Days of Future Past Poll:Days of future Past Speculation


Jun 2, 2004
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I think combined poll on speculation on what could be coming would be good
I will be really disappointed if Kate Pride isn't the protagonist and they make another Wolverine film. I know that they wont keep the original arc completely intact but the story was really Kitty's and the stark contrast between her and Kate's personalities is what really gave this classic arc gravity.
Agree about Kitty. She should be part of this storyline, the same as the source material.

I should say Wolverine too, for the same reason, but I wont be mad with his absence :D

About future characters, I voted for Storm, Kitty, Collosus and Magneto (I dont mind Xavier out in the future)

Id keep Riptide and Angel, but Avalanche would be a great addition, specially been part on the arc of the comics.

Im not sure about Mystique and Azazel sleeping together on the second movie, mainly if its set in early 60's yet. If Fox does more than 4 movies, I think the third movie would be the right moment. If not, this is the moment, of course.

And about the future presence on the movie, I think a prologue, more short parts during the film wouldnt be a bad idea. Not just a prologue and a final scene. But the main set should be the past, in my opinion. I want the First Class cast to be the main characters, and the original actors as large cameos/really secondary roles.
I think It would be good Idea for Kitty as Time Traveler so If you bring back Ellen Page you give her something to do.The only reason I can see not having wolverine as solely In future Is if he's a time traveler Inless you bring In first Class era wolverine during second half of film.And this would be preadamuntam Wolverine.

I voted for Xavier,Magneto,Wolverine,storm,and Iceman solely In future.

I'd keep the brotherhood seen at end of first Class Intact.

I would have Mystique undercover as Mistress of the intended target of assassination.I feel Jennifer Lawrence will be allowed for portion of film to appear outside of Mystique makeup.Now If Vaughn were to go with his earlyier mentioned Idea of JFk as assassination target It's well known he had many mistresses.It's a good way to blend fact and fiction.It would be Intresting twist If X-Men stop brotherhood assassination of JFk and end of film Magneto causes It anyway closier to historical version.

I like the Idea of prologue and then rest of film set In first Class era.However one way I could see them do It to mix It up Is have prologue at beging showing final battle against sentinles while the plan to send Kitty back In time happens.There could be flashback remembering time In Internment camp before reaching the mansion In past and and flashback when Xavier reads her mind showing how wolverine rescued them from Intenrment camp and Magneto once being free of collor sacrificed himself fighting the sentinels allowing the others to escape.

If Bishop Is In film It might only be In future like Wolverine and the X-Men.His powers would work better onscreen against sentinles than In 1960's setting.Just Imagne seeing him and Wolverine burst characters out of Internment camp.It would provide some material for trailers.
I've never been too excited about Kitty/Ellen Page. She's meh for me. I'd vote for Rogue to travel but I don't see Anna Paquin retaking the role, so it'd have to be a new Rogue (which wouldn't bother me one bit). I think Wolverine/Hugh might appear, but in a small part, maybe even a cameo like in FC. Don't know!!! Too many choices, can't vote XD
-I'd like the time traveler to be Cyclops. Wolverine and Storm can stay in the future
-I think they should switch back and forth between the past and the future a few times (at least 3 times)
-Polaris as the new X-(wo)Man
-Using JFK as the politician is a bit unimaginative, so I think they should create a new character, a senator perhaps
-One of the subplots could be a "love square" amongst Erik, Mystique, Azazel, and Emma, where Erik shows more interest in Emma than Mystique, so Mystique sleeps with Azazel, thus conceiving Nightcrawler.
-I'm fine with Mystique uncover as either an assistant or something higher in the government
I seriously doudt Cyclops Is going to Time Traveler.More likely If not wolverine or Rogue/Kitty they would go with Storm.

I could defently see them splitting the future scenes In 3 parts.

To have Polaris as new X-Man they probally would have to have her already at school when we see first Class era X-Man.

The target of assassination needs to be aware of mutants since mutants at end of first Class are only known to selcted members of the US and Soviet governments.They could come up with new Senator Character heading up subcommittie who Is aware of mutants and Is helping provid money for things that can be used against It.

The Love square Idea Is one I have thought of.

