Venom now has a stand alone film, according to the studio.

Awesome news about Venom being in a spin-off film! I just hope the film will be in the right hands and not fail like Elektra did. I also hope Topher Grace will come back, but he did say he wouldn't because the film would probably fail. I wonder who will be the writer. :up:
If they get a solid writer and director, I think most people will start taking this seriously.

As far as what I might be interesting to see if they got Cronenberg on this and went balls-off-the-wall on it. We last saw the symbiote in the process of merging with Brock. They could use the comic's current symbiote interpretation with that idea. Maybe a surviving strand would assimilate Brock's personality and take on that deceptive personality. You could go all kinds of ways with a story like that, and with a body horror feel to the film you can make it appropriately dark. That's what I want...a symbiote that isn't mistaken for making folks become emo and is genuinely frightening.
YES!! My God,I'm so excited about this!!! BUT...I'm so nervous too. The studio better take this film seriously. I really hope they take a "horror" approach to it. I want this movie dark and disturbing.
A movie dedicated to's doomed already.
If they get a solid writer and director, I think most people will start taking this seriously.

As far as what I might be interesting to see if they got Cronenberg on this and went balls-off-the-wall on it. We last saw the symbiote in the process of merging with Brock. They could use the comic's current symbiote interpretation with that idea. Maybe a surviving strand would assimilate Brock's personality and take on that deceptive personality. You could go all kinds of ways with a story like that, and with a body horror feel to the film you can make it appropriately dark. That's what I want...a symbiote that isn't mistaken for making folks become emo and is genuinely frightening.
Cronenberg is actually a pretty interesting choice, especially when you bring up the body horror aspect that hes known for. The symbiote could fit in that theme very well. Only thing if they did get him to do it, it better be rated R.
A movie dedicated to's doomed already.
My thoughts exactly.

Unless it's a hardcore R-rated (Alien(s)/Terminator 2/Predator) combination of a film. At least they'll get rid of the lame rival between Peter/Brock.
If it's base off the Ultimate Venom, this proposed film isn't worth it.
I'll support it. (Unless they go off in some weird direction, or whatever)...

Personally; the more Spider-Man related characters that make it to the big screen, the better. (again; provided they are given proper respect and consideration)...
I really hope they take a "horror" approach to it. I want this movie dark and disturbing.
I think there's a chance the film will be R-rated, though I'm not sure. A film can be disturbing and dark as a PG-13 film as well.
I'm hoping that this will be worth our money & worth our time. Venom is one of my favorite Spider-Man villains & he could certainly do great being in his own film. If they get a good writer & director as well as good actors, it won't fail like Elektra did.
Venom deserves his own movie, he seems to be one of the only Spider-Man villains that would be able to have his own film that is good.
I'm actually looking forward to this, especially if they say met with "A list writers".
I'm actually looking forward to this, especially if they say met with "A list writers".

Yeah, that'd be best. I'm also hoping that we get to see Carnage or if not that the writers would be able to make up a good protagonist.
I like this idea. I remember Avi Arad talking about this a few month's ago, glad to hear that it's finally got the greenlight. I wonder when to expect it's release.
Venom deserves his own movie, he seems to be one of the only Spider-Man villains that would be able to have his own film that is good.

Venom is totally and utterly incapable of carrying his own movie, and probably one of the least worthy villains to get a movie. He's no Magneto. He has not got the depth or story to make a movie.

He was created as an enemy to Spider-Man. That's the only way he functions best.

This movie is a train wreck waiting to happen.
No, he doesn't which is why I'm just ignoring him. I'm happy this movie is being made & that's all that matters to me.
I like this idea. I remember Avi Arad talking about this a few month's ago, glad to hear that it's finally got the greenlight. I wonder when to expect it's release.
I say it will probably come out in 211. Especially because they haven't found a writer yet. Though, a 210 release is possible. :up:

Anyway, I really think this film has the potential to be great. One of the problems with films like Elektra, Hulk, etc, is the ideas that the directors have. Someone passionate about characters and directs a film about that character, it usually turns out very good. Basically, what we need is a good writer and a director that has very good and usefull ideas.

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