Robert Pattinson IS The Batman





This. This is how he should style his hair.
Am I the only one that doesn't want Pattinson to get all pumped up and ripped for the role? I always preferred a slim, svelte and atheltic ninja type Batman to the more hulking, brutish version we have gotten in recent years.

Something along these lines would be perfect:





Which ones? I don't remember any songs in the Apes films, or Let Me In. Not soundtrack songs anyway.

I just think putting music numbers on a Batman soundtrack is so 90s, it's right there with Rachel's haircut and the Spice Girls. Blergh.
Let Me In featured quite a few classic '80s hits, but I don't remember how prominently they were used. Both of his Apes films also included a single song each.

So it's not the Nolan method, but he's not going overboard like Suicide Squad or Captain Marvel.
I think Pattinson should definitely not dye his hair all black but a darker shade of brown. The problem with his natural hair color is that it sometimes looks ginger and... no. Same color he had in the movie "LIFE" would be perfect.
I'd bet a great deal of money it was the Dark Knight suit.

Probably. As I doubt anyone except Affleck could fit into that Snyder suit.

Maybe when Reeves came out in the Burt Ward Robin costume he had second thoughts. :o
It'll be interesting to see what he looks like in six months time, with a little hair dye and the obligatory muscle gains.
Thinking more on it, I really think he could sell the lively, tabloid-friendly version of Bruce better than any previous actor whose taken the mantle, while also nailing the intensity under the cowl.

I’ve always said that, despite generally good performances from every Bat-actor, each previous Bruce was missing some piece to make the definitive Batman in my eyes. Maybe Edward Cullen is just the guy to do it.
I'm thinking the same. I feel like Pattinson may end up being my favorite
I expect Pattinson would have had a hard time fitting his jaw into the Bale cowl. :funny:
I have to say, this is the first time in a very long time I've felt that little spark of excitement for a new Batman film. When Affleck was announced it was barely a year after the Dark Knight Trilogy ended, and the fact that it was being rebooted so soon and shoehorned into a shared DC Universe just made me really cynical about the whole franchise. Even when Reeves was announced, it was hard to feel any excitement because the "will he or won't he" cloud of Affleck and the uncertain state of the DCEU was hanging over everything. Then Justice League was kind of the nail in the coffin for me where it was just sad how little I cared. I wasn't sure what it would take to make me interested again.

With the announcement of a great up and coming actor in the role and a fresh new take on the universe with no ties to what's come before, it brings me back to those early Begins days feelings and that's a nice place to be.

One of my problems with introducing Batman via a shared universe is that by having Snyder's vision dictate who that version of Batman was, it robbed whichever director who came next of the chance to build their vision of the Bat-universe from the ground up. In terms of casting, design, music, everything. And historically Batman has worked best cinematically when a director has the creative freedom to do that.

I know, right? This is the first time I have been truly excited about Batman and DC on film since 2012. I joined the Hype to join the Batboards prior to TDKR, but it seemed like I came in too late and have spent the last 7 years in the MCU and Star Wars forums instead. It's so nice coming home.
Bar's pretty high for the costume. I really hope they just re-use this:

Bar's pretty high for the costume. I really hope they just re-use this:

This is not a high bar for the costume at all. The further away Reeves' version from JL the better. Fat bats, short ears, patches on the armor... Ugh.
I really don't want them to go back to the all black plastic suit. I hope they keep the aesthetic of the Batfleck suit and improve upon it. It was close to being perfect in BvS.
This is not a high bar for the costume at all. The further away Reeves' version from JL the better. Fat bats, short ears, patches on the armor... Ugh.

Agree to disagree. I really like Batfleck's suit and I hope they don't go back to the aforementioned black plastic look they've been stuck on.

Long ears
Blue and grey


They're not going to re-use Batfleck's suit, so I'd like for them to try and pull that off. It'd be different.

I also want them to embrace Gotham. No one's really done that since Burton.
The Robin rumor is quite a big deal for a number of reasons, but one in particular is that it may indicate the style of suit Reeves is going for.

With Robin in play, I don't think we'd get a bestial, "creature of the night" type of batsuit. That allusion is sort of negated by the presence of a young man in a domino mask.

Robin's inclusion would make me think that we're getting more of a traditional "superhero" Batman. In which case, I think a costume inspired by Neal Adams/Jim Aparo could be in the cards.
Probably. As I doubt anyone except Affleck could fit into that Snyder suit.

Maybe when Reeves came out in the Burt Ward Robin costume he had second thoughts. :o

It's interesting to see so much talk about the screen test. I don't remember this hype about it when Affleck was cast

It's interesting to know that the screen test is in the books/history like Bales was

I think Affleck was offered the part. He didn’t have to audition.
Yeah, I think Affleck has the sort of star power where he was just offered the role outright.

The circumstances with Bale (and now Pattinson) were quite different.
No blue.

And while I really enjoyed the Bat-Fleck suit, Patterson does not have the physique for it. He would look silly in that suit.
Affleck really had it going too that time, especially in his directorial career. The moment they made Batman a 20-year veteran was the main fault and no amount of star power could salvage that.
I really want to have an agile bats. If Affleck, with all his bulk could do it, then so must Pats.

I want all: The detectiveness, the martial artness, the stealth mook horrorness, the parkourness, EVERYTHING!!!!

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