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Origins Rate and Review X-Men Origins: Wolverine! - Part 1

OK everyone, with the Tempe premiere tonight, the preview screenings & international releases this week, it's time for your reviews of the film.

Please post all reviews here, do not start individual threads for reviews.

Also, this is for reviews of the FINISHED version of the film. No reviews of the workprint on this thread.

And you're free to post spoilers, so anyone still wanting to avoid them, consider yourselves officially warned.

Hope to see some reviews soon!

The script sounded so cheesey and cliche (though it got better towards the end). The CGI was terrible. The production looked cheap. This movie makes me cringe.
This film truly was one of the biggest wastes of potential ever. Great character with a great back story. Amazing talent in front and behind the camera.

And this is what we got? Get the **** outta here.
Loved Emma Frost in this. This moving got me thinking when Jimmy/Logan/Wolverine got his claws out and sparked the pebbles when Agent1 or whoever was in the helicopter, well in that scene I thought, the dirt/blood on his claws goes back into his skin. Anyway I don't know where I'm going with this, but that's why I signed up if there was anything about that.
Just watched it again for the first time since it was released.

No idea why it gets so much hate. Sure there were a few things that could have been better (bit longer, some poor effects and most of all the "real" Deadpool) but that aside i can't fault it.

Great story, really good action scenes, nice soundtrack. Great acting too, especially from Jackman and Schreiber. The Blob was done really well, never thought they would be able to pull him off. Kitsch was ok as Gambit, would have been better if he perfected the accent. Schreiber was as close to Sabretooth as we'll ever get. Just compare him to Tyler Mane in X-Men 1!

I would have liked another half an hour dealing with Weapon X backstory. If they had done that and gotten Deadpool right this would have been up there with Avengers and Iron Man for me.
Only problems I have with the film are:

- some of the cgi is horrible
- what they did to deadpool
- film needed more tension

But overall its nowhere near as bad as people make out. To be honest I even enjoy X3 for what it is too, its definitely fun.
I just watched this movie again a few days ago, and its okay. It has bad effects, a poorly written script, bad editing, and tons of wasted characters whose only purpose was to make an appearance. Although I hate what they did to Deadpool, I really enjoyed the fight between him and Wolverine at the end of the film. I actually felt horrible for what Stryker did to him, and it sent chills down my spine when Wolverine says, "I see they found a way to shut you up." The movie has too many continuity errors, and felt like it should have been a straight-to-dvd movie.

I give it a 6/10
Dud out of *****

An absolute abomination on every level.

Braindead, illogical script

piss poor, blunt-as-a-shovel-to-the-face storytelling

ridiculously bad cliches done ad nauseum

raping of physics

hilarious, bottom-of-the-barrel special effects

pointless over-stuffing of useless peripheral characters for the sake of fan service

terrible acting

pointless, headache-inducing slapstick.

I'm not even going to bother with the whole "killing off Deadpool's trademark" complaint, but I will ask this...

What was the purpose of sealing off his mouth in the first place? Did they not have any mutants who had a power that was used through the mouth? If they had control of Deadpool, why couldn't they just prevent him from talking? It just seems like a flimsy excuse to remove his most notable asset because the producers, allegedly, think that a talking Deadpool wouldn't make a good villain.

Crap as a Wolverine film, crap as a connection to the established film series' continuity, and just a terrible film in general.
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Dud out of *****

An absolute abomination on every level.

Braindead, illogical script

piss poor, blunt-as-a-shovel-to-the-face storytelling

ridiculously bad cliches done ad nauseum

raping of physics

hilarious, bottom-of-the-barrel special effects

pointless over-stuffing of useless peripheral characters for the sake of fan service

terrible acting

pointless, headache-inducing slapstick.

I'm not even going to bother with the whole "killing off Deadpool's trademark" complaint, but I will ask this...

