Rip Hunter


Dec 15, 2006
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I'm spoil-tagging it because I never know what needs to be tagged and what doesn't.

OK, I thought I knew the character of Rip Hunter, his pre-Crisis vs. post-Crisis incarnations, the whole thing where he remembered the multiverse, went nutty with the Linear Men and whatnot after The Kingdom...but the Booster Gold series is throwing me for some loops. Who were Rip's "old Time Masters"? Why does he say "I should have locked you up with the Linear Men"?
I thought Rip was always different people, but they all went by Rip Hunter so they couldnt be traced.
Rip Hunter's history is thoroughly confusing, yeah. It seems the current version has combined all of the previous ones into one, ergo mention of the Linear Men and the Time Masters.
But is he saying that [blackout]he locked up the Linear Men?[/blackout] I don't remember that happening.
Is it just me, but is Rip hunter basically a Cable / Doctor Who love child ?
But is he saying that [blackout]he locked up the Linear Men?[/blackout] I don't remember that happening.
I don't recall that either.

And no, Rip Hunter is far from a Cable/Dr. Who love child. He not only precedes Dr. Who, he and Cable have absolutely nothing in common besides both being time travellers.
I don't recall that either.

And no, Rip Hunter is far from a Cable/Dr. Who love child. He not only precedes Dr. Who, he and Cable have absolutely nothing in common besides both being time travellers.

He preceded Doctor Who ? I very much doubt that !
Is it just me, but is Rip hunter basically a Cable / Doctor Who love child ?
Having never been drawn by Rob Liefeld, and having never traveled time in a police

He preceded Doctor Who ? I very much doubt that !
Rip Hunter's first appearance in Showcase #20: May 1959. Doctor Who's first appearance: 1963.

This match goes to Rip Hunter, Time Master!
I find it really odd that he would lock up the Linear Men, given that they were doing basically the same exact thing he's doing with Booster now. Rip seems more like a bit of an egomaniac as the series progresses.
Nah, he's cooler and cooler. So's Booster, for that matter. What a great book!

But if they **** with The Killing Joke...
Cassandra Cain is joining the Outsiders as Batgirl, so even if Babs' spine gets better due to their meddling, she'll at least still be Oracle, most likely. That's all that matters to me. Babs is infinitely better as Oracle than as Batgirl.
You just know they're going to fail. It would **** up continuity too much.
Rip Hunter was ruined in the nineties.

He deserves validation.
What ruined him? I barely knew more than Rip's name until 52. Waverider, Extant, the android Hourman, and the Linear Men were the time travelers I was most familiar with before that.
He went the whole cyborg routine. I prefer old-school Rip.
I wish we'd get some more on what happened to the Linear Men. I liked them. I wonder what happened to Waverider, too.
i thought that had been around? i thought he used rip hunter so no one knew who he was so they couldnt go back in time and just kick his mom in the stomach and give her a miscarriage?
Yeah, if that's a new invention, it's one of those new things that makes you thump your head and wonder why no one thought of it before.
Waverider kind of got skinned in 52.
Oh, right. Poor Waverider. :(

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