RPG Seasonal Rotation Thoughts

Holy crap, remembering all the people I've played is gonna be hard. :(
Good, the less work the GMs have to do, the better.
Can someone clarify for me exactly why we're doing this?
My main reasoning behind it is because of sig limits, and how people can't fully list all of their characters because they have so many, or they want to include fonts that can't be fitted. With this, they can simply link back to a post that has it all.

But another, and probably more important reason is so that, when a new character is picked up, the person who's a little unclear on what's been done before can go to this thread to know who to contact for the history of said character.

Think of it as a 'resume', and a reference for past and future players.
Resume, you say? Well, I guess you should have read Ollie's resume in DC. He has a sword now, or did when I played him...:o
My main reasoning behind it is because of sig limits, and how people can't fully list all of their characters because they have so many, or they want to include fonts that can't be fitted. With this, they can simply link back to a post that has it all.

But another, and probably more important reason is so that, when a new character is picked up, the person who's a little unclear on what's been done before can go to this thread to know who to contact for the history of said character.

Think of it as a 'resume', and a reference for past and future players.
Yeah I like this archive deal.
Resume, you say? Well, I guess you should have read Ollie's resume in DC. He has a sword now, or did when I played him...:o

If you looked at the picture I used in my last post, you'd know I'm fully aware of that. :o
A picture is one thing. Him actually using it is another. Plus, he's a pretty good martial artist after his time on the island.
To clarify though..
:o it doesn't let the GM's off the hook. Some of ya'll really kinda need to step up now and BE a GM..not just the person who starts the thread and edits the roster.
Okay as far as the present RPG-character list is concerned for the RPGs...this is the list I have compiled thus far (it is REALLY long):

The "World of Hereos" DC RPG

Aquaman - trustyside-kick
Batman - MaskedManJRK
Black Canary II - twylight
Blue Beetle III - Blacklight
Crispus Allen - Harlekin
Jay Garrick - wiegeabo
Wally West - Master Bruce
Green Arrow - Master Bruce
Hal Jordan - batnkevlar
Kyle Rayner - Green Lantern
Jim Gordon - Keyser Soze
Kid Flash - Byrd Man
Martian Manhunter - SuperFerret
Nightwing - Byrd Man
The Question - MaskedManJRK
Ravager - Syn (Mercenary)
Robin - Catman_prb
Superboy - Eddie Brock Jr.
Supergirl - Supergirl
Superman - Andy C.

Anarky - Karem-Knight
The Eradicator - Oh Snap!
Sinestro - wiegeabo

Captain Nazi - Harlekin
Cyborg Superman - Watchman
Deadshot - Oh Snap!
Hazard - twylight
Jason Todd - trustyside-kick
The Joker - Keyser Soze
Killer Croc - Electro UK
Lex Luthor - MST3K 4ever
Nero - SenseiofCheese
Prometheus - Watchman
Savitar - Johnny Blaze
Two Face - Karem-Knight

The "Ultimate DC Universe" RPG

The Atom (Rahianna Palmer) - MST3K 4ever
Batman - Master Bruce
Captain James Gordon - Byrd Man
Detective John Grayson - Eddie Brock Jr.
The Flash (Barry Allen) - Green Lantern
Harleen Quinzell - Charlie No-One
Hawkman - SenseiofCheese
Hourman (Rex Tyler) - Feature
Huntress (Helena Bertinelli) - Blacklight
Superman - Spike_x1
Wonder Woman - Andy C.
Zatanna - Blacklight

The Spectre - Karem Knight

Anthony 'Fat Tony' Zucco - Green Lantern
Bane - Spike_x1
Black Mask - Catman_prb
Brother Blood - trustyside-kick
Deadshot - Syn (Mercenary)
Deathstroke - Byrd Man
Despero - trustyside-kick
General Zod - Karem-Knight
Giganta - MST3K 4ever
The Joker - Master Bruce
Lex Luthor - Andy C.
Two-Face - Master Bruce
Zoom - Green Lantern

The "Why So Serious? Gotham City Noir" RPG

The Batman - Byrd Man
Harvey Dent - NowufaceDoom
Rachel Dawes - Apprentice
Slam Bradley - Watchman
Special Agent Chase - Green Lantern
Lieutenant Gordon - Eddie Brock Jr.
Harvey Bullock - Oh Snap!
Detective Montoya - Syn (Mercenary)
Detective Sergeant Vincent Del Arrazio - Harlekin

