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November 4th, 2008: Campaigning, Early Voting, Election Day, and The Results!

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You just keep your aluminum foil hat on tight, clutch your gun close and I'll let you know when it's safe to come out of the bunker.

Jesus I smoke copious amounts of pot and even I'm not that paranoid.

I don't own a gun or a tin hat. :( Should I get one? I DON'T have a bunker! Oh, ****...


I have a basement, toy firehat and a old T.J. Hooker sound pistol. You bring the pot and I'll supply the Cheetos!

Anyone else want to join? I have a Sword of Omen that lights up, a He-man sword sound thingy, an old Styrofoam batarang, a Superman inflatable power-suit and TallyHawk 25" companion bird (it shoots missiles).
I don't own a gun or a tin hat. :( Should I get one? I DON'T have a bunker! Oh, ****...


I have a basement, toy firehat and a old T.J. Hooker sound pistol. You bring the pot and I'll supply the Cheetos!

Anyone else want to join? I have a Sword of Omen that lights up, a He-man sword sound thingy, an old Styrofoam batarang, a Superman inflatable power-suit and TallyHawk 25" companion bird.

I feel...almost...sad for you. Almost. :(

I believe Obama will win this election.

I also believe the Republicans retake the House and possibly the Senate in 2010.

Obama's Presidency will bring back feelings of deja vu for anyone who lived through Carter.
I'll confess I don't know what a sword of omen is but if it looks cool I covet it. I will provide the pot for any end of the world type senario, but someone else needs to bring plenty of guns so the zombies can't get to it. Damn zombies.
I believe Obama will win this election.

I also believe the Republicans retake the House and possibly the Senate in 2010.

Obama's Presidency will bring back feelings of deja vu for anyone who lived through Carter.
or he could bring back the Clinton years.
I'll confess I don't know what a sword of omen is but if it looks cool I covet it. I will provide the pot for any end of the world type senario, but someone else needs to bring plenty of guns so the zombies can't get to it. Damn zombies.

****ing A!
Sword of Omens:

Ha! I didn't realize it had a name.

Apparently along with porn and propaganda the internets can teach you too. Who knew?
I also believe the Republicans retake the House and possibly the Senate in 2010.


You realize the Republicans will have a six to ten seat deficit in the Senate in 2010, right? And that seats in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida, Iowa, Missouri, New Hampshire, Arizona, Louisiana, and South Dakota are going to be heavily targeted by the Democratic Party? If Chuck Schumer continues to run the DSCC, then the Republicans will be in a crappy position come 2010. Their best hope is to try to retake the close seats they lost in 2006 when the 2012 election comes around-- and even that will take a miracle.

As for the House... anything can happen, but this year, candidates who barely won in 2006 have double-digit leads... so I think it is unlikely the House will swing next election cycle...

You realize the Republicans will have a six to ten seat deficit in the Senate in 2010, right? And that seats in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida, Iowa, Missouri, New Hampshire, Arizona, Louisiana, and South Dakota are going to be heavily targeted by the Democratic Party? If Chuck Schumer continues to run the DSCC, then the Republicans will be in a crappy position come 2010. Their best hope is to try to retake the close seats they lost in 2006 when the 2012 election comes around-- and even that will take a miracle.

As for the House... anything can happen, but this year, candidates who barely won in 2006 have double-digit leads... so I think it is unlikely the House will swing next election cycle...

I don't think the Republican's will take the 2010 Senate, but I do believe the margin will shrinking AND that the possibility is there if Obama does a poor job leading this country the next two years.

It should be no surprise that I think Obama will probably do a poor job leading this country.

I think voters are more angry, more fed up with Washington then they have been in a long time - if Obama doesn't have success early, I think the people will turn on the party just as hard as they turned on the GOP in 2006.
I believe Obama will win this election.

I also believe the Republicans retake the House and possibly the Senate in 2010.

Obama's Presidency will bring back feelings of deja vu for anyone who lived through Carter.

or he could bring back the Clinton years.

I doubt it. Norman is right. When Clinton took office, things weren't too too bad. We were in a relative state of peace, the economy was in a MINOR reccession, but nothing too heavy, nothing that some creativity couldn't pull us out of. Dubaya on the other hand has entirely screwed our country. Obama or McCain can only put us on the right track which is why I believe regardless of which one wins, they will be a one term president. It will take time. And history may judge them kindly...but...they won't be looked upon favorably in the short term...as they won't be able to fix this mess in the next 4 years. In fact, I reckon things will get worse before they get better. People want short term relief...and with what George W. has done, I don't think we can get it. The best we can do is strap in and prepare for the bumpy ride.
I don't think the Republican's will take the 2010 Senate, but I do believe the margin will shrinking AND that the possibility is there if Obama does a poor job leading this country the next two years.

