Nostalgia Critic's Top 11 Dumbest Spider-Man Moments

The crane scene doesn't even come close to the Emo Peter Parker dancing in the streets pointing at women, or acting like a jerk in the jazz club.
The crane scene doesn't even come close to the Emo Peter Parker dancing in the streets pointing at women, or acting like a jerk in the jazz club.
You're right.

It's WAY dumber. :oldrazz:
You're right.

It's WAY dumber. :oldrazz:

Now I know you can interpret my words incorrectly. Bravo.

The crane scene wasn't "dumb." It was a bit forced, but it was one of my favorite moments in the movie. Hey, at least he didn't draw a spider symbol on a bridge out of gasoline. :oldrazz: ;)
Now I know you can interpret my words incorrectly. Bravo.

The crane scene wasn't "dumb." It was a bit forced, but it was one of my favorite moments in the movie. Hey, at least he didn't draw a spider symbol on a bridge out of gasoline. :oldrazz: ;)
Couldn't resist. :cwink::oldrazz:

And, hey, at least it took Batman a few hours to draw the bat-symbol on the bridge, unlike the cranes which managed to somehow mobilize in about 5 minutes, lol
Couldn't resist. :cwink::oldrazz:

At least you admit it. ;)

And, hey, at least it took Batman a few hours to draw the bat-symbol on the bridge, unlike the cranes which managed to somehow mobilize in about 5 minutes, lol

At least the crane scene had a purpose other than looking thematic.

And how long could it really take to rotate a bunch of cranes?
He had it off when he was saving MJ from those thugs. Although it was dark so they couldn't really see that well.
Yeah,that was done more for "will MJ find out?" value,since you don't really see tobey's face.But in every subsequent film,(including ASM) it's done just to show the star's face as often as possible.:whatever:
This is a problem with most comic book movies nowadays. Y'know... the "hollywood thing."
At least you admit it. ;)
At least the crane scene had a purpose other than looking thematic.

And how long could it really take to rotate a bunch of cranes?
Were they even there to begin with? Also, it's not like there were any perfectly fine buildings for Spidey to swing off of.....oh, wait.


Were they even there to begin with? Also, it's not like there were any perfectly fine buildings for Spidey to swing off of.....oh, wait.

Yes, they were already there.

Swinging from building to building is probably a lot harder than you think. Having cranes lined up would make it a whole lot easier for him since he was shot in the leg.
The crane scene doesn't even come close to the Emo Peter Parker dancing in the streets pointing at women, or acting like a jerk in the jazz club.

In their respective films, they're both pretty bad. S-M 3 had two pretty bad dance scenes while TAS-M had an awful crane scene and Peter tossing that football.
I don't see the crane scene as bad. The football scene was unnecessary, but it was so quick that it doesn't even matter.
This is a problem with most comic book movies nowadays. Y'know... the "hollywood thing."
I'd really love to see someone with Nolan's clout direct a Spidey film.It would be the only way to avoid studio demands that Spidey be unmasked 15 times per film.:whatever:
Batman must have had 10-15 minutes of screen time in a 2 hour and 45 minute film. :whatever:
If anyone but Nolan made those films,Batman would've been maskless for at least 8 of those 15 minutes.:funny:
I don't see the crane scene as bad. The football scene was unnecessary, but it was so quick that it doesn't even matter.

Yes, we are all aware you didn't find the crane scene bad, but I certainly did. And a quick scene also doesn't mean "it doesn't even matter" either. It happened, long or short, that was just awful and terrible.

Batman must have had 10-15 minutes of screen time in a 2 hour and 45 minute film. :whatever:

Yah, it sorta sucks when a director tries to give a story for Bruce Wayne, but people only want to watch a movie of Batman and that's it.
Yes, we are all aware you didn't find the crane scene bad, but I certainly did. And a quick scene also doesn't mean "it doesn't even matter" either. It happened, long or short, that was just awful and terrible.

I hate to bring up the Nolan Batman films, but... they had their terrible moments, too. Especially TDKR. Every movie has its faults.

Yah, it sorta sucks when a director tries to give a story for Bruce Wayne, but people only want to watch a movie of Batman and that's it.
That's like saying, "it sorts sucks when a director tries to give a story for Peter Parker, but people only want to watch a movie of Spider-Man and that's it.
I hate to bring up the Nolan Batman films, but... they had their terrible moments, too. Especially TDKR. Every movie has its faults.

Nothing else to comment, so you bring up TDKR. Obvious retort.

