Poll: Should Doctor Doom Be In The First MCU Fantastic Four film?

I don't see why. He's not like a classic Dr. Stange rogue, and while he knows sorcery, Doom was always a scientist. The best Doom stories for the most part involved Reed Richards and the FF. I would rather see Dr. Strange fight people like Nightmare or Mephisto (magic based characters)

Triumph and Torment.

I'd argue magic is as much to his character as science these days.
Triumph and Torment.

I'd argue magic is as much to his character as science these days.
I think a man of science learning of magic but going in a different direction than Strange would be very compelling and he would only need to be introduced he wouldn't have to be the bad guy
Hmmmm......that sort of sounds like wanting Lex Luther in the next Green Lantern movie.

I wasn't aware Lex Luthor had any famous, beloved stories where he and Green Lantern went on an adventure together.
He should feature but not be the main villain.

Let's start with them having secretly had their powers for a while, have Doom in a cameo, a reference to Namor in the script, and the main villain/s being either Mole-Man, The Frightful Four or Annihilus
Hmmmm......that sort of sounds like wanting Lex Luther in the next Green Lantern movie.

hahahaha! To me its more like having the T-1000 from Terminator 2, in Terminator 1. haha! It'd be dope!

I even think they should just bring back Mads Mikklesen to play him instead and just keep him in the Doom mask. And in scenes where he takes it off, They never show his face on Camera.

I just Think a Character like Doom would serve as a great antagonist for Benedict's Strange. It'd also be something unexpected and probably kinda refreshing. This doesn't mean he still can't be a Villain for the F4, eventually.

I mean they didn't make Ultron's origin comic accurate and I think it still turned out to be something new and pretty interesting.
Same could be said about the original Avengers movie, Civil War, Ragnarok and so on.
hahahaha! To me its more like having the T-1000 from Terminator 2, in Terminator 1. haha! It'd be dope!

I even think they should just bring back Mads Mikklesen to play him instead and just keep him in the Doom mask. And in scenes where he takes it off, They never show his face on Camera.

I just Think a Character like Doom would serve as a great antagonist for Benedict's Strange. It'd also be something unexpected and probably kinda refreshing. This doesn't mean he still can't be a Villain for the F4, eventually.

I mean they didn't make Ultron's origin comic accurate and I think it still turned out to be something new and pretty interesting.
Same could be said about the original Avengers movie, Civil War, Ragnarok and so on.

But Ultron still was an Avengers villain. They didn't put in like an X-Men film. Certain characters need the boost in their rogues gallery, but Dr. Strange really does not. There are so many mystical threats to use and explore in his world, it makes using Doom there seem like a waste. I would rather we explore more of the mystical realm as opposed to steal a mostly science based villain who would be better served in a FF film. I don't want to see Red Skull fight Iron Man, Mandarin fight the Punisher, etc. Doom is more a Marvel villain I would agree, but first and foremost, he is a FF villain. Further, the FF have had a bad history on film. Using the best villain correctly would help build their brand. Dr. Strange has a strong brand and doesn't need the boost.
But Ultron still was an Avengers villain. They didn't put in like an X-Men film. Certain characters need the boost in their rogues gallery, but Dr. Strange really does not. There are so many mystical threats to use and explore in his world, it makes using Doom there seem like a waste. I would rather we explore more of the mystical realm as opposed to steal a mostly science based villain who would be better served in a FF film. I don't want to see Red Skull fight Iron Man, Mandarin fight the Punisher, etc. Doom is more a Marvel villain I would agree, but first and foremost, he is a FF villain. Further, the FF have had a bad history on film. Using the best villain correctly would help build their brand. Dr. Strange has a strong brand and doesn't need the boost.

I don't care.
Ant-man and Wasp were Founding members, they weren't in the movies. Ant-man created Ultron, He didn't the movies.
Its not about boosting the character just making something & awesome compelling with these characters.

I think perhaps I'm more open minded. All of these villains can switch and gather multiple enemies among the MCU heroes now that they can all exist in the same universe.
I'd love to see someone like KAng The Conqueror against F4, I think it'd be cool see Red Skull fight Wolverine, Juggernaut against the Hulk, Bullseye against Hawkeye or Tombstone vs The Punisher.
I'm all for it as long as it compels me to watch it.

I just don't see why Doom couldn't be just as well served in Strange's current MCU if they wanted it to.
I don't care.
Ant-man and Wasp were Founding members, they weren't in the movies. Ant-man created Ultron, He didn't the movies.
Its not about boosting the character just making something & awesome compelling with these characters.

I think perhaps I'm more open minded. All of these villains can switch and gather multiple enemies among the MCU heroes now that they can all exist in the same universe.
I'd love to see someone like KAng The Conqueror against F4, I think it'd be cool see Red Skull fight Wolverine, Juggernaut against the Hulk, Bullseye against Hawkeye or Tombstone vs The Punisher.
I'm all for it as long as it compels me to watch it.

