raimi to stop after 3?


Apr 10, 2006
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old, but interesting interview with sam raimi. It appears that this movie may be the last for raimi and maguire...the question is does anyone know what the deal is with raimi-has he subsequently changed his tune? I hope so......
jimmylace said:

old, but interesting interview with sam raimi. It appears that this movie may be the last for raimi and maguire...the question is does anyone know what the deal is with raimi-has he subsequently changed his tune? I hope so......

Spider-Man 4 with Tobey Maguire, Bryce-Dallas Howard, and a new director. Works for me.
Hmmmmm, Spider-Man 4, directed by....... Bryan Singer
would tobey return without raimi? I'm not so sure.....
Sam Raimi needs to find another cash cow. He's nearly milked this one dry.

Um, I think it's that comic franchises need to find Raimi so they can start making money again.
could singer nail the emotional beats like raimi? personally if I have to have a sans raimi spidey, I'd rather they jumped a decent bit into the future and went the adult story line route....
I'm not sure if singer would do another superhero movie. theyd need to find a director who would stick for three more movies and be passionate about them (with all the best villains dead!)
Changed his tune? This article is from June 2004. :confused:
Yeah, and he is more suited to the team super movies it seems. Wow, dominating the front page is rough!
I got told, mabye just rumours that there will be a captain america film. Which could suit raimi
Yeah, I think he could pull that off, I'm not sure how much humor he could work into that story though
cmill216 said:
Changed his tune? This article is from June 2004. :confused:

Yeah a lot can happen in two years, especially attitudes. But I wouldn't entirely be sadden to see him go. We need a new director with a different vision.
Yeah, look what it did for Batman, maybe we will finally get the Spider Clone Saga we want so bad,......urk urp..... sorry I just threw up in my mouth a little
No I don't mean it in that way....*shudder* I was referring to having an entirely different crew and set up, kind of like Batman Begins. I believe there is room for great improvement without Raimi and a new Director (a good one) could give new life to the franchise.

The other thing is if he doesn't want to do anymore and decides to stay just because of the money would you want him to stay?
POWdER-man said:
Not I don't mean in that way....*shudder* I was referring to having an entirely different crew and set up, kind of like Batman Begins. I believe there is room for great improvement without Raimi and a new Director (a good one) could give new life to the franchise.

The other thing is if he doesn't want to do anymore and decides to stay just because of the money would you want him to stay?

Not really, that's kind of what happened to Batman, directors were just signing on for the exposure.
Raimi is coming back. tht interview is very old, and since then he he has said over and over again that he wants to come back.
hey if maguire doesn't return theres always that Jarhead main actor guy?? i forget his name but they were gonna use him instead of Maguire cuz of that horse racing movie accident he had. i forgot what the name of the movie was but anyways whatever the Jarhead actor is he looks like Maguire. and as far as Raimi i can careless. if X3 succeeds maybe Ratner can jump on that. i have faith in the guy and the movie will do well. i'm just hoping Raimi and Maguire returns but if not i'm for my version of the alternative.
but wait aren't they shooting Spiderman 3 and 4 back to back??

so yeah they'll both return but as far as after that like Spidey 5 and 6 who knows??
Hopefully he won't. I hate what Raimi did with the Spiderman franchise. For one he messed up the green goblin in the first Spiderman film, he looked like a green power ranger to me. Nothing like the kind we would expect. Second Topher for Eddie Brock/Venom? Are you kidding me? Third he's introducing the ultimate spiderman symbiote storyline. Fourth I hate the Black Spiderman symbiote costume posted on his official spiderman website. What's so good about it's just the regular suit painted black. Can't Raimi do better than that. Tobey for Peter Parker? Another mistake. I don't like Tobey's acting. Seriously, we need a better director for Spiderman 4, 5, and 6. I know this isn't going to happen but what about Peter Jackson or David Fincher directing the next Spiderman trilogy. Anyway I have a good suggestion about who could play Peter Parker/Spiderman if he's recast: that's the guy who used to play Zach from Saved By The Bell. To me he looks just like the peter parker from the 90's tv show. Anyone watch Commander in Chief before, well he's in it.
I think Sam Raimi is focused on the third movie before he does another one.

We'll have to see how he feels after this one is in the can.

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