In 1960's setting to allow Jennifer Lawrence to be seen outside of Mystique she would have to go undercover as assistant or mistress to target or someone who works In CIA or Pentagon.If they go with Fictonal target of assassination they have more room to work with to Involve Mystique undercover with him.
Did Xavier appear on the future of the DOFP storyline?
No the characters from the future are Colossus, Kitty, Logan, Magneto, Storm, Franklin Richards and Rachel.. everyone else is dead.
True but I think since we defently won't be seeing rachel and Franklin Richards they may use Xavier especilly If a Telepath Is needed to help timetravel plan.

Intresting tibit.In original version of story Xavier was killed along with Kelly when this was possable future.When they reconned It so It was defently an alternate timeline Xavier was killed by soldiers attacking the mansion where they grabed Rachel.

Again a case that even in comics Marvel changes history.
Some of it may depend on who wants to come back, or who is able to fit it in their schedule.

If Paquin says no, for instance, they are unlikely to recast and more likely to pick another character instead.
No the characters from the future are Colossus, Kitty, Logan, Magneto, Storm, Franklin Richards and Rachel.. everyone else is dead.

thats what I thought

marvelrobbins, you should have added that roster in the poll too :oldrazz:
Well very doudtful they would have rachel and franklin.

My feeling has been Xavier,Magneto,wolverine,Storm,rogue or Kitty,and 1 other would be ones to come back.

I agree they won't recast and use the ones that can fit film In schedule.One possibilty Is recast Kitty.We already had 3 different Kitty's.But that would probally only happen If both Anna Paquin and ellen Page can't be in film.
I wasnt meaning adding Rachel and Franklin.

But Wolverine, Storm, Kitty, Collosus, Eric and someone else
OK.Cool.But,If they did that Magneto would be only one In both timeframes.
of course, lol

They still could add one of the 60's x-men, Beast, Havok or Banshee.

Highly doubt Fox or Matthew do that, but the issue is that they could, if want it.
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Id like them to do something unpredictable for once.

Not just using the same characters over and over.

Im really glad Havok and Banshee got used in First Class. The franchise needed fresh air, and they were right decisions, since both took part of the 60's comics.
Right now, there is some question as to whether The Last Stand is considered to be in-continuity with First Class and Singer's X films (inconsistencies aside, FC is and was always meant to be a prequel to the first X-Men film), so anything that is done in terms of bringing back old actors or characters will go a long way towards telling us the continuity status of TLS.
True but I think since we defently won't be seeing rachel and Franklin Richards they may use Xavier especilly If a Telepath Is needed to help timetravel plan.

Intresting tibit.In original version of story Xavier was killed along with Kelly when this was possable future.When they reconned It so It was defently an alternate timeline Xavier was killed by soldiers attacking the mansion where they grabed Rachel.

Again a case that even in comics Marvel changes history.

Is Rachel confirmed as not going to be in it? I'd love it if they included her.
Is Rachel confirmed as not going to be in it? I'd love it if they included her.

Nothing is confirmed character wise except most if not all of the FC Cast is coming back. Id like to see her as well. Probably the only time they could add her.
No the characters from the future are Colossus, Kitty, Logan, Magneto, Storm, Franklin Richards and Rachel.. everyone else is dead.

I remember Emma, Psylocke,Synch, Scarlet Witch and Jubilee being alive in a DOFP storyline. I think it was a prequel in the 90s though, about how DOFP Magneto came to be. I could be wrong. I def remember Psylocke being part of the Hellfire Club and not an X Men member in dofp somewhere. Dont think her or Emma died. But yeah as far as X Men members go those you mentioned were the only ones running around in the original story I think. I need to read these stories again, been awhile.
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I remember Emma, Psylocke,Synch, Scarlet Witch and Jubilee being alive in a DOFP storyline. I think it was a prequel in the 90s though, about how DOFP Magneto came to be. I could be wrong. I def remember Psylocke being part of the Hellfire Club and not an X Men member in dofp somewhere. Dont think her or Emma died. But yeah as far as X Men members go those you mentioned were the only ones running around in the original story I think. I need to read these stories again, been awhile.

I think that was Days of Future Present .. and I don't think they'll use that material but who knows.
I think that was Days of Future Present .. and I don't think they'll use that material but who knows.

I think they will just take the basic idea for DOFP and thats it, but yeah who knows Too many possibilities on what they can do. Found that comic, It was called Wolverine: Days of Future Past.
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Just like X2 took God loves Man Kills and took some core elements from It(before anyone mentiones Styker wasn't a revened In film version do you really think any studio would allow a big budget film to have as main villain a revened and be on a genocade mission) and added other things they will take the oriignal Days of future past storyline and add things to It.

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