Sequel for sure, with or without Reynolds. And i dont think you have to introduce Stewart just yet. The sequel has so much potential so i dont think they should reboot it. If they have to recast so be it, honestly after watching the film a few times i could see the need to recast some roles. Reynolds, with or without doesnt matter. My conclusion is that Reynolds simply cant lead a film on his own until he finds the right role. Very similar to Chris Evans, until he got Captain America and owned the role. Reynolds should've been the Flash in the first place, that would've been the role he owned. Miscast folks. They have to move forward with what they should do about Sinestro, i dont feel he should betray the corp just yet in the sequel, but rather try and assemble his own team or killers, just planning something thats hinted throughout the film. There should be another main villain that isnt Sinestro. The potential is there and WB seems to know what went wrong with the first one, they had months and months of gloating saying this was the Star Wars of superhero movies, well it wasnt, there wasnt much of the film in space to begin with. Im hoping for a sequel