainly a hero on foot or with gliding cape.

I have no qualms of the Tumbler remained the vehicle of choice in the Nolan-verse. Aside from minor quirks (like the position adjusting when he needs to shoot etc.) it was portrayed very well as a durable, rugged & practical mean-machine for Batman. Maybe some upgrades would be cool however. I agree about your boat comment - since Gotham is coastal, a boat could be useful.

chiefchirpa said:
3. Possible introduction of robots or mechanical exo-suit used by Villains - Never think that this is an impossibility in Nolan's Batman. Poison Ivy and Clay Face are farfetched. Bane as a Robo-villain? Very possible.

I think Ivy is very much possible and so is Bane minus the robotics. He can easily be portrayed as a steroid or hormone abuser who would inject manually instead of having the automated "juicing" mechanism for 'reality' purposes. Unlike Superman's foes, Batman's (IMO) are more easily to represent in a realistic environment without changing too much.
thedarks0ldier said:
I am hoping we are getting the penguin, I would love to see Catwoman and Riddler some day also.
Catwoman needs to be in this series immediatly. Delaying introducing her is a big mistake. Ideally, she should have been in Batman Begins.

Because, let's face it: SHE is the love of Batman's life. She is his big, destined for love interest. That's why love interests for Bruce flounder in the movies. They keep looking for Someone to be Batman's Lois Lane or Mary Jane Watson. But Batman doesn't have that. The love of his life is Catwoman.

That's why Catwoman should be portrayed as something of a pseudo villain and should have a place in most if not all Bat-movies. Screw Joker for 2 AND 3. Catwoman all the way!!!
chiefchirpa said:
This is just my prediction:

1. No Harley Quinn - BTAS made Harley as another source of comic relief. Joker himself is often portrayed as the bumbling, comical villain. This would have little chance of synching with Nolan's world. Joker is a creepy maniac who laughs then kill. He doesn't need a comical assistant (or attractive comical assistant dreamt by young fans).

No big loss there. I've always been of the opinion that while Harley Quinn is a good character, she only really works in the Animated Batman continuity (or for that matter, only works when written by Paul Dini). The fact of the matter is that no matter what your opinion is on Harley Quinn is, she does not work in a year one continuity, and introducing her in "The Dark Knight" would be a mistake.

2. No variety of vehicles - The Thumbler would remain as Batman's choice of transportation since planes and motorcycles would just be too out of place in Nolan's interpretation. Boat would work as Gotham is still portrayed as a coastal city, but will have little screen time. Batman is mainly a hero on foot or with gliding cape.

Like someone already said, I only see a neccessity for a Bat-boat, or Bat-plane if it is used to aid the story. Otherwise I see no real reason for them. As far as motorcycles go, I wouldn't really mind much. Batman used one in Year One, so I wouldn't particularly care if he used one now.

3. Possible introduction of robots or mechanical exo-suit used by Villains - Never think that this is an impossibility in Nolan's Batman. Poison Ivy and Clay Face are farfetched. Bane as a Robo-villain? Very possible.
What? :confused:
I'm sorry.............

Yeah, cuz Robot Joker is really happening.

chiefchirpa said:
This is just my prediction:

1. No Harley Quinn - BTAS made Harley as another source of comic relief. Joker himself is often portrayed as the bumbling, comical villain. This would have little chance of synching with Nolan's world. Joker is a creepy maniac who laughs then kill. He doesn't need a comical assistant (or attractive comical assistant dreamt by young fans).
2. No variety of vehicles - The Thumbler would remain as Batman's choice of transportation since planes and motorcycles would just be too out of place in Nolan's interpretation. Boat would work as Gotham is still portrayed as a coastal city, but will have little screen time. Batman is mainly a hero on foot or with gliding cape.
3. Possible introduction of robots or mechanical exo-suit used by Villains - Never think that this is an impossibility in Nolan's Batman. Poison Ivy and Clay Face are farfetched. Bane as a Robo-villain? Very possible.

What are your own speculations on the next Batman films?

1. Harley Quinn would work in a Nolan film. Here's why? What Bruce Tim and Paul Dini always try to convey with Harley was she was a lost soul who found a lost soul like her and she felt as though they were soulmates. Joker just thought she was just a hot piece of ass, but never really wanted her around. Their love is mostly like a trailer-trash abusive marriage where the girl will get slapped around or get a beer bottle thrown at her, but as many scrapes, cuts, or bruises she gets, she still loves the bastard.

