OFFICIAL TNA Impact/Wrestling Thread


Apr 3, 2002
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In honoUr of TNA's debut on Spike TV tomorrow night, I've decided to start a new thread devoted to all things TNA. This includes Impact on Spike TV (Wrestling Channel and EuroSport for you Europeans/UK people), PPV's, DVD's, and Xplosion.

The state of professional wrestling that it is today, its more important than ever that TNA succeeds and hopefully continues to build itself up.

Impact debuts on Spike TV this Saturday and here's the card:

AJ Styles vs. Roderick Strong - AJ Styles is the current NWA TNA X Division champion. Roderick Strong is one of the top indy wrestlers of the world today and the messiah of the back-breaker. They've faced each other before in TNA and the indy scene in some great matches so I'm excited about this.

X Division Triple Threat: Alex Shelley vs. Petey Williams vs. Chris Sabin - Shelley's also one of the top indy guys as well and part of ROH. He recently rejoined TNA's roster in June of this year. Petey Williams is the second longest reigning X Division champion ever behind Christopher Daniels. Sabin is one of the few guys who has held the X division title more than once and has won more of TNA's Ultimate X matches than anyone else. These are 3 of the top and best wrestlers in the X division so I expect this to be of PPV quality :) .

Rhino vs. Jeff Hardy - Well Rhino rocks and Jeff Hardy sucks.

If anyone wants to know spoilers for the first 2 Impact episodes I can post them in blacked out tags tags.

TNA Bound For Glory is set for October 23rd, and its going to be TNA's biggest PPV and signature event of the year. Here's the run-down of the current card:

AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels for the X Division Title in a 30 minute Iron Man Match.

Samoa "Jaw" Joe vs. Jushin Thunder Liger, for the first time in professional wrestling history. This is an X Division dream match.

Ultimate X Matt Bentley vs. Chris Sabin vs. Petey Williams. Three of the best in the X division in the X division signature gimmick match.

Monsters' Ball II - Rhino vs. Abyss vs. Sabu vs. Jeff Hardy. Hardcore brawl type match.

The first three matches alone will probably put it over anything the WWE has done on PPV this year bar none.
Yikes. Hope you aren't disappointed then :) .
finally, let the seperation of the WWE and TNA discussions begin
Yeah I figured it was about time what with TNA being on Spike now and all.

And it gets kind of overwhelming with all the wrestling talk just in one thread.

I figure if anyone wanted to we could probably start an INDY wrestling thread as well.

Cause INDY wrestling rocks :) .
I bought the TNA Anthology the other day with Lockdown, Victory Road, and Turning Point, and it was the best $20 I've spent in a long time. I so freaking stoked for Impact on Spike, I only watched one Impact since they left FSN, so I can't wait to finally see Impact on an actual TV again.
I can't find that set ANYWHERE.

I've checked three Supercenters around Austin, total bust.

Wal-mart sucks :mad: .
Less than 3 more hours guys :) .

TNA wrestlers like Christopher Daniels have been popping up during commercials for the Ultimate Fighter marathon to promote Impact.

My boy Daniels rocks.
One hour, almost time to get my tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches ready.
Pretty good show, like to see the return of Nash and the "Deadlys"
It looks like they are actually Team 3-D now according to Don West.

Good show. I enjoyed Strong/AJ and the X Division 3 way.

Next week's show is going to be much better I think and Bound For Glory is going to be awesome.
3-D, Deadlys, whatever they call themselves, its just gonna be nice to see them go up against actual talented tag teams for the first time a 3-4 years.
I can't wait to see Dudleyz/Naturals and Dudleyz/AMW.

At Bound For Glory I'd make Dudleyz vs. Naturals vs. AMW in a Full Metal Mayhem match.
I enjoyed it. Yeah, some of it was bad acting, but they can improve on that. If they work on their acting and performances, they could rival the WWE in a few years. TNA also takes me back to the days of the ECW...
They surpass WWE in entertainment and mostly talent, now all we need is the average wrestling fan to tune in.
yeah, which is why they need to get a better time slot
Impact's going to be shown on Thursday twice in November I believe.
I knew I was missing something,I totally forgot about it aww man I can never forgive myself now.
punishermax said:
I think they are pre-empted due to some UFC stuff.

IncredibleJeff, don't fret.

They replay Impact THIS MONDAY late at night. 11PM Central Time Zone.
now if they can just get A WOMENS DIVISION going everything will be alright in the wrestling world
Now is not the time to start a womens' wrestling division in TNA.

They definitely don't have enough time to start doing that yet.

If they get another hour, then maybe they can start doing that.

And as of now the only 2 women wrestlers they have are Gail Kim and Traci.

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