

Aug 4, 2003
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How many of you people have frequent cases of nostalgia? You know, when a smell, thought, or place suddenly brings back those memories from long ago (or not so long ago) and it just makes you yearn for it to be like that again? Maybe you liked it better back then, or liked the people better, or maybe you don't like anything better and just simply miss it?

I'm just asking because yesterday I became very nostalgic. I was at church helping with the kids like I always do. One of the ladies asked if I'd take a box down to the gymnasium and I said sure. So I went down there, and I've been in there a thousand times, but for some reason when I stepped in the gym I got a smell of the past. I stopped and looked down to the opposite side of the gym where the stage is and I could just see all the chairs that we use to have down there for our youth group services. I suddenly remembered coming in early after school to help set the chairs up, and to role out the sound system, and to role out the fold up walls that separated the area from the rest of the gym. I started to walk around and I was looking at little things like this hole in the wall that I remember a guy named Ryan Jennings putting there while we were playing football back in '96 (who then died in '97 in a car accident). That was the year I first came to the church, and I started remembering all the services and such. I saw some tape high up on the wall and laughed as I remember when I put it there. It was a game we played around '99 where we had to make a pyramid and see which team could get the tape the highest. I came in second, but my piece of tape has lasted the longest. I then walked up to the stage and remembered the dramas we put on up there, and all the skits. I remember all the lights that I use to run for effect. I hopped up on the stage, and it was sad to see it as nothing but a storage shelf now, as stuff is scattered all about it. I looked over to where the light controls are and it's just another closet these days, not been used in a good five years. In the closet, however, I saw the old sound system that I thought we had dismantled and it made me think of how after church we'd just play music while we all hung out, and it made me think of the songs that I haven't heard in years. I downloaded some when I got home. I got off of the stage and went to a side room that use to have all of our old suplies, and it was a place where we all just hung out before and after service "The Clown Room". Now it's been changed into another class room, and a wall's been taken down. I then looked over the stage and the area again and I remember the services themselves and how the old youth paster, J. Mack Taylor, use to teach with such enthusiasm that I hung on his every word. I remember all the people who rarely see one another these days all sitting and laughing together like we owned the world. I remember the praise and worship songs and watching the kids sing like they were scared to death on the stage. And I remember the pews that use to sit along the wall for us to pray on. I remembered the church play we put on back in '96 called "Miracle on Millville Ave," and man it was good. I still have the script in a box in my basement. I really miss those days.

Well, without going into any further detail, I delivered the box to the room where I was told and went back up to the children's church sanctuary, but I couldn't get those old feelings out of my head. I remember the old smells. I remember the people that I was so close to and thought would never leave, but who have since gone to college or moved away. I thought of the old relationships within the group and how none of them lasted. I thought of the strongest pairing between a guy named Matt and a girl named Danielle. They were the group everyone looked up to and wanted to be like. They dispise one another these days and Matt had to leave the church to keep from sour feelings overcoming a lot of people. It was sad.

I don't know,.. I just miss those day. I love my wife and children now, and I would never go back to a time when they weren't there,... but you know,.. sometimes it's just nice, and occassionally sad, to go back for a few minutes.

Do any of you guys have times like these?
Actually, smell is very intergrated with memory. Sot it's not suprising that all these memories come rushing back to you.

There are many smells that just bring back lots of memories for me such as vanilla and leather.

There's nothing wrong with feeling nostalgic towards the past. The past is your history and what has made you who you are. But I do like to reminisce everyonce it awhile because I think it's good to remember not just those big things but some of the little things.
i can be very nostalgic at times and i have fond memories of my past, i tend to keep a lot of things and i place sentimental value in pretty much everything that happens.

saying this, i try not to live in the past too much cause i know that unfortunately it can keep you from living in the present and thus having more nostalgic things to look back upon with glee in the future.

however i do like short bursts of nostalgia, nothing makes me smile better than watching an old episode of power rangers. I think i caught a clip of one episode where Jason and Tommy were sparring at the beggining in red and gold zeo ranger colours, I think i creamed my pants.

but enough of that...

Erzengel said:
Actually, smell is very intergrated with memory. Sot it's not suprising that all these memories come rushing back to you.

There are many smells that just bring back lots of memories for me such as vanilla and leather.

There's nothing wrong with feeling nostalgic towards the past. The past is your history and what has made you who you are. But I do like to reminisce everyonce it awhile because I think it's good to remember not just those big things but some of the little things.

thank you master yoda:up:
Through the Force, things you will see, other places, the future, the past, old friends long gone.
I'm the worst with smell. Sadly there's a handful of perfumes used by classy chicks, I get the smallest whiff on the street and it's like my girlfirend from 10 years ago and I never broke up....for a split second, mercifully.
Time for new fragrances, scent-meisters.
And I don't mean Booty by J.Lo
Actually that doesn't smell bad. :(
I always get memory flashes, but rarely connected to nostalgia. I get nostalgic when I end up at Best Buy playin' Atari Flashback fer an hour an' bein' more excited than I was when they introduced 3-D graphics.
Nostalgia is fun and can help you remember good times, but it can also be a bad thing if it's fallen back on too much or viewed through an unrealistic haze.

For example, I still like to watch the occasional episodes of 80's cartoons but I'm also quick to admit when the cartoon in question was poorly made from the beginning.

Also, just because a particular TV commercial throws in a song by The Cure or The Ramones doesn't mean that I'm going to buy their product like some kind of mindless Gen-X robot.
its amazing the things you find when you yahoo your name.
JewishHobbit, you were then and remain the best tech crew supervisor/sound tech i have ever had.
Its a sad thought thinking the clown room is gone now, and that the old stage we used for so many years and saw so many come to Jesus is not used any longer. but it is great to know you are still there.
When I get extreme nostalgia, I will become very excited and my eyes will tear up. :confused:
Also, just because a particular TV commercial throws in a song by The Cure or The Ramones doesn't mean that I'm going to buy their product like some kind of mindless Gen-X robot.

I remember the first time I saw a car commercial use "how soon is now" by The Smiths. :csad:

I was like "!"
Usually it's something I've watched or listened to when I was a kid. So, alot of memories are mostly from media I could say. But, I also have other sights, sounds, touches, and smells that can take me back. I won't elaborate.
Most nostalgia for me is pop culture orientated.
I've been getting it alot lately. It seems like as you get older, there are more and more pricks you meet. Sometimes I wish I could visit the past, but never would want to stay there.

And of course this is only my second post in the Hype after a year or two exodus form this great land, so that always brings up some great memories.

I'm almost started on your book by the way Jewish Hobbit :cwink:
everytime i hear coldplay on the radio it brings me back to 9th grade (i hated 9th grade)

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