I just don't see why Doom couldn't be just as well served in Strange's current MCU if they wanted it to.

How many characters within the MCU movies at this point fight magic based villains? 1, Dr. Strange. If you're making Doom his villain, you're not exploring the world Dr. Strange has the opportunity to explore enough. He needs to fight mystic threats, as it is what makes him unique. Dr. Doom doesn't accomplish anything for Dr. Strange that Mordo already does. This is why I don't think it works. If you have a strong section of villains already in your own sandbox, I don't think plucking ones from elsewhere is the best use of that villain, nor even the hero. Dr. Doom does more for FF than he does Dr. Strange. Therefore, he should be used where he helps the most. Someone like Ant-Man needs the bump. Dr. Strange does not.

Kang was actually introduced in the pages of FF as Rama Tut, and has history with Doom and the FF. So, he actually would work as a FF villain, and actually falls under their rights.
I actually think if Doom were to be introduced in another film other than FF, Black Panther makes the most sense. With Doom, you can compare/contrast them as rulers of their respective countries.
hahaha! I think you need to expand your imagination. Why can't they do both?
I disagree with everything you said.

hahaha! I think you need to expand your imagination. Why can't they do both?
I disagree with everything you said.


As previously noted, Dr. Doom is a science based villain who knows sorcery, and we already have Mordo who is a former sorcered and foil for Strange, and one who has a personal connection to him that Doom doesn't. So, why not use the one that has the more interesting backstory with Dr. Strange? If you use them both at same time, it seems redundant.

I have imagination. Heck, I have worked on screenplays for people (and been paid for it), and my opinion is guided by how I view story potential. I just don't think Doom ticks enough boxes for Dr. Strange. Now, like I said, I can see it for Black Panther. Either Doom or Namor would be very compelling for Black Panther. Heck, if they make Sokovian refugees go to Latveria, the fact he hid Bucky Barnes in Wakanda can be used to start a conflict over the vibranium mine. That would be a cool movie and has more set-up. Better than any Dr. Strange one I am picturing.
By the MCU's definition, So is Loki. I don't see why they just couldn't make something interesting out of this.

I didn't say you didn't. I'm saying it's limited.

Hahaha! The idea of Doom and Black PAnther could make for a great racial commentary piece. I could see this rubbing people the wrong way but it does have potential. Hmm.
Maybe the re-emergence of Latveria as a sovereign state could come about from the break-up of Sokovia?
Maybe the re-emergence of Latveria as a sovereign state could come about from the break-up of Sokovia?

I think you almost have to run with this idea, it is too good. Seen many of us pitch, Marvel has to be thinking same thing, right?!?
Why not leave him for the after credits? Set him up like Thanos though not for 10 years.


Doom picking up a cosmic cube at the end of Avengers 4.
Doom, probably more than any other Marvel villain, belongs to everyone. He's probably mixed it up with just about every major Marvel character at one time or another.

But he has a unique relationship with Reed Richards. I always see them as opposite sides of the same coin with Doom being an example of what happens when one of the greatest minds in the universe is obsessed with selfish pursuits and Reed as an example of what happens when one of the greatest minds in the universe dedicates himself to discovery and making the universe a better place. And their rivalry regarding who actually is the greatest mind defines both characters.

And with that in mind, I feel strongly that Doom should be introduced either in an FF film or in another film in conjunction with Reed Richards. After he has been introduced, he can interact with/fight other characters, but I think he should be tied to Reed Richards as his primary adversary.
Doom, probably more than any other Marvel villain, belongs to everyone. He's probably mixed it up with just about every major Marvel character at one time or another.

But he has a unique relationship with Reed Richards. I always see them as opposite sides of the same coin with Doom being an example of what happens when one of the greatest minds in the universe is obsessed with selfish pursuits and Reed as an example of what happens when one of the greatest minds in the universe dedicates himself to discovery and making the universe a better place. And their rivalry regarding who actually is the greatest mind defines both characters.

And with that in mind, I feel strongly that Doom should be introduced either in an FF film or in another film in conjunction with Reed Richards. After he has been introduced, he can interact with/fight other characters, but I think he should be tied to Reed Richards as his primary adversary.

Yup. Doom is most closely tied to Reed and should be the next Thanos in MCU. A team up movie with others alongside the FF would be pretty awesome.

I think Strange should meet up with Umar and, eventually, Dormammu. Those, to me, were the best Strange stories (esp Dormammu). Bring in Eternity and others. So many cool characters in Dr. Strange's world.
And with that in mind, I feel strongly that Doom should be introduced either in an FF film or in another film in conjunction with Reed Richards. After he has been introduced, he can interact with/fight other characters, but I think he should be tied to Reed Richards as his primary adversary.