2. I think if the story allows it Batman will get his motorcycle, boat, etc. but I think like the original Batman films where the Batmobile keeps getting new designs. The Tumbler was a big, monstrous tank-like humvee. Now it's time to get a sleeker, smoother Batmobile that'll outmaneuver turns, outrun cops even more, etc.

3. Poison Ivy is easy to use. Make her a radical left-winged environmentalist. Bane a hitman for hire who uses a new form of steroids. Clayface go the "BTAS" route with him. Mr. Freeze also "BTAS" route. Manbat I could never see working in Nolan's universe. The only way it could work is if Nolan leaves the franchise and someone takes over and they decide to bring in people who've never been done before like Ventriloquist, Lady Shiva, Mad Hatter, Babydoll, Killer Croc, etc.
Thank God, Nolan won't use all these stupid aspects like robo-villians or new vehicles.

But Harley Quinn can work only as just Harleen Quinz, who can help Joker to escape Arkham in 3rd movie.
Of the three, the introduction of an arsenal of Bat vehicles in Nolan's incarnation, is the only assumption one can make based on the precedent set by BB.
The Tumbler is not really necessary for Wayne's crusade in BB, and yet Nolan chose to include that element of the mythos. Other than the opportunity to include a high powered car chase, what other purpose did it perform. Wayne could drive to Gotham in any vehicle. So that precedent being set, the inclusion of a muscle car for the sake of the muscle car alone could easily lead one into the expansion to other Bat-vehicles. Especially if (and this we don't know for sure at all) Nolan's Batman becomes Gotham's guardian / protector as he did at the conclusion of Burton's Batman and in Batman Returns. That official status would allow Batman the freedom to legitimately operate any number of Bat-vehicles.
chiefchirpa said:
1. No Harley Quinn - BTAS made Harley as another source of comic relief. Joker himself is often portrayed as the bumbling, comical villain. This would have little chance of synching with Nolan's world. Joker is a creepy maniac who laughs then kill. He doesn't need a comical assistant (or attractive comical assistant dreamt by young fans).

I hope.

chiefchirpa said:
2. No variety of vehicles - The Thumbler would remain as Batman's choice of transportation since planes and motorcycles would just be too out of place in Nolan's interpretation. Boat would work as Gotham is still portrayed as a coastal city, but will have little screen time. Batman is mainly a hero on foot or with gliding cape.


chiefchirpa said:
3. Possible introduction of robots or mechanical exo-suit used by Villains - Never think that this is an impossibility in Nolan's Batman. Poison Ivy and Clay Face are farfetched. Bane as a Robo-villain? Very possible.

I'm... sorry?
1-No nipples
2-No camp
3-A great movie (in line with movies like Indiana Jones) and not "comic book movie"
i think most major/ well-established characters in the Batman can work in Nolan's franchise, even Clay Face. it just depends on how they are brought to life onscreen.
I want, no, need Poison Ivy to be in one of these films.
Ivy can be done right but I don't Ivy yet in Batman movies
chiefchirpa said:
2. No variety of vehicles - The Thumbler would remain as Batman's choice of transportation since planes and motorcycles would just be too out of place in Nolan's interpretation. Boat would work as Gotham is still portrayed as a coastal city, but will have little screen time. Batman is mainly a hero on foot or with gliding cape.
That would be a great villain name.
I really believe a bad #ss motorcycle that nolan and crowley could come up with would rock in the sequel. It is easier for Batman to weave in and out of traffic and go down the allies of gotham easier
I could see Dr. Harleen Quinzell in the Dark Knight...then Harley Quinn in BB3.

Most of all I really want what I've been saying for months now...Selina Kyle/Catwoman have to be in the next two sequels!!! It would be a really big disappointment if Nolan did not include her. The relationship b/w Bruce and Selina would be great!
Did somebody say Robot Joker?
elorenishii386 said:
I could see Dr. Harleen Quinzell in the Dark Knight...then Harley Quinn in BB3.

Most of all I really want what I've been saying for months now...Selina Kyle/Catwoman have to be in the next two sequels!!! It would be a really big disappointment if Nolan did not include her. The relationship b/w Bruce and Selina would be great!

