Poster/Moderator Discussion Thread!

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IKYN Guy Groupie
Aug 9, 2000
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Hello Video Gamers,

As I'm sure you know I am the new global moderator, and if you have read the forum announcement, I am going to be paying special attention to this forum for the time being. Why? Because the video game forum is pretty unique on the Hype. It is kind of a lawless wasteland where moderators dare not enter. Well, that ends today. This thread is the starting point. I've created it for two reasons:

1) To really specify what needs done in the video games forum. To take your comments and ideas. This place is kind of a mess, and I am going to need help cleaning it up, so any ideas or thoughts you would like to throw at me can be posted here (or PMed to me, if you prefer).

2) To clarify any questions you may have on the rules of the Hype. This place seems to have been pretty exempt from the rules for the past couple years and that has got to end. If you have any questions about what the rules are you can ask them and I will clarify. But the constant flaming, baiting, and trolling over a piece of metal and wires is going to end. There is nothing wrong with debate, but insulting another Hypster in the process is unacceptable.

I know this forum can be cleaned up and I look forward to working with you guys to do it and turning the video games forum into the premiere forum on the Hype :yay:
What happened to your famous avatar? :(

I think we need an official meeting of Hypers online thread on the 360.
I lost a bet with Kel. :csad: We have an X-Box live tag thread though, right?
A lot of the time the mods that do come in here lack even a basic understanding of videogames, or the ecologically complex nature of a video game forum and video game fans, and they think they can ban hammer and run like any old section of the hype, which just doesn't work.

Good luck :ninja:
The first thing to do is ban the following users:

1. Zenien
2. The Guardian
3. Souless
4. Blas
A lot of the time the mods that do come in here lack even a basic understanding of videogames, or the ecologically complex nature of a video game forum and video game fans, and they think they can ban hammer and run like any old section of the hype, which just doesn't work.

Good luck :ninja:

I seriously doubt it'll be any different this time around. We shall see.
Here we go again.

That's all I'm saying since Zenien eloquently stated what I would have put sans cursing.
A lot of the time the mods that do come in here lack even a basic understanding of videogames, or the ecologically complex nature of a video game forum and video game fans, and they think they can ban hammer and run like any old section of the hype, which just doesn't work.

Good luck :ninja:

This is any old section of the Hype though. Thats the problem. You guys think the same rules do not apply to you. That is one of the reasons it was decided that you need a specific moderator. I know games, but just because you guys discuss the universally important topic that is video games, does not mean you are above the rules.
Here we go again.

That's all I'm saying since Zenien eloquently stated what I would have put sans cursing.

WHF, consider this your only warning. I consider you one of the biggest trouble makers up here. And it ends. If you can discuss things civilly, great. If not, pack up and leave the Hype. Go where ever THWIP went. THis kind of arrogance and belief that your section is somehow above the rules of the Hype is not acceptable and will not be tolerated anymore.
Emulate Drakon. He's the only moderator that has ever operated in this forum without screwing things up.
Best way to start cleaning up the board? Make numerous threads on the same subject spread over different boards. :down:
You should also try be needlessly confrontational to anyone that ever made you look bad in an argument. That helps. Really jump starts the feelings of cooperation.
Already I feel like I'm much safer (and happier) here. Who knows, maybe I won't arm myself next time I step inside!
WHF, consider this your only warning. I consider you one of the biggest trouble makers up here. And it ends. If you can discuss things civilly, great. If not, pack up and leave the Hype. Go where ever THWIP went. THis kind of arrogance and belief that your section is somehow above the rules of the Hype is not acceptable and will not be tolerated anymore.

You jump down his back for speaking his mind? Wow, I can see the greatness emanating from you already.
This is silly. I hope to god this place isn't about to turn into a concentration camp. :down:
Actually this is great, now this place is about to become a crap hole, we can make a big push for people to come to GR.

EDIT: Uh-oh, double post, run for cover boys!
It is, because the moderators favour the Community crowd. That's the way it's always been, except for Drakon. We get some preachy mod whipping a little tiff into a firestorm and going on and on about moral responsibility as if this was a "youths in jesus christ" forum. While fights can break out in the Community forum and go almost completely unnoticed unless they offend a mod directly.

It's a dual-sided blade and we're the ones that get the cuts from it.
I think it's pretty obvious that it is. This is the same crap it's always been. Get ready for a fury of grudge settling.
Why can't Dark, or DOG LIPS come back? They were both awesome. Master Bruce was just appointed mod, he should come here.
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