Cool comparison between the two X-Factor teams:
X-Factor vs. X-Factor
How does the roster for the new lineup stack up against the past?
December 15, 2005 - Launched in 1985, the original
X-Factor was comprised of the original five X-Men. The series ran the heroes through the ringer. Angel lost his wings and eventually became Archangel, Beast lost his fur, then lost his intelligence and the entire team discovered their PR manager was, in fact, an evil SOB.
The original team's run couldn't last forever. When the five gave up the ghost in 1991, an all new and quite different X-Factor took over. Written by Peter David, this group has long been regarded of the highlight of the series. Though two more teams would come in as replacements, none came close to matching the chemistry of David's
X-Factor #1 arriving in stores this week, we thought it might be interesting to compare Peter David's two teams -- past and present. Some of the names remain the same, but even those who've returned have a slightly different bent.
The Old X-Factor (1991)
The Leader
Havok always came second next to his brother, so it only makes sense that he would follow Cyclops as leader of X-Factor. Surprisingly, Alex Summers is a pretty uptight dude -- He's just not square like his brother.
The Hottie
Like Alex, she's a bit of a second-stringer. She's the girl who wishes she could be Magneto's real daughter, instead of just a chic with magnetic powers and green hair. Her relationship with Alex is fractured at first, but the two do their best to rekindle the old romance.
Multiple Man
The Cool Guy
Until this point, no one had really examined the depths of the human copy machine. Madrox grows exponentially as a character throughout the series and is the focus of the better storylines. He and Guido make for a hell of a comedy duo.
Strong Guy
The Comic Relief
The strong, stupid guy is a stereotype embraced by X-Factor. Guido's not
so dumb as he may appear, but he is a little naive at times. His codename comes from his own inability to think of anything better. Amazingly, Strong Guy becomes a fan-fave.
The Hot-Headed Jerk
He's faster than lightning with a temper to match. The former Avenger always seemed to resent being stuck on the less-glamorous X-Factor. He joined X-Factor after discovering his wife's affair and learning his powers were making him age. His personality is perfectly captured. Yup, he's a jerk.
The Mascot
The former New Mutant was, at one point, mentally bonded to Havok. Early on she showed her true feelings for Alex, who was busy trying to show Lorna how much he wanted to get back in her pants. The kid of the group showed she had a short temper and killer instincts early on.
The New X-Factor (2005)
The Leader
A more mature Madrox has assumed leadership of the new X-Factor, who's ultimate goal is to discover what caused so many mutants to become powerless. Ironic that the villain is one of their old teammates. Madrox's dupes each share different facets of his personality, which should make for some interesting situations (see end of
X-Factor Vol. 2 #1).
The Know-It-All
The former obnoxious beeyotch from Generation X is now the obnoxious beeyotch of X-Factor. Monet's powers are a match for any of her teammates, as is her gray matter. She should play nicely opposite the humorous Strong Guy. Expect sparks to fly between her and the other ladies in the group.
The Spokesperson
Siryn's stepped out of her fathers shadow and taken a strong role in the new X-Factor. She's more than just a pretty voice. This songbird has discovered she can modulate her voice to make others like her, even love her. Let's see how well that works on Monet.
Strong Guy
The Comic Relief
Guido was unceremoniously removed from X-Factor following a massive heart attack. He appears to be the one character relatively unchanged over the past few years. Certainly a few wrinkles in the old Strong Guy persona will show over the next few issues.
The Edgy Mascot
All grown up, Rahne has returned with a rather atrocious hair style, but the same tenacity we've come to love. We shall revel in her Scottish slang and quirky accent. Look for her to bang heads with anyone who ticks her off in the slightest.
The Norm
He has ties to X-Factor that go further back than any other member. One of the troubled teens the original Factor saved, Rictor is now without power. As we've learned from the first issue, this disconnect is far greater than being unable to shake the ground. He adds a homo sapiens perspective to the group.
Layla Miller
The House of M Kid
We're not really sure what is up with Layla Miller. She's the all-new, all-spectacular mutant from
House of M who revealed the truth about the alternate reality to all she touched. How will she play into this little drama? We'll have to wait and see.
The Stronger Factor
Peter David's original X-Factor has a big advantage. We've seen how those characters will develop. We can only guess at what's in store for the new X-Factor. Still, we can base some judgment on the merits of the lineup.
When David first took over
X-Factor, no one thought much good of the team he'd assembled. Strong Guy? Polaris? Wolfsbane? But David proved he could bring the best out of these second-stringers. With that in mind, the new roster looks to be more dynamic. You have a number of very strong-willed mutants who think they know best fumbling around attempting to solve crimes. It's a recipe for drama.
If David's first attempt at X-Factor had one problem it's that the team never felt cohesive. Sure, it was fun to read, but it felt like six pieces from different puzzles that happened to fit together. At first glance, this team appears a bit more organic. Though David has assembled a team with identical personality hang-ups as the first -- a hot-head, a stick-in-the-mud, an angry self-loather, etc. -- there's a bit more depth this time to those personas. Would we rather be saved by a team lead by Havoc and Polaris? Probably. But which team would we rather read about? That would be the all-new X-Factor. Let's hope David can deliver. If not, the classic X-Factor tales are just a quarter box away.