Rank the Bat-Films.....


Aug 24, 2000
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That's right, rank them. You can rank all seven of the Warner's films, or include the Adam West "movie" and MOTP or all the animated films, if you want. Go crazy.

I'll start with mine going:

1. The Dark Knight
2. Batman Begins
3. Batman (1989)
4. The Dark Knight Rises

5. Batman Returns
6. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm

7. Batman Forever
8. Batman & Robin

My list.
I'll rank the live-action films for now..

#1-Batman Returns
#5-Batman Begins
#6-Batman Forever
#8-Batman:The Movie(60's)

As films themselves I prefer the Nolan trilogy But as Batman adaptions I prefer the Burton films!
I'll go with all theatrical releases.

1. The Dark Knight Rises
2. The Dark Knight
3. Batman Begins
4. Mask Of The Phantasm
5. Batman Forever
6. Batman '89
7. Batman Returns
8. Batman '66
9. Batman (1943 serial)
10. Batman & Robin (1949 serial)
11. Batman & Robin (1997)

I love the Nolan trilogy and also like them as Batman interpretations. I'd say Mask Of The Phantasm would be the theatrical release that is closest to the comics, not a surprise considering how well B:TAS worked.

I really loved the Keaton/Burton movies when I saw them back when they came out, but I like them less now. Part of it is him doing the things the modern Batman would not do, like killing people, even thugs. He would in his origins do so, but Keaton's Batman came off more deranged than truly seeking justice. Nolan's Batman gets this right - as does the Batman from B:TAS.

So why Batman Forever above the other ones? There are many things I dislike about the movie. The garish neon visuals, the over-the-top Two-Face. And I do wish they'd have included some of the deleted scenes that flesh out the story more, because Bruce Wayne's guilt over his parents' death and what Batman has become is not handled badly. The movie is more comic-y than I'd like, but also the most heroic of the early Batfilms. I'd love to see it recut a bit.

As for the last Schumacher film - ugh. It might actually work as a camp film with some editing, but it is overlong even at just over two hours. There's no flow as it is and I'm not sure there really is much humor to find. The Adam West film works so much better.
Mask of the Phantasm
The Dark Knight
Under The Red Hood
Batman Returns
Batman Begins
Batman: The Movie
Batman Forever
The Dark Knight Rises
Batman & Robin
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1.) Dark Knight
2.) Dark Knight Rises
3.) Mask of the Phantasm
4.) Batman Begins
5.) Batman
6.) Batman Returns
7.) Batman '66
8.) Batman and Robin
9.) Batman Forever

I know putting Batman and Robin before Batman Forever is probably pretty controversial but what it comes down to is at this point I look at B&R as such a horrible film that it's become enjoyable. If I'm looking for a good laugh I can pop B&R in whereas there is pretty much nothing worthwhile with Forever. I can probably count on one hand how many times I've watched Forever in the last 15 years and it's still the only Batman film I do not own nor have any intention to buy. At least with B&R Schumacher reveled in the ridiculousness. Forever seemed like Schumacher tried to have it both ways and still have elements of Burton's films in it and he failed miserably at it.
I was happy to find this thread!

1. The Dark Knight
2. Batman Begins
3. Batman (1989)
4. The Dark Knight Rises

5. Batman Returns
6. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm

7. Batman Forever
8. Batman & Robin

My list.

My list is almost identical

Theatrical releases only

The Dark Knight
Batman Begins
Batman '89
Dark Knight Rises

Mask of the Phantasm
Batman Returns
Batman '66

Batman Forever
Batman & Robin

Thanks to Burton and Nolan, Batman really has the best movies of any superhero.
In my opinion, The Dark Knight, alongside Superman: The Movie, may be the greatest superhero film of all time. ..while Batman and Robin may be the worst. Batman '66 was just fun for what it was, which was the Batman of it's time.
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Just gonna rank the live action ones as well. :)

1. The Dark Knight Rises
2. The Dark Knight
3. Batman Begins
4. Batman (1989)
5. Batman Returns
6. Batman Forever
7. Batman & Robin
Since I really can't say I like one nolan film over another I have just come to thinking of the trilogy as one. Like a book with different chapters, and I am absolutly obbsessed with Nolans trilogy, but can't stand the others. LOL

