Nostalgia Critic's Top 11 Dumbest Spider-Man Moments

Picard Sisko

Prepare to be Assimilated
May 28, 2012
Reaction score

I really enjoy watching Nostalgia Critic's videos, but I disagree with most of what he said about the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies (well, the first two). He refers to them as "stupid stupid movies," which I think is pretty harsh. The movies are cheesy, but to call them stupid feels wrong IMO (once again... I'm defending the first two movies). He released a video called "The Top 11 Dumbest Spider-Man Moments." Here is the list of everything, with my thoughts.

11. Those Friggin American Flags
To me, the American flags didn't bother me in SM1 considering the circumstances (9/11). I don't remember any flags in SM2, and SM3... I don't understand why he had to swing right in front of one. That's where it felt like a gimmick.

10. All Those Pointless Characters
There were quite some pointless characters in the Spider-Man movies, though I feel that Spider-Man 3 really contributed to this more than anything. SM2 had introduced John Jameson, and it seemed like he would play a more important role in SM3 and the symbiote. Nostalgia Critic complains about others like Betty Brant, which I feel was used as much as she was needed to. She is just a secretary at the Daily Bugle, where else would she have fit into the story?

9. The Extras in Spider-Man 2
I did find some of the extras to be strange in the movie, and very hokey. I never liked when the girl is shouting, "Go Spidey, Go!" while everyone around her is silent. However, IDK why he complains about the guy in the elevator. Love that scene.

8. The Effects in Spider-Man 1
The movie is 10 years old, so the effects aren't going to be all that great. The only scenes that really bother me are:
  • Peter is climbing up the building and chasing his Uncle Ben's killer
  • Green Goblin is shooting at Spider-Man at the Unity Day Festival
  • The board of directors disintegrating instantly with that "x-ray" effect
  • Green Goblin gases Spider-Man and catches him mid-air
  • Spider-Man drops MJ & the tram car and goes to catch them

To me, the CGI isn't terrible, its just very outdated. I mean, you have some fantastic CGI in the movie that still holds up today.

  • Spider-Man's final swing
  • Spider-Man dodging the razor bats in the burning building
  • Tons of shots of Spider-Man swinging, such as his first appearance, or while he is headed towards the burnin building

7. Little to No Venom in Spider-Man 3
I think we can all agree on this. No argument there. Venom should have been saved for the fourth film. If they wanted him in SM3 so badly, they could have at least not killed him off to bring him back for future movies.

6. That ****-Tease Romance
I found the romance fine in the first film, and in the second one it started to get shaky. Not even going to get into the third movie. At least they end up back together in the end... I guess.

5. Doctor Octopus' Robotic Arms
I never really had a problem with the AI in the robotic arms. It was cheesy, but it fit Raimi's style very well IMO. I did think it was strange that the arms talk to him, and scream "NOOOO" with him after he wakes up from the hospital.

4. The Dialogue From Spider-Man 1
I don't think the dialogue was that bad. There are certainly a lot of stupid lines from the movie, such as, "You're the one who's out, Gobby! Out of your mind!" or, "We'll meet again, Spider-Man!" However, I don't think the dialogue was bad enough to ruin the movie for me.

Nostalgia Critic mentions that it sounds like a comic book. I guess that can be good or bad, but I did like that comic bookie feel the movie had. It made it feel fun and colorful, even if it was cheesy.

3. Emo Peter
There is nothing to say. To me, when Peter gives himself the EMO haircut, the movie goes downhill from there on. Terrible.

2. Willem Dafoe as the Green Goblin
I thought Dafoe was perfect in SM1. The mask wasn't that great, but his performance was as good as it could have been IMO. I also LOVED the scene when Norman was talking to "himself" in the mirror. I always liked the scene while the Green Goblin and Spider-Man were talking on the rooftop, too. Don't know why this is #2.

1. The Dance Scene in SM3
This was worse than him walking down the street pointing at girls. This was just plain stupid.
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The American flags...yes. After Spider-Man 1, the American flags didn't have to be in the following films. The only reason it stood out and was special in the '02 film is because of 9/11.

