Comics Official X-FACTOR Discussion Thread

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Ghost of all things X
Sep 2, 2005
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Creative Team: Peter David(writer) & Bing Casino(artist)


Team Members: Madrox, Strong Guy, Siryn, M, Rictor, Butterfly(Layla Miller), Darwin, Longshot, Shatterstar

Storyline Info: M-Day has passed and mutant town, formerly New York's largest population of mutants, has been decimated. What caused all this and why? That is what X-Factor Investigations has decided to try and find out, while dealing with the mysterious Singularity Investigations and the young Layla Miller.

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Is Multiple Man simply going by Madrox, now? I guess we lost another one to Kitty Pryde Syndrome.
Manic said:
Is Multiple Man simply going by Madrox, now? I guess we lost another one to Kitty Pryde Syndrome.

Everytime I see someone talking about him nowadays, they always just refer to him as Madrox, and that's what his LS was titled, so I think that might be just what he's going by for now, at least.
I always thought Multiple Man sounded lame and took too long to say.

"Oh noez! Here comes Multiple Man." :o
i love the noir style is so awesome. I love the coloring style. I see this book going on for a long time, as long as they keep it simple. Detectvie work, a few mutant vs. mutant bouts. No giant robots and space aliens (unless they are hired by the X-Men to swell the ranks for certain missions)
I think Rictor is dead weight. Other than rescue Siryn, he's done nothing worthwhile.
Colossal Spoons said:
I think Rictor is dead weight. Other than rescue Siryn, he's done nothing worthwhile.

If i recall (im not totalluy sure) but M hasnt really done tat much either. I think Rictor is a great character especially since every depowered mutatn was kicked out of the mansion, its nice to see loyalties stay somewhere. I hope they flesh him out a little more, maybe more despair about his loss of powers.
I got hooked from the very first issue. This is a great title and one of the best X-books out there. I hope they'll continue for long to come.

About the new issue, I'm liking Wolfsbane more and more now. She was awesome when she yelled at the children after finding out that Layla was beaten up. I'm glad we're seeing more of Wolfsbane now in X-Factor b/c I liked her in New X-Men.

The art is just awesome. Very realistic and not cartoon-y like some.

I hope they'll show more of M. She's hilarious.
I really enjoy this comic book, I think that they did a great job putting these team members together. Also the art is the best out there, I like the use of the shade and dark colors.
Dang the art looks nice. I still haven't read this, but I am going to start with next issue.
Dang the art looks nice. I still haven't read this, but I am going to start with next issue.

I say track down all the issues and start from #1.
Yeah its only on issue 7 or 8 right? Does it have a trade yet?
Dang the art looks nice. I still haven't read this, but I am going to start with next issue.
There are only six issues at the moment. Read all of them.
I always thought Multiple Man sounded lame and took too long to say.

"Oh noez! Here comes Multiple Man." :o
Meanwhile, Strong Guy gets to keep the lamest codename EVER.

The art is nice, but I enjoyed Sook's art in the first few issues to Callero's.
I really like Strong Guys codename.. its a blatant pisstake of all the superman, wonderwoman style names.

Im really not digging the art at all at the moment. Id be suprised if the change in artist hasnt really affected the sales.

They need a top notch artist on this book ASAP.
I almost dropped issue 1 when I first started reading it cos I thought the art was just too messy and too dark, but I am glad that I didn't b/c the art really suits well. The story just takes over. The humor, characters, plots were all there. I really hope that they will never change the artist. I'm loving the art. :up:
mightiest_mortal said:
I really like Strong Guys codename.. its a blatant pisstake of all the superman, wonderwoman style names.

Im really not digging the art at all at the moment. Id be suprised if the change in artist hasnt really affected the sales.

They need a top notch artist on this book ASAP.

Does he even still go by Strong Guy
cerealkiller182 said:
Does he even still go by Strong Guy

I'm loving this title as well, although I'll admit I liked Sook more than I did the new artist. Still, it's a great title, and I'll probably stick with it for the long run.
I hope the new artist doesn't try to change the style, this last issue was kind of rough.
hmmm... u know who i think wud be a great new memeber for X-Factor??

...another Jamie, that split off years ago and lost his powers on Mday.

Wud be mighty interesting.
You mean a dupe who couldnt be reabsorbed back in to Jamie? (Can the dupes dupe themselves?) Could be interesting, especially if he was a bad guy.
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