I didn't bring up said awful moments, and this is talking about dumb moments for Spider-Man, but I do see your point with bringing up TDKR :whatever:

That's like saying, "it sorts sucks when a director tries to give a story for Peter Parker, but people only want to watch a movie of Spider-Man and that's it.

Spider-Man 2. Raimi gave us a great story for Peter Parker and no one seems to ***** about less Spider-Man as much as TDKR gets.
I found it unrealistic how some of the girls in New York were almost supermodel pretty such as the few women Emo Parker is flirty with.

Guess you've never been to New York, my friend. You'll easily find gorgeous women by the ton walking down any given street.:cwink:
Spider-Man 2. Raimi gave us a great story for Peter Parker and no one seems to ***** about less Spider-Man as much as TDKR gets.

Sam Raimi balanced the Spider-Man scenes much better than Nolan did with Batman in TDKR. While it was more about Peter Parker dealing with being a superhero than anything, there was plenty more of Spidey action than there was Batman in TKDR.
What makes Venom so damn interesting for me is the combination of these two different creatures that bond to form one vicious and creepy monster. Venom himself is just what I said:a creepy,savage monster that wants nothing more than to ruin,and then destroy Spider-man. I think that's why some may think of him as a one dimensional character. But you have to look at Eddie Brock first,this man who clearly has depression,anger and instability issues. But under all that,I think,he really is a decent man who wants to do good. Then,the other half of Venom is the alien symbiote itself. This "creature" that feeds off hate and needs a host to survive,and has a very cool and original backstory(in concerns to bonding with Spidey and then Brock). This is one of many reasons I love Venom and why I think a solo film could easily work. You have to explore the soul of the man before you can understand the monster.

Ironically, this is exactly why I've always hated Venom and found him incredibly boring.
Eddie (as pretty much all characters from that era and since) was written superficially as a nutjob. He hates Peter/Spidey for the silliest of reasons.

IMO Raimi added a dimension to the character by:

1. Making him a dark reflection of Peter. Eddie is clearly what Peter would have been if he hadn't had the guidance of May and Ben. You can actually imagine that Eddie had an abusive/neglect-laden relationship with his parents. Thus it makes sense that Eddie truly becomes the Evil Spider-Man. In the comics there isn't that connection.

2. Giving him at least a good reason for hating Peter. Of course, it ultimately is still Eddie's own fault- but for someone as insecure and petty as Eddie is, the circumstances in the film would actually lead to homicidal tendencies. In the comics Spider-Man's involvement in Eddie's downfall is minute at best. It's hard to believe that even a psychopath would become so obsessed with Spidey.

The big problem I have with Venom is that he was also such a one-trick pony. He should have begun to carve out his own destiny with his powers that went far beyond Spider-Man. He should have been coming up with grand schemes. Have relationships that are again, the dark reflection of Peter's. He just needed to be far more than he was ever presented to be in the comics.
Sam Raimi balanced the Spider-Man scenes much better than Nolan did with Batman in TDKR. While it was more about Peter Parker dealing with being a superhero than anything, there was plenty more of Spidey action than there was Batman in TKDR.

Taking S-M 2's run time, sure you can easily say this, but Nolan provided us Batman when it was needed. If you wanted some random moment of Batman stopping thugs, then you were never going to see that in the trilogy anyways.
Ironically, this is exactly why I've always hated Venom and found him incredibly boring.
Eddie (as pretty much all characters from that era and since) was written superficially as a nutjob. He hates Peter/Spidey for the silliest of reasons.

IMO Raimi added a dimension to the character by:

1. Making him a dark reflection of Peter. Eddie is clearly what Peter would have been if he hadn't had the guidance of May and Ben. You can actually imagine that Eddie had an abusive/neglect-laden relationship with his parents. Thus it makes sense that Eddie truly becomes the Evil Spider-Man. In the comics there isn't that connection.

2. Giving him at least a good reason for hating Peter. Of course, it ultimately is still Eddie's own fault- but for someone as insecure and petty as Eddie is, the circumstances in the film would actually lead to homicidal tendencies. In the comics Spider-Man's involvement in Eddie's downfall is minute at best. It's hard to believe that even a psychopath would become so obsessed with Spidey.

The big problem I have with Venom is that he was also such a one-trick pony. He should have begun to carve out his own destiny with his powers that went far beyond Spider-Man. He should have been coming up with grand schemes. Have relationships that are again, the dark reflection of Peter's. He just needed to be far more than he was ever presented to be in the comics.

Well said :up:

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