It should be no surprise that I think Obama will probably do a poor job leading this country.

I think voters are more angry, more fed up with Washington then they have been in a long time - if Obama doesn't have success early, I think the people will turn on the party just as hard as they turned on the GOP in 2006.

I would love to see this leading to third parties actually gaining seats in Congress. I doubt it, as people will just blindly turn back to the other side, but one can dream.
I didn't say bringing back the Clinton years would be easy but being that Obama said he was going use alot of Clinton's old aids it's safe to say he'll fare far better than Carter did.
I didn't say bringing back the Clinton years would be easy but being that Obama said he was going use alot of Clinton's old aids it's safe to say he'll fare far better than Carter did.

Not really. McCain's campaign is using Bush's old aides and they are doing horribly despite Bush's campaigns being very effective. Just because it worked ten years ago, doesn't mean it wi ll work now.
To assume he'll repeat Carter's mistakes is more of a stretch than expecting Clinton's 3rd term. Especially when he'll have Clinton's aides not Carter's.
I don't think the Republican's will take the 2010 Senate, but I do believe the margin will shrinking AND that the possibility is there if Obama does a poor job leading this country the next two years.

There really aren't any Democratic seats the Republicans have even the slightest chance of picking up in 2010, though. Their best hope is in Colorado, but Ken Salazar has a 55% approval rating and the state's recent Democratic tilt will most likely keep him where he is now. Who are they going to kick out? Blanche Lincoln? Chuck Schumer? Russ Feingold? The Republicans got lucky when they were able to win so many seats in 2004... but it looks like many of those seats could swing back, especially Louisiana, North Carolina and Missouri if the right candidates (Mitch Landrieu, Heath Schuler, and Robin Carnahan) run.
To say that Obama will be representative of any past president is the epitome of absurd.
It will only take a miracle for McCain to win, and I don't want him to because of the philosophy of taking one step back to move two steps forward. Perhaps this crisis will force a change in the whole of the system, and force both parties to reform to a certain extent.

But honestly, the real question is whether Obama will get a second term. I want the Democrats to have both houses fo the full term so if they screw up, they will be held accountable. There is only so much you can blame Bush for before it gets ridiculous. And my money is on Obama not getting a second term.
It will only take a miracle for McCain to win, and I don't want him to because of the philosophy of taking one step back to move two steps forward. Perhaps this crisis will force a change in the whole of the system, and force both parties to reform to a certain extent.

But honestly, the real question is whether Obama will get a second term. I want the Democrats to have both houses for all 4 years, so if they screw up on anything, then they will be held accountable. There is only so much you can blame Bush for before it gets ridiculous. And my money is on Obama not getting a second term.

Yeah, I remember in August 2001 when pundits were saying that George W. Bush wouldn't be re-elected. And I remember in 2004 when pundits said that Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic nominee and possibly the next president. Turns out, making predictions four years before the next election isn't a good idea...
Yeah it's a bit early to declare Obama's first term a failure. lolz.
Yeah, I remember in August 2001 when pundits were saying that George W. Bush wouldn't be re-elected. And I remember in 2004 when pundits said that Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic nominee and possibly the next president. Turns out, making predictions four years before the next election isn't a good idea...
Hey if I am wrong, I am wrong. :huh:

For all I know, the big economic restart we need might happen but it won't be the system I like (more soviet). That's probably one of the ways he will retain a second term.
What StorminNorman is saying. On top of that, whoever takes this term is destined to fail as far as I am concerned. Yes this includes McCain.
For those expressing fear at the prospect of Obama's presidency being a repeat of Clinton's (which don't necessarily believe) let's not forget, Clinton left the country with an economic SURPLUS.
For those expressing fear at the prospect of Obama's presidency being a repeat of Clinton's (which don't necessarily believe) let's not forget, Clinton left the country with an economic SURPLUS.
Go check the records, it wasn't.

Not to mention Clinton didn't have Congress backing him, so he was somewhat neutered anyways. Obama will be nothing like Clinton or Carter. More like Lyndon Johnson.
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