Power does not a good character make. Just look at the Sentry.
Let's not.
Yes, I get the point. But my point was to not "add" powers to characters as soon as they become popular, especially ones that seem bizarre compared to the other power set. It happens too often in comics.
Honestly, there are like seven different possible explanations for it. One says Gambit's body stores kinetic energy and that causes "psychic static", one says it's him charging people's brains, another theory is it's just his secretive nature, and yet another says he has latent telepathy of his own.
Hence why clashing writers, retcons, and lax editorial oversight can stink sometimes.
This is in the same grey area as the telepathy resistance. Some sources have said he has a hypnotic ability, others say it's telepathy, and yet more say he's just a charismatic individual.
Exactly. Most official Handbooks just call it a minor psychic ability.
Thats been a staple of Marvel superheroes from the very beginning. What does force fields have to do with invisibility? Why does turning into fire let you fly? Since when are spiders precognitive?
Heat rises. In fuzzy silver age science, that makes some sense. Spiders can "sense" movements along their webs and have multiple eyes. The force-fields...yeah, that's a stretch. Basically invisibility was too simple a power.
Just the Hulk = Ghost Vision always seemed a stretch to me.
To get back on target, some people wondered if Ms. Zane is actually Mystique and that would be interesting; recall that the show's writers also wrote Evolution and by Season 2 in that show, they arranged it for Mystique to be immune to telepathy or technology (or Logan's nose), thus making her shape-shifting more dangerous. I wouldn't be surprised if W&TXM started off with this ability and thus why the Spider Slayer couldn't detect anything in Zane.
Or, of course, Zane could be a new character.
I still liked Evolution Gambit more, but this version had more in line with the comics and I do like his status. I think that as disappointing as it may be for some that he isn't an X-Man, at least this show is allowing a character who is 18 years old to get 1-2 episodes where he gets major focus, and treated that as essential. Some characters have been around for over 30 and can't get that.