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Official Wolverine And The X-men, Episode 14 "Stolen Lives" Discussion

X-23 just had a cameo but she is as she always was; a flat plot point and a detail to Logan's story, not a character. She is many things, but a character she is not.

I'm gonna have to highly disagree with you on that. Had we been talking about Lifeguard or Slipstream or Sketch or even Spyke, I would've agreed with you. However, since X-23's "birth", she's become much more of an interesting character than Wolverine ever was. Wolverine has to deal with what was done to him in the past - we get flashbacks and senses of what he's dealt with, but he's dealing with them on a much later level, having forgotten most of it. X-23 has been living it since birth...and she still remembers vividly every mission, every target. She killed her own "mother" and host family for gosh sakes.

Okay, so she was incredibly misused when she was incorporated into Uncanny X-Men. But that was Claremont... Other than that, she's been one of my favorite characters - with the X-23 origins and Target X mini's being some of my favorite stories of the '00's.
Dread's a Wolverine hater so his constant railing and criticism of the show rather than just embracing it doesn't surprise me.

I'm honestly not. Wait for my review of HULK VS. WOLVERINE in the Marvel Movies topic and then tell me I hate him.

Look characters have flaws, they aren't perfect. It's interesting because Wolverine isn't a perfect leader. He likes to do things on his own. He gets angry very easily. He goes headfast into conflicts without always thinking.

I find all these situations interesting because the X-men now have a leader who is the antithesis of a good leader.

But as Dread pointed out, no one ever calls him on it. It seems like the other X-Men are either afraid of him, or they just don't really care that much.

Exactly. My argument isn't that I am disappointed that Logan is not a perfect leader. My issue is how none of the other characters express any differing opinion or call him on an error, or when he is being stubborn, or hypocritical.

In the third episode, Beast was reluctant to go after Magneto and thinking he was behind the explosion.

They hadn't really been organized at that point and Logan was only de facto leader.

A rare instance. He generally gets away with being a bad leader and a colossal hypocrite without anyone saying anything.

Rare or not, it still happened.

Also, I still don't get how Wolverine acts like a colossal hypocrit.

His leaving on away missions did not endanger the public or expose them like Cyclops so carelessly did in episode 12.

You're right, it did happen. And in episode 12, while we are at it, Emma Frost criticizes Logan not supporting Scott on his own solo mission, even alluding to his recent trip into Canada.

That's twice. In 14 episodes, that any character has even hinted at disagreeing with something Logan did. I simply don't think that is enough to carry the idea of a "messed up team with a messed up leader", or a team that isn't as cohesive as other X-Men teams. Cyclops got more argument than that in every X-cartoon yet made.

His basic message to Cyclops was, to paraphrase, "either we do it as a team, or we don't do it at all." Did Logan even tell the others where he was going, what he was doing, or why he needed the aircraft?

If it was offscreen he might've.

Now Vile is assuming it happened off screen? Lord.

If you are assuming that, then I will assume that because no one made a big deal about Cyclops "endangering civilians", it was a non issue. No one got hurt. Everyone ran away. No one complained about it in the show. The audience usually doesn't care about public damage in superhero fights. If Superman destroyed several city blocks to save Lois & Jimmy, no one ever complains.

You might say that Logan's solo adventures "don't drag the X-Men into them". But, see, that is a mistake. NOT involving the X-Men has made those Weapon X investigations, especially this episode, more dangerous. Saving Christy and Maverick would have gone down a lot easier with some of the X-Men there. Instead Logan only trucks out Frost once everything is done. Really, the only difference is that Cyclops failed to overcome his enemy alone, while Logan either does or has circumstance (or a woman) save him. Heck, Christy would have been safer had Logan brought her to the X-Mansion sooner, like he did for Tilde last episode.

usagicassidy said:
I'm gonna have to highly disagree with you on that. Had we been talking about Lifeguard or Slipstream or Sketch or even Spyke, I would've agreed with you. However, since X-23's "birth", she's become much more of an interesting character than Wolverine ever was. Wolverine has to deal with what was done to him in the past - we get flashbacks and senses of what he's dealt with, but he's dealing with them on a much later level, having forgotten most of it. X-23 has been living it since birth...and she still remembers vividly every mission, every target. She killed her own "mother" and host family for gosh sakes.

