Quick decision: X3 or Superman Returns?

Kevin Roegele

Do you mind if I don't?
May 2, 2000
Reaction score
Very quickly, snap judgement, don't analyze it, which do you want to see more?
That's Easy, Since I Don't Wanna See Superman At All.
Supes screams quality and big event, X3 screams hastily prepared uninspired sequel.
Even after watcing the Superman trailer I'm still more excited to see X-Men 3.
the X3 Trailer and Leno bit have proven to be more exciting to me. I will enjoy watching the X universe get completely and totally shaken up in front of my eyes. I'm not sure I want to watch a Lois and Clark Reunion for 2hrs. the show was ok but to re-do it on screen...meh. Granted I'm seeing both but my hype is with the children of the atom not the last son of krypton.
Superman Returns.

I doubt X-Men 3 will be as good as the previous ones by Singer.
You Call Yourself The Falcon, & Yet Your Avatar Is Batman.
X-men 3, the SR trailer was unimpressive in my opinion. The thing I find appealling about the x-movies, is that if you don't like one character then there is 13 other to choose from but in films like SR if Routh blows, the film blows.
That's not a strong argument. If you don't like the way Wolverine is portrayed, well, a good 60% of the movie revolves around him. It's not like Patrick Stewart's gonna take over for him.
I'm just not attracted to the premise of "Superman Returns". "Superman II", while entertaining, had flaws I'd rather not revisit. To use that as your springboard 25 years later seems a bad idea to me. Then making Lois a single mom, saying that Supes was in space for five years (for what? What was he looking for?) & Lex is still pulling real estate scams-combine that w/the badly colored suit & I can't think of one reason to spend my $8.50. I'm hoping my kids don't wanna see it to the point where I'm forced to take them.
X-Men 3 everybody is waiting for it.

Superman= boring
No need to bash SR if you are looking forward to X3 more...:confused:

I want to see X3 more, I'll see both, but I'm counting down every second to X3.
Unfortunately It's A Very Common Mentality On These Boards; It's Not Enough To Uplift The Things You Do Like, You Must Take Every Opportunity To Trash The Things You Don't.
Or if either choice doesn't grab your interest, you simply say "Neither"
Chris Wallace said:
Unfortunately It's A Very Common Mentality On These Boards; It's Not Enough To Uplift The Things You Do Like, You Must Take Every Opportunity To Trash The Things You Don't.

Unfortunately true.....

I'm hot to see X3..it will be crazy fun, but SR is going to be the better film for sure. Comic fans may enjoy X3 more, but I think overall SR will be more popular with the general public.

I'd have to go with Supes.
I want to see Superman Returns more since it has been so long since I have seen a Superman movie. But I do want to see X3, but I will be more dissappointed if Superman turns out to be a bad movie. If X3 is bad I still have 1 and 2 which were very good in my opinion, to fall back on since they were made fairly recently, but if Superman blows...

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