If only Fox hadn't ruined both the 'The Coming of Galactus' story and ''Doom stealing the Silver Surfer's powers" story from the comics it'd be freakin' cool to see Marvel have the "Doom stealing the Surfer's powers" story from the comics as a basis for the next crossover film(Avengers 5??).

Actually there is already a good version of that story done in the 90's Fantastic Four animated series finale two parter "Doomsday." Would recommend folks that over seeing the 'Rise of The Silver Surfer.'
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If only Fox hadn't ruined both the 'The Coming of Galactus' story and ''Doom stealing the Silver Surfer's powers" story from the comics it'd be freakin' cool to see Marvel have the "Doom stealing the Surfer's powers" story from the comics as a basis for the next crossover film(Avengers 5??).

Actually there is already a good version of that story done in the 90's Fantastic Four animated series finale two parter "Doomsday." Would recommend folks that over seeing the 'Rise of The Silver Surfer.'

:up: I've made similar comments before. That's one of my favorite story-lines. Hopefully it hasn't been completely ruined by Fox and we can see a variation some day.

Since Fox treated it as a forgettable side-story, maybe they can just brush that variation aside and go with a full-scale epic. Once Doom and Surfer are both established as characters, it would be a great story.

And one element that was completely ignored in the Fox film was Doom's conning and manipulation of Surfer to get him into a position that he could steal his power.

That was interesting not only because it showed Doom's conniving, but I always imagined that it was a big learning experience for Surfer and he became a little more cynical and distrustful of humans in general after that.
:up: I've made similar comments before. That's one of my favorite story-lines. Hopefully it hasn't been completely ruined by Fox and we can see a variation some day.

Since Fox treated it as a forgettable side-story, maybe they can just brush that variation aside and go with a full-scale epic. Once Doom and Surfer are both established as characters, it would be a great story.

And one element that was completely ignored in the Fox film was Doom's conning and manipulation of Surfer to get him into a position that he could steal his power.

That was interesting not only because it showed Doom's conniving, but I always imagined that it was a big learning experience for Surfer and he became a little more cynical and distrustful of humans in general after that.

Speaking of ruining something, I think the TV side did an awesome job on The Inhumans. Why o why couldn't they have left that alone until Marvel got the FF back? I always wanted to see the FF/Inhumans on the big screen. I have the FF comics that introduced Inhumans and loved those story lines.
Speaking of ruining something, I think the TV side did an awesome job on The Inhumans. Why o why couldn't they have left that alone until Marvel got the FF back? I always wanted to see the FF/Inhumans on the big screen. I have the FF comics that introduced Inhumans and loved those story lines.

The Inhumans was never really something, I think, the movie division was ever all that passionate about. I've read somewhere that the Inhumans was more something Perlmutter pushed than Feige and co. did and once the separation between the film division and the comics division happened than the Inhumans became less of a priority to the point it was shelved as a movie and dumped on television instead. What's funny about this is that Agents Of Shield show kind of was pushing them as some sort of awkward stand-in for the X-Men in the MCU but since the Disney/Fox deal happened(and if it gets approved) means that Marvel has the X-Men now which eliminates the need to position the Inhumans as the 'replacement X-Men' now that they have the real thing.
The Inhumans was never really something, I think, the movie division was ever all that passionate about. I've read somewhere that the Inhumans was more something Perlmutter pushed than Feige and co. did and once the separation between the film division and the comics division happened than the Inhumans became less of a priority to the point it was shelved as a movie and dumped on television instead. What's funny about this is that Agents Of Shield show kind of was pushing them as some sort of awkward stand-in for the X-Men in the MCU but since the Disney/Fox deal happened(and if it gets approved) means that Marvel has the X-Men now which eliminates the need to position the Inhumans as the 'replacement X-Men' now that they have the real thing.

Yes. I have heard that. What I was commenting on is that FF and Inhumans would work really well together. Maybe Feige's lack of enthusiasm was based on the fact that Marvel didn't have FF; at least that's what I hope. It might not be the case, but there's some reason to believe that might be true.

IMO, mutants in the MCU don't eliminate the need for Inhumans (though if they were going to be replacement mutants, not a very good idea to begin with, it certainly does eliminate the need for them as that).

I hope the movie division ignores that Inhumans was ever "made" and someday the Royal Family appears on screen with the First Family. I think there's a lot of potential in that match up/team up......maybe even both against Doom down the road.
I'd like to see Doom in the movie, just not as the major villain. Not just yet. They should explain his relationship to Reed, and show him as Lord of Latveria. He should not be involved in the accident giving the FF their powers, and he should not be romancing Sue.

He should keep his mask on, but we know the ego of these actors, and the studios paying them. They're going to want the actor's face out there, but I hope they can control themselves.

This is gonna be controversial to say but I thought Doom had a faithful representation in the Corman one./QUOTE]
It's kind of sad when you think about it, but this is true. When I think about what they did with Doom in the past three FF movies, truly it could make me weep.

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