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KryptonSite Reviewer
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
Are they deleting older threads? I couldn't find the Ratings thread, so I'm starting a new one.

Here are the ratings for last night's episode:

This is from Media Week's Programming Insider column:

Also in the 8 p.m. hour were CBS' 60 Minutes (Overnights: #3, 7.3/11; Viewers: #2, 10.40 million; A18-49: #4t, 2.2/ 6), the season, or series, finale of NBC's Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model Search (Overnights: #4: 4.6/ 7; Viewers: #4, 5.55 million; A18-49: #4t, 2.2/ 6), the WB's fading Smallville (Overnights: #5: 4.3/ 6; Viewers: #5, 4.73 million; A18-49: #3, 2.4/ 6), and UPN's The Road to Stardom with Missy Elliott (Overnights: #6, 2.3/ 3; Viewers: #6, 2.73 million; A18-49: #6, 1.3/ 3).

Although why they're calling Smallville fading when it again came in third for 18-49 year olds, I have no idea.
wow #3 again in the "monkey market" of Adults 18-49, nice :up:Not sure why theyd say "fading" since it's beating out NBC and CBS and going up against AI and Lost??
The Incredible Hulk said:
wow #3 again in the "monkey market" of Adults 18-49, nice :up:Not sure why theyd say "fading" since it's beating out NBC and CBS and going up against AI and Lost??

[whisper]Hulk, I hate to be the one to point this out, but you've got a typo in your new sig:

It should be "your" not "you're"... Just an FYI.[/whisper]


You know I love ya!

triplet said:
Are they deleting older threads? I couldn't find the Ratings thread, so I'm starting a new one.
It's buried, but here it is:

I didn't want to bump it since the title of this thread is more to the point.

Although why they're calling Smallville fading when it again came in third for 18-49 year olds, I have no idea.
They're probably comparing the figures to last year. But many of the WB's shows are down compared to where they were a year ago. There was a recent article in Variety that addressed that fact. I'll dig it up if folks want to read it, but it didn't mention SV specifically IIRC.

And yes, coming in THIRD -again- in THAT demographic is great!
Doomed_hero said:
Was this last week cause Lost ewas a rerun.

No, the ratings were for yesterday's ep: Recruit.

Considering Lost was a new ep last night, they should probably be very happy.
Doomed_hero said:
Was this last week cause Lost ewas a rerun.
:confused: The ratings posted above are for last night.
The Incredible Hulk said:
wow #3 again in the "monkey market" of Adults 18-49, nice :up:Not sure why theyd say "fading" since it's beating out NBC and CBS and going up against AI and Lost??

Maybe it was written by JcDc ;)
who knows?, funny typoe on my part writing "monkey" market instead of "money" market....LOL :D
triplet said:
Considering Lost was a new ep last night, they should probably be very happy.
And they are. Pay no attention to numbnuts who say otherwise.
The Incredible Hulk said:
now there's a dieing quail of a show if I've ever seen one
Will be interesting to see what happens since a repeat episode of "Transference" is skedded to air on the day AD's is first moved.
Doesnt it make you guys wonder why the WB were A Holes to Welling and making changing there minds on him. Sometimes I just dont understand it.
muscles said:
Doesnt it make you guys wonder why the WB were A Holes to Welling and making changing there minds on him. Sometimes I just dont understand it.
Don't try to understand it, Muscles, otherwise your head asplode. ;)
I think if we would have gotten some closure from Singer, WB, or Welling it might be easier, but since they have put us all in limbo its like HELLO whats up ?
AgentPat said:
Had to laugh at this. It shows ya how those in the industry view things...

"...American Dreams (NBC) moves to Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET beginning March 9, which pits the series against 'Lost,' 'Smallville' and 'American Idol.' That doesn't even seem like a fair fight."


Nope. Sure doesn't. ;)

Oh. My. God.

No Way!

I used to love that show until it became the "oh-woe-is-me-my-parents-don't-understand-me" hour....

I guess you can kiss that show good bye too, it's NBC's newest sacrificial lamb that it will offer up to the evil Lost....
muscles said:
I think if we would have gotten some closure from Singer, WB, or Welling it might be easier, but since they have put us all in limbo its like HELLO whats up ?
It's like the gormless cousin who lives miles away and whom you don't see very often - you love him, but you still want to smack him around the head whenever he visits...
I think they refered to the show as fading, because of what it used to get in the ratings.

During the first season, Smallville pulled in 6-7 million viewers an episode.

During the second season, it pulled in between 7-8 million viewers an episode, with an all time high of just over nine million for Rosetta.

Now when you compare the ratings, Smallville is practically only getting half of what it used to. While the ratings are still decent for a WB show, there has been a considerable decline from when the show was at its peak, popularity wise.
well the show doesnt exist in a vacuum, moving to one of the most highly contested time slots in tv with it going up against AI the past two seasons, and now Lost as well this year, has caused the ratings decline. A more telling sign of just how popular the show has become is the fact that the DVD sales have gone up as each season was released...
jas01724 said:
It's like the gormless cousin who lives miles away and whom you don't see very often - you love him, but you still want to smack him around the head whenever he visits...
James, you crack me up. LMAO!!!

Poor Muscles. :D
smallville should be pulling in 6 million easy wtf :confused:
A lot of people just don't like the show's direction anymore C.K..

If they could give us the Clark of season one, the Lex of season three that was fading into darkness, and give us back the interaction between Clark and his parents, I would be one happy camper. As I have said, I have loved season four. Only two episodes I have disliked. But certain elements really get under my skin. Making Lana into this huge character involved with the mythology bugs me, because she is supposed to be a secondary character that starts out as CK's first true love and she ends up his confidant with the secret. Not some Kryptonian witch. Also, Lex has had really limited screen time this season.
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