People who need to be pooped on: Liberty National Life et all


Sep 10, 2004
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"Okay these folks are just asking to be pooped on"

I decided to stay quiet about this for a while, simply out of a mix of paranoia and really being ashamed to be in the situation at all, no matter how well I handled it.

However this story, while personal, is good for any hypsters who may soon be entering the workforce or are looking for a job.

To give you a bit of background, I work currently in "North _________" (for those wondering, I'm purposefully with holding information). This particular area serves two purposes: as a place to build industrial/business parks and as a slum for all the poor of the metropolitan area. In fact the city itself often is found in the top ten or top twenty most crime ridden areas. Consequently it is poor and people there are desperate. It is also a very black neighborhood, black typically being synonomous with poor for the residents.

After hosting my resume' at, I received a phone call from Liberty National Life requesting an 'interview'.

I really shouldn't have been there to start with. Even though I hadn't gotten the odd e-mail most speak of, the phone call I got was rushed. So much so I could barely make out the name of the business, only the address (guess that's all they felt was important). Now I had applied to at least 50 businesses by that point, some I wasn't even interested in. So, while the call was suspicious, and she wouldn't answer any of my questions...I felt the need to follow up, at the very least to find out if indeed I did apply there, and to tell them I wasn't interested.

I should have guessed when the woman said it's in "_________" not "North _______" despite giving me the "North ________" area code that this was total bunk. I mean who's in a city long enough to start up a business without finding out the real name of the city they are working in?

When I got there I was treated to a very quiet and secretive staff who worked in a barren office. They ushered me into a group interview which was conducted more like a sales pitch than an actual interview. They were attempting to sell licensing, basically. I'm not sure how stupid they thought I was, perhaps that college education on my resume meant nothing to them, but there I was sitting through a mockery of the people invited.

They promised jobs, trips, and earning potential, all under the guise of what sounded exactly like a pryamid scheme. Basically they wanted to take these people's money, as much as possible, and run.

There were several lies in the video, such as their company being a top pick by Warren Buffet. Even one of the members in the group "interview" was obviously a plant, giving an oh so entertaining story on selling Kirby vaccuum cleaners as a child. Perhaps the presenter shouldn't have made an obvious turn towards him right as he was about to speak.

There were two people across from me, however, entranced by the stories and false promises made by the presenter, James Lanier. I felt sorry for them, because even though I had never been to one of these things before I knew what it was and they obviously didn't.

I reported them to the Better Business bureau. Enhanced my spam blockers and filed with the FTC for both the "do not call" list on my cell and spam reports for e-mail. Right now I still watch my bank account statements and credit cards very closely, hoping to catch that one unknown expedature I can nail them with.

If I can thank them for anything it's that I now have a more personal relationship with my bank statements than I ever thought I would.
Oh, wow. That is very unnerving.

Seen it and heard it before, but not with that much detail.

And I agree with you completely. For those who are about to enter the workforce either out of high school or out of college, these are the places that will hunt you down first. They can smell fear, weakness, and inexperience with occupations, and they try to pry every last cent you have from your pockets, just to give you hope.


Good for you for reporting them.
Yeah, I had a similar thing happen to me when I was first out of college. They were trying to dupe people into selling water filtration systems. I showed up and they had this group presentation/orientation thing going on and ten minutes into it they start talking about water filtration and just got up and left. The presenter was like "Hey, where are you going? Don't you want a job!?". I replied "That is why I'm leaving. To go look for a real job!" on my way out. Hehe!

Got duped into attending an AMWAY thing...guy was ballsy enough to be "recruiting" on base. Walked out once I realized what they were doing. :cmad:
Got duped into attending an AMWAY thing...guy was ballsy enough to be "recruiting" on base. Walked out once I realized what they were doing. :cmad:

What exactly where they doing? Where they pretending to be AMWAY? My parents use to sell AMWAY products years ago as a side job. AMWAY isn't a pyramid scheme or anything like that.
I had a bad experience with (or is it here?) myself.

YEARS ago I put my CV on that site, and never heard any word from anyone until about 2 years ago. I recieved an email from an employer about an "amazing opportunity". The email explained dick about what the job would actually entail. But it did have a suspiciously high salary. I replied, asking more about what exactly the job was.

They wanted to use my bank account to hold and transfer money for them :whatever:
What exactly where they doing? Where they pretending to be AMWAY? My parents use to sell AMWAY products years ago as a side job. AMWAY isn't a pyramid scheme or anything like that.

Guy said he was a recruiter for a large "distribution company" that specialized in household products. Had a business card and nice official title and everything...even bought me lunch that day.

I showed up with resume and references in hand. Left VERY pissed about 10 minutes later. (With some snacks I grabbed...:woot: )
Guy said he was a recruiter for a large "distribution company" that specialized in household products. Had a business card and nice official title and everything...even bought me lunch that day.

I showed up with resume and references in hand. Left VERY pissed about 10 minutes later. (With some snacks I grabbed...:woot: )

If he lied and said he happened to be with AMWAY or any other legit company you should have turned him into the BBB.
If he lied and said he happened to be with AMWAY or any other legit company you should have turned him into the BBB.

I was content to leave with my snacks.
I had the same thing happen to me a few years back. They promised me a Managment position. The Night they offered me the "job" I looked them up on the Internets and I called the guy back yelling and screaming and told him that if I ever heard from him again, I was going to sue for harassment!

err! It still makes me angry I almost got duped.
Guy said he was a recruiter for a large "distribution company" that specialized in household products. Had a business card and nice official title and everything...even bought me lunch that day.

I showed up with resume and references in hand. Left VERY pissed about 10 minutes later. (With some snacks I grabbed...:woot: )

A guy I went to college with tried to suck me into Amway. He kept talking about this great business venture he was a part of but wouldn't give me details. Kept trying set up time for me to meet with him and some of his business associates. I told him I wanted more specifics, first, but he always avoided it and used the household products distribution thing. I asked him point blank if it was Amway and he kept avoiding answering me. I had to ask him five or six times if it was Amway and he finally admitted that it was. I yelled at him for wasting my time.

A guy I went to college with tried to suck me into Amway. He kept talking about this great business venture he was a part of but wouldn't give me details. Kept trying set up time for me to meet with him and some of his business associates. I told him I wanted more specifics, first, but he always avoided it and used the household products distribution thing. I asked him point blank if it was Amway and he kept avoiding answering me. I had to ask him five or six times if it was Amway and he finally admitted that it was. I yelled at him for wasting my time.


Good god that sounds familiar...wait...nah, you couldn't be him.
Shadowboxing, if it's a pyramid scheme, you should report them to your state attorney general.
A guy I went to college with tried to suck me into Amway. He kept talking about this great business venture he was a part of but wouldn't give me details. Kept trying set up time for me to meet with him and some of his business associates. I told him I wanted more specifics, first, but he always avoided it and used the household products distribution thing. I asked him point blank if it was Amway and he kept avoiding answering me. I had to ask him five or six times if it was Amway and he finally admitted that it was. I yelled at him for wasting my time.

It's like a cult:ninja:
My recommendation: sue the bastards.

Of course that's the first recommendation I make for any situation so take it with a grain of salt. Of course it usually beats my plan "B" of just killing 'em. :D

Seriously though, that is just F-ed up. Good catch SB.
Seriously though, that is just F-ed up. Good catch SB.

The crappiest thing is that I told my whole family of all this money that I was going to make and everything. Then I found out about them. I wish I remembered the name of the "Company". But, oh well. I was more embarressed afterward.
That probably depends on how high up in the pyramid you are. :o


I prefer to start most new jobs at the top and then slowly but surely get demoted down the chain.

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