Okay, so she was incredibly misused when she was incorporated into Uncanny X-Men. But that was Claremont... Other than that, she's been one of my favorite characters - with the X-23 origins and Target X mini's being some of my favorite stories of the '00's.

But what is the end result? X-23 acts either emotionless, traumatized, or angry. She has no depth beyond that thin emotional range. Does she has perfect reason to be like that? Sure. Does it make her a character I want to invest more into? No. I usually find her boring.

At best, X-23 is an allegory of what Logan may be like had he never escaped Weapon X, or been dragged into their system at a younger age.

A stale emotionless character with an interesting origin is still a stale emotionless character with an interesting origin. Until X-23 has a name and a personality beyond "ragh, slash 'cuz it is all I know!" it will be hard for me to get into her character.
Dread, honestly you are making a mountain out of a molehill with most of your examples.

Beating the dead horse. Blood out of a stone. Everything.

Scott through his anger and his actions endangered innocent civilians. His vendetta could've exposed the X-men.

Wolverine went away to help save an innocent girl's life and didn't cause tons of property damage.
Scott through his anger and his actions endangered innocent civilians. His vendetta could've exposed the X-men.

Wolverine went away to help save an innocent girl's life and didn't cause tons of property damage.

Scott "endangered innocent civilians" because that's what the writers/creative team wanted to portray. If the creative team had chosen to portray Cyclops as a competent leader, they would portray him as a...competent leader. As mentioned before there have been tons of damage as a result of say, Superman saving Lois, but we are never told "civilians were put in danger" through the actions of Superman. That's because we are shown that Superman is heroic. We are only informed of Scott putting civilians in danger detail because they are trying to show us that Cyclops was irresponsible in his quest.

They don't show anybody questioning Wolverine's actions (or hardly questioning, as the case may be) because they want to show him as being in the right. If Scott (or anybody else) had done the exact same thing the audience are shown the consequences of such action. Scott, more than anybody else in the team, is sadly just a foil to Logan.

This is the "Wolverine Show" afterall. Though I totally understand what they are trying to do, it's rather unfortunate that they have to take away from the other characters in the process...
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Cyclops attacked a guy out of selfish anger. It wasn't about being heroic.
Wolverine never went into Canada to save Christy Nord, least several episodes ago. He went up there because he was afraid he had killed her father and the nightmares plagued him. Future Xavier pleaded with him not to abandon the team for his personal quest, but he did anyway (admittedly, with Emma's blessing). I would argue Christy ended up saving Logan from Sabretooth, who he clearly was unable to beat in a fight (much as Mystique did this episode). Instead of bringing Christy to the Mansion, he left her in Canada where Weapon X clearly knew where to find her. That was reckless.

Once Christy was put in danger this week, the proper thing would be for Wolverine to have brought the X-Men. Weapon X is a danger to mutants. If he was smart enough, he might wonder if a program to turn mutants into brainwashed hitmen was connected to the programs he knows of to make giant robots to kill mutants. Instead, Logan keeps things to himself and strikes out on his own, and would have been unable to save Christy without Mystique's help.

I hate to bring it up because I did like the romantic subplot between Logan and Mystique. I thought it was very interesting and it is about time Logan had some sort of romantic subplot somewhere, especially since this is his show.

Honestly, the only difference between Logan's solo missions and Scott's is that circumstances usually allow Logan to survive or escape his adventures without needing aid from the X-Men, and there is NO one on the X-Men who would point a finger at his face and shout, "be with the X-Men or leave forever, but you can't be both!" like he did with Scott.

Scott also ended up saving Berserker the Morlock from being kidnapped by Blockbuster and Vertigo. He didn't count on it, but neither did Logan count on saving Christy originally.

The interviews that Kyle & Johnson have given is that they specifically made the show the way it is because they liked the idea of a Wolverine who is far from a perfect leader heading the group and they wanted to create a team that has some internal tension. While that is terrific, I think in some of the execution, that translation has been lost. You can't have characters challenge Logan's administrative decisions or tactics a grand total of twice within 14 episodes and claim there is internal conflict. Frankly, that internal conflict ended after about episode 6 or so, and usually was limited to everyone who wasn't aware that the X-Men were back looking at Logan and going, "Oh, he's leading the team?"

This show is like the opposite of EVOLUTION. That show often sacrificed action for character interaction and depth. This show is gung ho with action and their mature subplots and main plot arcs, but sometimes at the sacrifice of characterization. That may be more in line with what some of the comic fans want, though.
Until X-23 has a name and a personality beyond "ragh, slash 'cuz it is all I know!" it will be hard for me to get into her character.