What was the purpose of sealing off his mouth in the first place? Did they not have any mutants who had a power that was used through the mouth? If they had control of Deadpool, why couldn't they just prevent him from talking? It just seems like a flimsy excuse to remove his most notable asset because the producers, allegedly, think that a talking Deadpool wouldn't make a good villain.

Crap as a Wolverine film, crap as a connection to the established film series' continuity, and just a terrible film in general.
Agreed, except for the acting. This film was really aweful, The Last Airbender level of bad, i'm shocked this film received so much praise in this thread
I finally had the chance to see the movie (thanks to FX), and I honestly don't see why this movie got so much flack.

Danny Huston was the perfect person to play a younger version of Brian Cox' s Col. Stryker, Jackman was phenomenal as always, and the the rest of the cast was great as well. The movie's story actually fits very well with the already-established continuity of the series - much moreso than I was expecting it to given the complaints that I've seen leveled against it - and I thought the characters they chose to include worked very well together and didn't feel like they were shoehorned in.

The film isn't as good as First Class or X2, but it's certainly not the trainwreck that popular sentiment makes it out to be. I'd give it a solid 7 out of 10.
A complete disaster of a film. Monumentally incompetent in every conceivable way!

With over 4 years under its belt, it is safe to say that XMO: Wolverine has joined the infamous ranks of Mummy 3 as one of the single worst films to ever be put to celluloid.

Stunningly inept from the first frame to the final reel, ranging in everything from the atrocious acting to the clunky dialogue the mind-numbingly brainless story (complete with every badly conceived and executed cliche known to man and the most contrived, nonsensical plot threads ever put to paper) and, most notorious of all, the distracting, laughably bad special effects that are so astoundingly fake that they completely take you out of any sort of world they may have been attempting to draw you into.

Then again, considering the gross amount of one-dimensional, pointless filler characters they shoehorned into this travesty, that might have been a blessing.

Gavin Hood was given an exile to made-for-TV obscurity for years, and his return to cinema is to direct a film based on a sci-fi novel written by a notorious homophobe that no one else would touch with a hundred-foot pole. A fitting downfall for such an abomination of film-making!
Jackman, Ryan Reynolds, Taylor Kisch, and Live Schreiber all gave really good performances (even if their characters were badly written). The rest sucked.

1. Wolverine comes off as an idiot in this film for not recognizing that he's being played right away.
2. Stryker's plan is unbelievably stupid and makes him look like an idiot.
3. RR was awesome as Wade Wilson, for the ten minutes that he was onscreen. What they did to Deadpool at the end, damn.
4. Some REALLY bad CGI and boring action scenes.
5. Wolverine fighting in various wars and his time in Stryker's team would have made for much better movies, but here were glossed over in the first ten minutes.
6. They completely ignored Wolverine becoming an actual animal after the procedure and needing to regain his humanity.
7. They kept talking about Wolverine being this animal, but he was the nicest guy in the movie.
8. Pointless cameos (Blob, Gambit, Emma Frost, and especially Cyclops).
9. Barakapool, I can't stress enough how stupid that was.

Thank God that James Mangold came along and made a PROPER Wolverine solo film, and in Japan no less.
If Deadpool wasn't Weapon XI and we had better and bloody Weapon X story, would be much better.
The problem is that the pacing was also bad, the script was painfully bad, it looked like a 1st draft
There is not one useful or competent line, visual, camera angle or development in this entire movie. Everything serves to bring the plot to a grinding halt while simultaneously not giving anything a chance to breathe. It was rushed and sloppy and atrociously done. I truly think that this is the worst prequel movie of all-time. How could you not hate it? From the pointless new mutants to all of the laughable special effects to the rushed pace… I hated it. I despised the ending. You can obviously see the attempt to tie this film to events from the trilogy but it all fails miserably. It's one heck of a boring, forgettable movie.
I wonder what you 2 would consider a bad movie.

Origins is what I'd call an okay movie, which I usually rate a 6 out of 10. I rate a bad movie anywhere between 1 and 4 out of 10, so movies such as Galaxy Quest, Spider-Man 3, and the FF movies would fall there.
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