I wish you could leave feedback on that 'review.' The guy is way more interested in trying to sound clever and witty, and stroking his baby-sized ego than he was about giving away plot details. We all know why he gave it a negative sounding review... so he could write a cocky and 'hilarious' diatribe about how stupid he thought it was and how many useless cinema and comic references he could throw in to sound like an actual cinema expert. The dead giveaway was this line:
"In the interest of full disclosure, I hafta tell you the biggest laugh I got from the script didn't actually come between pages 1 and 101. When I told fellow IESB correspondent/Film Geek Mike D. that I was reading PUNISHER 2, he asked me: "How big of a piece of dog **** is it?" "It's as bad as you think it is." I replied."
Give the man his own sitcom! Mr. E... with the zinger! You know he thought it was funny, and just from that little anecdote you can tell this guy thinks he's a hellova lot more clever than he really is. Also, I'd bet at any point where he had an honest opinion of the script, that 'clever' response he gave his little buddy there just encouraged him to try and rip it to shreds because well... he can be funny about it, right?
Screw this guy. I can't stand reviewers who think they are experts because they can throw in obscure references to other movies or media under the guise of being clever... and the internet is full of them. I'd read this and be worried about the Punisher movie, if the reviewer hadn't discredited himself with his own writing.