People Choice Awards - Spider-Man 3

The Caped Knight

Shield Avenger
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Spidey's is nominated in Two categories in the upcoming Peoples Choice Awards that you can vote in .


Favorite Threequel movie

Favorite Match-Up Kristen & Tobey
Best threequel FTW!!!

Pirates and Shrek got nothing on Spidey!!!
Any award show that panders to MTV audiences and will ikely give all their awards to Pirates of the Carribbean and divide the acting awards equally between Johnny Depp (SARCASM for just pirates, the man obviously ahs never done anything else!/SARCASM), Orlando Bloom and Zak Efron...does not deserve much thought. In fact I have given it too much in the 30 seconds it took to make this post.
Best threequel FTW!!!

Pirates and Shrek got nothing on Spidey!!!

Pirates 3 hands down was way better than Spider-Man 3. It shows how a movie can be much longer than two hours but as long as it keeps with the story, in the end, it'll turn out to be a great movie...Spider-Man 3 should've kept all deleted scenes, said "Screw you Sony" and THEN the movie would be better, possibly even better than the second one if all the storylines ended well and actually made sense.
Pirates 3 hands down was way better than Spider-Man 3. It shows how a movie can be much longer than two hours but as long as it keeps with the story, in the end, it'll turn out to be a great movie...Spider-Man 3 should've kept all deleted scenes, said "Screw you Sony" and THEN the movie would be better, possibly even better than the second one if all the storylines ended well and actually made sense.

Wow...I respected your opinion for hating SM3. But the fact that you call Pirates 3, a movie with no plot, wooden acting, terrible structure and almost ZERO pay off to the last film's questions that takes itself so seriously that people left the audience in tears of boredom....great...just wow. That movie is pretty costumes and cinematography and Johnny Depp (maybe music and SFX, though all rehashed from the last movie). But the movie is possibly the worst written summer tent pole this year, which says a lot in the year of FF2, Shrek 3 and Transformers.
Can you really compare the two films so closley? Both tie off their respective trilogies and keep things fresh and interesting. Its just a matter of which you preferred, really.

I'd be very surprised if Shrek The Third won best threequel :o .
Why do I get the feeling that shows like this are fixed?:whatever:
Are you serious!?!?!:huh:

Were's the love for the best movie of the summer: TRANSFORMERS!!!:trans:
I do have love for the best movies of the summer: Ratatouille, Superbad, Knocked Up, The Bourne Ultimatum and Harry Potter 5. Transformers was trite, though.
I do have love for the best movies of the summer: Ratatouille, Superbad, Knocked Up, The Bourne Ultimatum and Harry Potter 5. Transformers was trite, though.

I honestly don't know what people see in Knocked Up. Aside from the "first date" and every Paul Rudd scene, I really didn't find it that funny.
Pirates 3 was way worse than Spider-Man 3. Pirates had a weaker, almost nonesensical story (and no I didn't think it was confusing, it was just drawn out for too long and had almost no payoff), BS acting from Bloom & Knightley (who I actually enjoyed in the first two), and was just boring all around. The effects were great though. And I actually enjoyed the "non-Disney" ending.
All of them were less than spectacular excpet Bourne Ultimatum. Thats a no brainer to me. Although I do think Spiderman 3 is underrated, Bourne is way better.
I am not a fan of the Bourne movies...I don't know, they just seem too boring, lol.
In my opinion The Bourne Ultimatum should've won... then Spider-Man 3... then Pirates of the Caribbean 3.

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