Love the blonde ranger chick.
Also the one that plays Jayden doesn't look like such a *****e there.
They're an attractive bunch...and they have the "Ranger-look" going...but they have not impressed me in this series. The acting has been...well...and the story is cut-and-paste boring. I give them credit for living in New Zealand, and committing, but that's it. Green, seems like he has some talent.
Saban really needs to use an original story and create some Sabanesque, original villains to be at the forefront. I don't know, maybe he's trying to build his PR empire back up before he really gets into gear.
I haven't been watching; I've maybe caught half of two to three episodes. It just doesn't interest me.
What I hope for PR in the near future, now these are just my hopes mind you:
1. Saban will relocate PR back to the states; the Los Angeles area preferably (let's get some of that income flowing in this city, people need jobs)
2. A return to Angel Grove for a future series
3. Fill in some of the more interesting plotholes: How did Bulk get back to earth?
4. If Disney's PR series' are truly out of continuity, will we see what past Rangers (Tommy, Adam, T.J., etc.) have been up to since deactivation? (Personally, I always saw Tommy going professional with his stock car driving, since that's what he was into before he left Turbo)
5. I would like to see a true homage/restart PR series for Saban. To me, PRS is not a reboot. I would like to see five regular/run-in-the-mill teens, in HS (Angel Grove High or Stone Canyon High), get chosen by some supernatural force, and become Rangers.
Will I see any of these, time will only tell. I give Saban credit though, he really promoted PRS well and it sounds like it's doing good on Nick, despite my dislike for it. I hope he churns out some better PR series in the future.
P.S. Saban, I'm writer, and know the PR universe like the back of my hand, hire me!