One of My Fave CDs...


Nov 12, 2006
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Hey, everyone.

Following the misuse and subsequent crash of my prior thread, I was advised to (among other things) present my topics more constructively.

With that in mind, I've decided to post a thread for discussing one of my favorite CDs of all time. The Hype doesn't seem to have an exact Music section; otherwise, I'd have posted this there. All I ask is that if you dislike this album, please refrain from speaking with hate or ridicule. Thank you.

All I ask is that if you dislike this album, please refrain from speaking with hate or ridicule.
You're asking for an awful lot of restraint from the Hype!

Also, I didn't even realize the Backstreet Boys guys released solo albums.
I've never heard of this guy or his album. Is he big in the US?
Apparently, he used to be one of the Backstreet Boys, but I don't think his solo career has been especially successful.
You want US? to discus this cd? might help if you posted a cd that some of us own! i really doubt 90% of the users have that cd let alone know who it is.
My friend dragged me to a Back Street Boy concert once. Brain played some solo songs. Don't remember much of the songs, but I remember thinking his stuff was decent. Better then a lot of crap out there these days.
You want US? to discus this cd? might help if you posted a cd that some of us own! i really doubt 90% of the users have that cd let alone know who it is.

Agreed, I didn't even know who he was until some people replied.
Maybe if we turned this into a discussion thread, like a CD Of The Week sort of thing, this would be successful.

But asking people to discuss an album not one other person here probably owns is asking for failure.
We can comment on the cover.

I dig the font, and his "come hither" eyes. I like how they express Welcome Home, by having him stand by a door. Truly, a work of art.
We can comment on the cover.

I dig the font, and his "come hither" eyes. I like how they express Welcome Home, by having him stand by a door. Truly, a work of art.

I don't like his hairstyle at all.
Well that's your opinion. Thank you for stating it nicely, and not with ridicule and/or hate.

I just saw the Modest Attractive Women thread... why was I not informed of its existence?
On topic, this could be opened up for anyone to talk about a favorite album of theirs.
Very well.

Billy Joel's The Stranger.


It came out in 1977, and has some awesome songs. It's also sold nearly 10 million copies, so the odds of another Hypester owning it are significantly greater than Moviefan's pick.

My favorite track from the album is currently its title track, followed by "Only The Good Die Young," a song Moviefan would be greatly offended by. I, as a semi-practicing Catholic, adore it.
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On topic, this could be opened up for anyone to talk about a favorite album of theirs.

In that case, I would like to suggest one of my fave albums, The Queer as Folk Club Babylon dance album:


The argument over the angle of her wrist needs to be Tivo'ed. Legend.
I have never heard of them.

It's really hard to explain what they sound like, because they don't sound like anything I've ever heard. It's really alternative, a combination of rock/ rap/ jazz/ funk/ soul.

I didn't think I would like them after I read about them, then I listened to their single "Wolf Like Me" on one of their earlier albums and was astounded. This new album is even better.
It's really hard to explain what they sound like, because they don't sound like anything I've ever heard. It's really alternative, a combination of rock/ rap/ jazz/ funk/ soul.

I didn't think I would like them after I read about them, then I listened to their single "Wolf Like Me" on one of their earlier albums and was astounded. This new album is even better.

I'll Youtube them when I get on a computer with sound.

Here are my two favorite songs from The Stranger:



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