Her name's Laura.

And I believe she's more than "ragh" at least in regards to her interactions with Soorya, Julian, and Cessely.
Her name's Laura.

And I believe she's more than "ragh" at least in regards to her interactions with Soorya, Julian, and Cessely.

That's in NXM. In the cartoon, Hellion is in the future.

At the very least, I do like that they've officially included X-23 in with Weapon X here and in the comics, rather than in Evolution where they included HYDRA, which seemed like an obligatory complication to provide some other villains (since Weapon X's door was closed in Season 1's "Grim Reminders", which was a solid episode of that show). Considering Deadpool and other agents were empowered by harvesting Logan's DNA, it makes some sense that they would mass clone him.
Great episode, i'm really enjoying these! All I find is the 15th episode in Spanish or portugese... Can't find any english language ones! If you know by any chance, please PM!!! Anyone know when the 15th one will actually air?
Ytv.com's website has already updated their show synopsis for Wolverine and the X-men for next week...I hate how just because it's aired in Toronto, they don't care about the rest of Canada where it hasn't even aired yet.

End of rant... :whatever:

So next week's episode is called Badlands. Looking at episode guides online, Badlands is Episode 16 so this week's episode that's playing in an hour and a half hour's time should be Episode 15 Hunting Grounds:

15 - Hunting Grounds
Nightcrawler who is already a captive on Genosha is kidnapped along with Wanda. They have been taken by Spiral to Mojo’s “Hunting Grounds”, an underwater dome where the aim of the game is to stay alive. Nightcrawler and Wanda are playing for their lives as they dodge and dash their deadly opponents, the Reavers. Nightcrawler is almost feeling the gentlemanly hero until Mojo releases his ‘guest hunter’, Wolverine who has been kidnapped, brainwashed and forced to play against the pair. Their only chance for survival is to somehow remove the mind-controlling cybernetic headgear he has on. Nightcrawler releases Wolverine from Mojo’s mental grasp but only as the dome fills with water. They confront Mojo who cowers at their powers. Magneto doesn’t want to let Nightcrawler and Wolverine leave Genosha for fear they will tell the world’s mutants about the prisoners he has there, but Wanda insists. She is sad to see Nightcrawler, her hero go.
I loved this epsiode and I usually don't care for Weapon X episodes, to me, they always tend to be the same and boring, not to mention I really don't care for either Wolverine or Mystique, But I loved watching wolverine and mystique trying to work together and the flash backs of weapon x even thought I normal don't care for it. This is one of the best episodes yet, and the X-23 cameo sent me over the top.

I love Larua's personality, and if you don't like it then I don't like you.
I love Larua's personality, and if you don't like it then I don't like you.

I might like X-23's personality if I ever read or watched something where she has one. We'll have to see where the show goes with her.

As I stated before, X-23 has a good reason to be virtually emotionless except when she is being aggressive or traumatized. But that is not a personality. Those are reactions. "The Native" from WOLVERINE a few years back was virtually the same.

Considering that Wolverine spawned an entire league of rip-off clawed heroes from various comic book companies, and even within Marvel, for the past twenty years, I was hardly looking forward to a new one whose entire hook is, "it's a teenage girl".

To me right now X-23 is a few things. She is a detail on how Logan's legacy can be twisted and manipulated by others, even without Logan being a part of it. She is an example of what Logan may have been like had he been taken by Weapon X sooner in life, or never escaped soon enough before his "masters" had erased virtually every memory he had, or made him kill the few good people he knew. But is that a character unto herself? Not for me. She is a walking cautionary tale, not a character, much as the Sentry, as written for the last few years at Marvel, is neither a character, but a walking psychosis. And quite frankly I have seen so many Wolverine clones come and go in comics that I was hardly in the mood for another.
I typically dont care for Weapon X stories either, but this epi. was quite enjoyable!

I luv the fatc that Mystique had a connection to Weapon X, so it makes valuable point that Mystique is around the same age/or older than Logan..

Also I loved how the writers took the little love scene 'tween Logan/Raven in X2 and expanded on it here...just think if the writers in X2 or (maybe)XM:Origins used this...it would've more character depth for Mystique instead of just being 2nd in command to Magneto...

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