Opinion: Very depressed now


Mar 26, 2001
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This is my opinion.
I dont like anyone running now...
Since Mitt bailed...I dont know where to go...

Hillary is not an option....
Obama I like, just dont like the policies
McCain kinda scares me....

I feel sick now.
This is my opinion.
I dont like anyone running now...
Since Mitt bailed...I dont know where to go...

Hillary is not an option....
Obama I like, just dont like the policies
McCain kinda scares me....

I feel sick now.

Same here...same here...:csad:
This is my opinion.
I dont like anyone running now...
Since Mitt bailed...I dont know where to go...

Hillary is not an option....
Obama I like, just dont like the policies
McCain kinda scares me....

I feel sick now.

Yeah, Mike's capitalized too late and he was my 2nd place to Mitt. Big Mac was at the bottom of my list and I don't agree with 3/4 of what Obama or Hillary advocate for.

Mitt was my last longshot.:csad:
This is my opinion.
I dont like anyone running now...
Since Mitt bailed...I dont know where to go...

Hillary is not an option....
Obama I like, just dont like the policies
McCain kinda scares me....

I feel sick now.
I feel the same. My only hope is that Huckabee is McCain's VP nod. Then there's some saving grace. What a dissapointing election year.:csad:
I feel the same. My only hope is that Huckabee is McCain's VP nod. Then there's some saving grace. What a dissapointing election year.:csad:

We're on the same page there, but I think we both know it's a long shot at best.:csad:
Sad that Romney dropped out. He honestly did still have a chance.
*sobs sadly*

Well I guess I will vote McCain. Voting for either of the Democrats to me is a step in the wrong direction.
*sobs sadly*

Well I guess I will vote McCain. Voting for either of the Democrats to me is a step in the wrong direction.

IMO the country is already in a wrong direction after 8 years of Bush in the WH, and another GOP prez will just continue the status quo. I'd rather go for change and vote Democrat than stay on track.
IMO the country is already in a wrong direction after 8 years of Bush in the WH, and another GOP prez will just continue the status quo. I'd rather go for change and vote Democrat than stay on track.
Can you please elaboarate on "Change"?
Explore the candidates from some of the other parties and see what they have to say and if you agree, vote for them. If people stopped being slaves to the false assumption that our political system is setup as a 2 party system, things might REALLY change in this country. i'd rather vote for someone I believed in who I knew wasnt likely to win as opposed to someone I disliked solely because they have a chance to win.

Green Party: http://www.gp.org/index.php

Libertarian Party: http://www.lp.org/

Constitution Party: http://www.constitutionparty.com/

Communist Party: http://www.cpusa.org/

America First party: http://www.americafirstparty.org/

Marijuana Party!: http://www.usmjparty.com/ (sounds like fun :) )

Socialist Party: http://sp-usa.org/

Independence party of America: http://www.independencepartyofamerica.com/freedom/
I will vote for McCain if he runs against Hillary.

If its McCain v. Obama...

I could be swayed...

...to vote 3rd party.
*sobs sadly*

Well I guess I will vote McCain. Voting for either of the Democrats to me is a step in the wrong direction.

Unfortunately, it looks like Big Mac is the last resort.:csad:

As to voting 3rd party, the highest percentage of votes was for what, Perot and it was 19% if I'm not mistaken. I'm going to cast my vote and it should actually make a difference, not voting for a losing effort for the hell of it. Big Mac holds a handful of my views, which is more than a say for the rest.:csad:
You're NOW sick of this election? Man, you're early. I was sick as soon as Kucinich left the race. Now it's just a matter of who's drink mixed with sleeping pills you go home with tonight.
I still plan to participate of course, but much of the enthusiasm is gone after seeing my last hope of a real Republican winning the nomination. Or at least the closest thing we had to it.
I was wondering if some of you can help me because i think alot of the people in here could give me good perspective on this...

Why do alot of folks on the right side of the line have angst against McCain... ?

what issues specifically dress him down so much and depress you.

is it immigration?


what is it? and how did the other candidate you wanted differ from McCain?
I feel the same. My only hope is that Huckabee is McCain's VP nod. Then there's some saving grace. What a dissapointing election year.:csad:

Ditto that, this election year is definitely disappointing. My number one has been Huckabee but McCain seems to have the GOP nomination in the bag and like you I'm hoping for a Huckabee as VP nod, and even then I'm not that thrilled with McCain as President. On the democratic side, I honestly don't like Obama and I'm not a fan of Hillary, although I would prefer Hillary over Obama.

Honestly, the choices are pretty much horrible in my view.
Ditto that, this election year is definitely disappointing. My number one has been Huckabee but McCain seems to have the GOP nomination in the bag and like you I'm hoping for a Huckabee as VP nod, and even then I'm not that thrilled with McCain as President. On the democratic side, I honestly don't like Obama and I'm not a fan of Hillary, although I would prefer Hillary over Obama.

Honestly, the choices are pretty much horrible in my view.

Why huckabee over McCain

and why Hillary over Obama

Pretty pweez with a giant gold ingot on top, lend me your perspective.
I was wondering if some of you can help me because i think alot of the people in here could give me good perspective on this...

Why do alot of folks on the right side of the line have angst against McCain... ?

what issues specifically dress him down so much and depress you.

is it immigration?


what is it? and how did the other candidate you wanted differ from McCain?
I personally don't like his stance on Immigration, him not voting for Bush Tax Cuts, and McCain/Feingold is disgusting. (Essentially sold out your political free speech for a bill with his name on it).

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