The pointless characters. Specifically, oh how I hated the character that Raimi's brother played. He did NOT have to be in the trilogy.

Little-to-no Venom and Emo Parker. Essentially, it comes down to the symbiote being used which was simply awful. And while I didn't mind the jazz club dance scene, the humping the air bit in that montage was dreadful, and once again, comes down to the symbiote being used.

Everything else, ehh...I could think of more worse things that bothered me.
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The American flags...yes. After Spider-Man 1, the American flags didn't have to be in the following films. The only reason it stood out and was special in the '02 film is because of 9/11.

The American Flags are excusable in SM1 because of 9/11 as you said. Were they used in SM2? I think the only time you see them was during the final swing, but they are so far away. I really just hated the flag in SM3. So forced.

The pointless characters. Specifically, oh how I hated the character that Raimi's brother played. He did NOT have to be in the trilogy.

Maybe its because I love Sam and his brother, but Hoffman never bothered me. I always looked forward to seeing him interact with Jameson.

Little-to-no Venom and Emo Parker. Essentially, it comes down to the symbiote being used which was simply awful. And while I didn't mind the jazz club dance scene, the humping the air bit in that montage was dreadful, and once again, comes down to the symbiote being used.

Sigh... Spider-Man 3 :(

Everything else, ehh...I could think of more worse things that bothered be.

Agreed. I love nostalgia critic, but I think he is critiquing the Raimi films for the wrong reasons. Willem Dafoe as Green Goblin should not be #2 on his list...

I really hate how he refers to them as "Stupid, stupid movies."
Obviously,he has a real point with Venom getting screwed over. I think we all can agree on that. I think you all know how I feel on this already.
I did find alot of the extras rather bad(as far as the acting goes),but I think they were the worst in Spider-man 3. Anyone remember the overreactions of the people in the crowd at the Spider-man ceremony,or during the final fight at the end? Just...ugh.
"Emo Peter" always gets the hate and I can understand why. But it wasn't all bad,in my opinion,
The romance was written a little poorly,and when you watch the first film now,yes,some of the effects are not the greatest,but the rest are just nitpicks.
Obviously,he has a real point with Venom getting screwed over. I think we all can agree on that. I think you all know how I feel on this already.
I did find alot of the extras rather bad(as far as the acting goes),but I think they were the worst in Spider-man 3. Anyone remember the overreactions of the people in the crowd at the Spider-man ceremony,or during the final fight at the end? Just...ugh.
"Emo Peter" always gets the hate and I can understand why. But it wasn't all bad,in my opinion,
The romance was written a little poorly,and when you watch the first film now,yes,some of the effects are not the greatest,but the rest are just nitpicks.

Of course
I agree. I hate that too.
I agree with all of his points about Spider-Man 3, but with the first two movies, it seems like he is nitpicking.
The American Flags are excusable in SM1 because of 9/11 as you said. Were they used in SM2? I think the only time you see them was during the final swing, but they are so far away. I really just hated the flag in SM3. So forced.

It was forced more and more in the trilogy until Spider-Man 3 when it just became damn laughable that Raimi thought it would have felt patriotic when it certainly did not. I felt more seeing torn up American flags during the final battle in TDKR than in S-M 3.

Maybe its because I love Sam and his brother, but Hoffman never bothered me. I always looked forward to seeing him interact with Jameson.

I certainly cringed every time Hoffman shows up on film. We definitely had enough funny moments in all three films and Hoffman was an unnecessary character and an useless character, especially when the comical character within the Daily Bugle was already J. Jonah Jameson. I'd rather have seen more comic bits with him and Betty Brant any day than JJJ and Hoffman.

Sigh... Spider-Man 3 :(


And 'sigh' when it comes to this list for not just putting everything symbiote-related into one area and instead spread them out to make eleven "reasons".

"Emo Peter" always gets the hate and I can understand why. But it wasn't all bad,in my opinion,

It gets a lot of hate because that's not what the symbiote should have done to Peter at all. It's a shame when a cartoon gets the symbiote right and not a CBM.
I agree with some of his reasons, but others are really stupid and nitpicky.
It gets a lot of hate because that's not what the symbiote should have done to Peter at all. It's a shame when a cartoon gets the symbiote right and not a CBM.

