Superman Returns Other actors


May 9, 2002
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I always thought Ryan Reynolds or Brenden Fraser would good Supermans. Freddie Prinze Jr. has the right look, but I don't know about acting ability.
t-800 said:
I always thought Ryan Reynolds or Brenden Fraser would good Supermans. Freddie Prinze Jr. has the right look, but I don't know about acting ability.

:down no way man
freddie prince?? has the right looks?? come on man, no way jose!!
t-800 said:
I always thought Ryan Reynolds or Brenden Fraser would good Supermans. Freddie Prinze Jr. has the right look, but I don't know about acting ability.

No, yes and WTF ?
Fraser screwed himself by acting in too many cartoon movies...people wouldnt see hims as superman they'ed see George of the jungle or dudly do-right. Otherwise i agree decent actor with a superman look about him
Ok, Prinze is not a good choice. But think Reynolds would be the best. Another one I think would have been good is Chris Klein. Another guy who looks part is Scott Speedman, but he's probably not a very good actor. Eric Bana would have been a good one, and probably Gerard Butler too.
Chris cant act. Looks like Keanu Reeves more than Superman.

Reynolds definately doesnt have the right face for Superman, Brandon looks way more like the part.

Ive never heard of this Scott Speedman guy but after checking his IMDB, Brandon Routh definately looks the part way more than him:


There are really no Hollywood actors that look the part more than Brandon actually. I havent seen one yet.
Jonathan Rhys Meyers would have made an excellent Superman.
I would never ever be able to buy "Encino Man" in the Superman costume. Wouldn't be able to buy Reynolds for the same reason that I wouldn't be able to buy Ashton Kutcher. And Freddie Prinze Jr? Please.
What about the guy who played John Jameson in Spiderman 2?
he might of had potential
i kinda liked how they put James Marsden (that guy who played cyclops in X- men) is in Supermen :cyclops:
t-800 said:
Ok, Prinze is not a good choice. But think Reynolds would be the best. Another one I think would have been good is Chris Klein. Another guy who looks part is Scott Speedman, but he's probably not a very good actor. Eric Bana would have been a good one, and probably Gerard Butler too.

that would be the opposite. he CAN act, but looks NOTHING like Supes...
Brendan Fraser would've been a horrible Superman. Besides, he was already a superhero once when he played...Encino Man!
I would have liked to have seen someone cast who didn't look like Christopher Reeve's illegit son. Someone who could make the role his own.

Gyllenhaal would've made a great Supes... no matter what any of you say.
He's certainly got the looks and the acting chops.
All he's missing is about 5 months in a gym.
Well i really think George Eads would hav e made a really good classic Superman

t-800 said:
I always thought Ryan Reynolds or Brenden Fraser would good Supermans. Freddie Prinze Jr. has the right look, but I don't know about acting ability.
No, no and HELL NO! Thanks for playing! Better luck next time.
Ongie said:

Gyllenhaal would've made a great Supes... no matter what any of you say.
He's certainly got the looks and the acting chops.
All he's missing is about 5 months in a gym.
That is the single worst casting-proposition for Superman I have ever seen. They only person who could ever be worse... is Larry David.
yeah cris klien would have kicked ass cause he looks sooooo much like sups-but he cant act 2 save his life-and if u think gyllenhaal would havre been good-go kill urself
Ongie said:

Gyllenhaal would've made a great Supes... no matter what any of you say.
He's certainly got the looks and the acting chops.
All he's missing is about 5 months in a gym.

get yourself a pair of glasses. pronto.

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