
Colossal Spoons

Paper boi
Nov 24, 2004
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I randomly get the urge to be a part of a big unruly mob sometimes. I know looting is a horrible thing and rioting can be dangerous but I think the adrenaline rush would be insane. Pickles doesn't understand why I wanna do this :o

Would anybody else actually participate in such a thing if it broke out near you?
I can't wait for the Cubs to win the World Series, not only would it be great to see, but after 100 years without a title, Chicago would almost have to riot in celebration. Hell yeah I'd get involved in a riot if it broke out around me! I've got a constantly updated shopping list of stuff I'll steal if and when a riot breaks out around me.
I'd be the one running your shape-shifting a$$ down. :hyper:
I can't wait for the Cubs to win the World Series, not only would it be great to see, but after 100 years without a title, Chicago would almost have to riot in celebration. Hell yeah I'd get involved in a riot if it broke out around me! I've got a constantly updated shopping list of stuff I'll steal if and when a riot breaks out around me.

I should make a list :o

I bet places like Best Buy take Defcon 7 lockdown security measures when that kinda stuff happens lol
I randomly get the urge to be a part of a big unruly mob sometimes. I know looting is a horrible thing and rioting can be dangerous but I think the adrenaline rush would be insane. Pickles doesn't understand why I wanna do this :o

Would anybody else actually participate in such a thing if it broke out near you?

Yes, it sure would be a... RIOT! Bwahahahahaha funny.


No but seriously, I would love to. LOVE to. :hyper:
I randomly get the urge to be a part of a big unruly mob sometimes. I know looting is a horrible thing and rioting can be dangerous but I think the adrenaline rush would be insane. Pickles doesn't understand why I wanna do this :o

Would anybody else actually participate in such a thing if it broke out near you?

Cause Pickles is white, and I'm guessing is a conservative, Republican and from Connecticut. I haven't done any research on this but it's a hunch.

I'd loot with you Spoons. I know the struggle. :up:
I'm new and unknown to you regulars but I'd riot and loot with you at the drop of a hat!!! I'd start by getting a decent lap top.... sitting at my desktop hurts the old rump!! With a laptop it would be a case of kicking back on the squidgy leather couch! Which I would also have looted!!!
I'm totally with you Spoons!

A smash and grab riot would be the most fun **** ever.
I think that's something you gotta do on your life list.

I would wear skimpy black clothing/gloves/balaclarva/sneaks and burn all whole outfit afterwards.

I'd be going for a decent size but not huge flatscreen.

Yeah, but as a shape shifter he'd be able to blend into the crowd very easily, making him impossible to catch except through sheer dumb luck.

I'm betting he smells funny...easy enough to track.
I randomly get the urge to be a part of a big unruly mob sometimes. I know looting is a horrible thing and rioting can be dangerous but I think the adrenaline rush would be insane. Pickles doesn't understand why I wanna do this :o

Would anybody else actually participate in such a thing if it broke out near you?

I thought I was the only one. :csad:

I'm new and unknown to you regulars but I'd riot and loot with you at the drop of a hat!!! I'd start by getting a decent lap top.... sitting at my desktop hurts the old rump!! With a laptop it would be a case of kicking back on the squidgy leather couch! Which I would also have looted!!!
chicken_nugget? is that you?
I'm new and unknown to you regulars but I'd riot and loot with you at the drop of a hat!!! I'd start by getting a decent lap top.... sitting at my desktop hurts the old rump!! With a laptop it would be a case of kicking back on the squidgy leather couch! Which I would also have looted!!!

This guy's a skrull too.
There are things that I think are wrong, and yet I'm still tempted to do them.
Rioting and Looting are not among those things.

People look really dumb when they're scurrying around like greedy roaches after crumbs.
We just got a nice bit of that graffiti where they deeply etch their ugly ass logo into the glass of your window.
Now we have to get a whole new window because it's so deep.

Now imagine that a bunch of ******s have BROKEN all your windows and have come in to trash your nice area that you pay to keep, and they start taking all of your hard earned stuff.

Incredibly uncool.
Plus I just have an innate aversion to joining any kind of big group unless I'm wasted at a Rock concert.
I hate church congregations, crowded theaters, protests, parades...riots....etc.
It's not stealing off people, its stealing of a company, and however that may effect the taxpayer I don't give a damn. It works within my moral code.

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