I do agree with you. The symbiote should not be played for laughs. Actually,when you do watch the film,Peter is pretty cruel and arrogant for most of the film,but I think his "emo" look and the dance scenes took away from any seriousness the film tried to establish.
I do agree with you. The symbiote should not be played for laughs. Actually,when you do watch the film,Peter is pretty cruel and arrogant for most of the film,but I think his "emo" look and the dance scenes took away from any seriousness the film tried to establish.

Although it's hard to mention these cruel and arrogant moments when he had that "emo hair" during those moments as well, lol.
The only one I really agree with is #9.If you took a drink every time a woman screams in Spider-Man 2 (And I'll even exclude MJ in this!) you'd be dead of alcohol poisoning by the time the credits roll.Hal Sparks.Did he really need to be in this?Were there no "I Remember the 70's!" episodes to do at the time?

I like the James Brown montage scene.I always thought it was funny.But,I'd agree that the Jazz Club scene needed to be toned down.
I couldn't agree with him more on #1. I always find it amusing how two cartoons(Spider-man TAS and Spectacular Spider-man) handled the symbiote stuff better than a live action movie. When you hear that the symbiote story is gonna be adapted you actually expect things to be a bit darker than the previous two, but ironically it turned out to be the campiest. Peter dancing on the street was too cheesy even for a Spider-man movie. It wasn't funny or cute. It was stupid and embarrassing. When Peter has the symbiote he shouldn't be embarrassing himself, people shouldn't be laughing at him, and he definitely shouldn't be dancing around like a fool.

Peter's personality being altered for the worse shouldn't be treated as a joke. Peter becoming darker is an opportunity for intense drama, not lame comedy. Instead of stuff like that they could have had scenes with black Spidey REALLY laying the smackdown on some criminals. If people liked it fine, but I felt it ruined the believability they had going for them with Peters dark side.

In regards to extras, let's not forget to mention the out of place scene in Spider-man 3 just so Raimi could have his daughter in the movie.
I couldn't agree with him more on #1. I always find it amusing how two cartoons(Spider-man TAS and Spectacular Spider-man) handled the symbiote stuff better than a live action movie. When you hear that the symbiote story is gonna be adapted you actually expect things to be a bit darker than the previous two, but ironically it turned out to be the campiest. Peter dancing on the street was too cheesy even for a Spider-man movie. It wasn't funny or cute. It was stupid and embarrassing. When Peter has the symbiote he shouldn't be embarrassing himself, people shouldn't be laughing at him, and he definitely shouldn't be dancing around like a fool.

Peter's personality being altered for the worse shouldn't be treated as a joke. Peter becoming darker is an opportunity for intense drama, not lame comedy. Instead of stuff like that they could have had scenes with black Spidey REALLY laying the smackdown on some criminals. If people liked it fine, but I felt it ruined the believability they had going for them with Peters dark side.

In regards to extras, let's not forget to mention the out of place scene in Spider-man 3 just so Raimi could have his daughter in the movie.
Was Raimi's daughter one of the people saying "wicked cool"?
She was the little girl that sold her camera to JJJ for $100.
Points 1, 3, 4, 10, and 11 are the only ones I can agree with in some way.
I don't find the dialogue from Spider-Man 1 to be that bad. Some of it is hokey, but overall, it doesn't bother me.
Some of the dialogue in Spider-Man 1 is corny and hoky, I'll give him that, some

The lesser Venom is used, the better
In general
The monster had enough screen time on film, more is just too much

That's just a matter of taste then. Obviously if you dislike a character, you wouldn't want him on screen at all, so I understand why you feel that way. However, I love Venom, and want MORE of him. He didn't even come close to having enough screen time.
That's just a matter of taste then. Obviously if you dislike a character, you wouldn't want him on screen at all, so I understand why you feel that way. However, I love Venom, and want MORE of him. He didn't even come close to having enough screen time.
I like Venom, the 2000 game made me a fan
He's not the kind of villain (cause he's not really one) to have more screen time as a villain

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