Least let her be Selina Kyle in "The Dark Knight" and Catwoman in the third. Then, you could set it up where they're having this great relationship, but then things get rocky and cataclysmic when both can't keep hiding their separate identities from each other. Eventually they realize their love will never be for now. Which if you did this could set up how each girl Bruce meets he'll never have anything with them because he can't separate himself from Batman and rescuing Gotham.

Sure, it's a little bit like "Spider-Man" where he loses girl, gains girl, then loses girl again, but this route seems to work in comic-book movies alot so why not keep doing it.
Ok, Harley Quinn will be in BB3? Harley Quinn suddenly becomes a real villain or Joker will be present in 2 movies? No. Please no.

I think Joker is going to bite the dust in TDK whether he's going to be arrested in Arkham or die. No Joker, No Harley. Harley is an accomplice to Joker and not a major villain. I would hate to see Joker in 2 films because unlike Superman, Batman has too many major villains to choose.

My opinion:
1. Robot Joker is stupid. He's a psychopathic almost-genius, not an uber-strong criminal. On the other hand, providing Bane with an exo-suit that grants him tremendous strength that is more believable than steroids. In the real world - steroids would allow you to become a Tour de France champion, but should not make you crush DC's 2nd most powerful Superhero.

2. I am not too keen of Catwoman for the 3rd film. Nolan's Batman should be about a story on conflict between good and evil. Catwoman is just a burglar and not a true evil. Bringing in Catwoman would bring in Romance but please leave Romance with Superman or Spider-Man.

3. Riddler could definitely work in Nolan's Batman. The question is: Will he bring enough action to the film? Riddler is more of a cerebral villain. There has to be another direct-approach nemesis in the same film to make the 3rd film an interesting one (read: to make moviegoers interested, especially the non-comic readers).
souvlaki said:
No big loss there. I've always been of the opinion that while Harley Quinn is a good character, she only really works in the Animated Batman continuity (or for that matter, only works when written by Paul Dini). The fact of the matter is that no matter what your opinion is on Harley Quinn is, she does not work in a year one continuity, and introducing her in "The Dark Knight" would be a mistake.
Thank you. Somebody I can agree with!

Harley Quinn is a character that, if used by Nolan, would have to be pretty radically reinvented. She's a fairly comical, campy character as we know her, and so Nolan would really have to change her. And if Nolan has to change her so much, I then have to ask, "What's the point of using the character?" Not to mention I'd prefer she wasn't used, period, just because I don't think the Joker needs a side-kick.

Though I do say, if they did want to do something interesting with Dr. Harleen Quinzel, they could. Have Dr. Harleen Quinzel meet Joker when he's incarcerated at the end of THE DARK KNIGHT. The Joker would then destroy her mind leading up to her helping him escape in BB3. The Joker could then just kill her. It's a big change, but it's delightfully disturbing - the Joker drives a person insane and then murders them. I know I'd like it.

NinjaTurtleFan said:
1. Harley Quinn would work in a Nolan film. Here's why? What Bruce Tim and Paul Dini always try to convey with Harley was she was a lost soul who found a lost soul like her and she felt as though they were soulmates. Joker just thought she was just a hot piece of ass, but never really wanted her around. Their love is mostly like a trailer-trash abusive marriage where the girl will get slapped around or get a beer bottle thrown at her, but as many scrapes, cuts, or bruises she gets, she still loves the bastard.
Umm, the Joker should never be out for a "hot piece of ass." If anything, he's asexual in the sense of human relations. And what sexuality he does have manifests itself in violence, not in the act. The Joker has only one "love affair" of sorts, and that's with Batman.
chiefchirpa said:
Ok, Harley Quinn will be in BB3? Harley Quinn suddenly becomes a real villain or Joker will be present in 2 movies? No. Please no.

I think Joker is going to bite the dust in TDK whether he's going to be arrested in Arkham or die. No Joker, No Harley. Harley is an accomplice to Joker and not a major villain. I would hate to see Joker in 2 films because unlike Superman, Batman has too many major villains to choose.
Nolan's been quoted as saying they "won't make the same mistake" of the previous franchise by killing off the villains. And Goyer's said Joker will be the one to scar Harvey Dent in BB3, so you're probably wrong. :o

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