To conquer fear, you must become fear. You must bask in the fear of other men. Ra's al Ghul
1. The Dark Knight
2. The Dark Knight Rises
3. Batman Begins
4. Batman Returns
5. Batman
6. Batman Forever
7. Batman & Robin
1. Batman Returns
2. Batman Begins
3. The Dark Knight
4. Batman 89
5. Batman Mask of Phantasm
6. The Dark Knight Rises
7. Batman 66
8. Batman Forever
9. Batman and Robin
1. The Dark Knight Rises
2. The Dark Knight
2. Batman Begins
4. Batman 89
5. Batman Forever
6. Batman Returns
7. Batman and Robin
8. Batman 66
1. The Dark Knight Rises
2. The Dark Knight
3. Batman
4. Under the Red Hood
5. Batman: The Movie
6. Batman Begins
7. Year One
8. Return of the Joker
9. Batman Returns
10. Mask of the Phantasm

Wow. When you think about it, Batman has had a ton of incredible movies made.
Going with DACrowe's style list...

1. Batman
2. Batman Returns
3. The Dark Knight Rises

4. The Dark Knight
5. Mask of the Phantasm

6. Batman Begins
7. Batman Forever

So Bad It's Good:
8. Batman (1966)
9. Batman & Robin
Honestly, I would file every single one of my Top 10 as great.
The Dark Knight Rises
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
Batman (1989)
Batman (1966)
Batman Returns/Batman Forever
Batman & Robin (although, I do enjoy it as a farce that it could also be my #4)
1.) The Dark Knight Rises
2.) The Dark Knight
3.) Batman Begins
4.) Batman (1989)
5.) Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
6.) Batman: Under the Red Hood
7.) Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero
8.) Batman: Year One
9.) Batman Returns
10.) Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker
11.) Batman Forever
12.) The Batman vs Dracula
13.) Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman
14.) Batman (1966)
15.) Batman & Robin
From all the ones I've seen (live action only):

1. The Dark Knight
2. The Dark Knight Rises
3. Batman Begins
4. Batman (1989)
5. Batman Returns
6. Batman Forever
7. Batman and Robin
1. Batman Begins
2. The Dark Knight
3. Batman '89
4. Batman Returns
5. Batman '66
6. The Dark Knight Rises
7. Batman Forever
8. Batman and Robin
I'll strictly go with my enjoyment of the films and this is based on watching all of them within the last week

1. Batman Returns
2. The Dark Knight
3. Batman Begins
4. The Dark Knight Rises
5. Batman and Robin
6. Batman
7. Batman Forever
Really like:


1. The Dark Knight
2. The Dark Knight Rises
3. Batman Begins
4. Batman
5. Batman Returns
6. Batman Forever
7. Batman & Robin
Batman: The Movie really is a highly underrated comedic masterpiece. The more I rewatch it as an adult, the more subtle, yet highly intelligent humor that's written throughout.

"Salt and corrosion, the crime fighter's arch enemy."

That's not childishness. That's not lazy comedy. That's a group of really smart, talented people very intentionally making a well-crafted spoof.
1. Batman Begiins
2. The Dark Knight/Rises
3. Batman 89
4. Batman Returns
5. Batman Forever
6. Batman The Movie (66)
7. Batman And Robin (97)

Animated movies

1. Mask Of The Phanstam
2. Year One
3. Under The Red Hood
4. Subzero
5. Gotham Knight
6. Mystery Of The Batwoman
7. The Batman vs Dracula
Live action films:

1. The Dark Knight
2. The Dark Knight Rises
3. Batman Begins
4. Batman Returns
5. Batman (1989)
6. Batman The Movie (1966)


7. Batman Forever
8. Batman and Robin

The first six are terrific.
Batman: The Movie really is a highly underrated comedic masterpiece. The more I rewatch it as an adult, the more subtle, yet highly intelligent humor that's written throughout.
That movie is awesome. The opening disclaimer really captures what they're going for perfectly.

"We wish to express our gratitude to the enemies of crime and crusaders against crime throughout the world for their inspirational example. To them and to lovers of adventure, lovers of pure excapism, lovers of the unadulterated entertainment, lovers of the ridiculous and bizarre... to the fun lovers everywhere this picture is respectfully dedicated."

We see a man kissing a woman and then they cut to: "If we have overlooked any sizable group of lovers, we apologize."
1. Batman
2. Batman Forever
3. The Dark Knight Rises
4. The Dark Knight
5. Batman & Robin
6. Batman Begins
7. Batman Returns

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