The Roman's Son - Catman_prb
Boss Maroni - batman11
Catwoman - Val
The Joker - Eddie Brock Jr.
Killer Croc - Syn (Mercenary)
The Penguin - MST3K 4ever
The Riddler - Cyrusbales
The Scarecrow - raindog13
Mr. Zsaz - SenseiofCheese

The "DC: New Age" RPG

Aquaman (Owen Arthur Curry) - trustyside-kick
The Batman (John Richard Gordon) - Master Bruce
Elongated Man (Ralh Dibny) - SenseiofCheese
The Flash (Barthlomew West) - Johnny Blaze
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) - Oh Snap!
Robin (Jason Drake) - Byrd Man
Martian Manhunter - SuperFerret
Nightwing (Tim Drake) - Catman_prb
Power Man (Christopher Kent) - Byrd Man
Superman (Clark Kent) - Karem-Knight

Bizarro - Watchman
The Joker - The Question
President Luthor - MST3K 4ever
Mr.Freeze - Cyrusbales
The Riddle - Keyser Soze
Two-Face - NowufaceDoom

The "Heroes vs. Villains" Marvel RPG

The current roster is not 100% accurate, for it is merely a copy and paste for the most part of the previous season. Not all of the players have stated whether or not they are returning as the same characters, nor have all the players re-applied. Need notification from the RPG's GM and AGMs.

The "Ultimate Marvel" RPG

Spider-Man - Master Bruce
Scarlet Spider - Matt Murdock
Tarantula - Venom160
Shaman - Oh Snap!
Daredevil - Matt Murdock
Patriot Byrd Man
Captain America - Apprentice
Spider-Woman - Eddie Brock Jr.
Bruce Banner - Cyrusbales
Thor - NowufaceDoom
Iron Man - Matt Murdock
Wolverin - Byrd Man
Angel - Venom160
Charles Xavier - Feature
Cyclops - Apprentice
Kitty Pryde - Blacklight
Pyro - Venom160
Colossus - Feature
Iceman - Eddie Brock Jr.
Jean Grey - Logan Howlett
The Human Torch - Blacklight
Reed Richards - Catman_prb
John Bronson - Cyrusbales
Toxin - Climperoonie
Sandman - Feature
Ghost Rider - Byrd Man

Scorpion - Syn (Mercenary)
Blackheart - Syn (Mercenary)
Sinister - NowufaceDoom
Doctor Octopus - Master Bruce
Kaine - Syn (Mercenary)
Gambit - Catman_prb
Dr. Doom - Lord Doom
Bastion - Watchman
Longshot - Watchman
Eddie Brock Jr. - Eddie Brock Jr.
Apocalypse - Logan Howlett

The "One Universe" Marvel & DC Crossover RPG

Aquaman - trustyside-kick
Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) - Eddie Brock Jr.
Batman - wiegeabo
Captain America - Syn (Mercenary)
The Flash (Barry Allen) - Byrd Man
The Flash (Jay Garrick) - wiegeabo
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) - Blacklight
Harvey Dent - Keyser Soze
Iron Man - Matt Murdock
Kitty Pryde - Green Lantern
Moon Knight - Oh Snap!
Nightcrawler - Carnage27
Robin (Dick Grayson) - Master Bruce
The Silver Surfer - Johnny Blaze
Spider-Man - Master Bruce
Superman - Byrd Man
Wolverine - Logan Howlett

Deadpool - Blacklight
Hawkeye - Oh Snap!

Black Adam - Cyrusbales
Brother Blood - Green Lantern
Count Luchino Nefaria - bkhedr
Doctor Doom - Johnny Blaze
Eddie Brock - Matt Murdock
Electro - Electro UK
The Joker - Karem-Knight
Scarecrow - Keyser Soze
Zoom - Syn (Mercenary)

The Multiversers RPG

Green Lantern - SenseiofCheese
The Gunslinger - Byrd Man
Spawn - Blacklight
Superman - Eddie Brock Jr.
The White Ranger - Green Lantern

Aquaman - trustyside-kick
Artemis Entreri - Johnny Blaze
Hellboy - Catman_prb
Loki - The Question
Dr. Randall Dowling - Watchman

The "Create-A-Hero/Villain" RPG

Agnus Dei - Feature
The Archangel - trustyside-kick
The Assailant - ScarletVenom25
Asteroid-Man - Asteroid-Man
Blacklight - Blacklight
Blue Blur - Byrd Man
Eagle Scout - Kaboom
Electron - Climperoonie
Ghost Kid - ghost kid
Icon - NiteMare Shape
Mantis - Eddie Brock Jr.
The Survivor - Spike_x1
Divinity - Apprentice

Pulse - Syn (Mercenary)
Mr. ? - Lord Doom

Ezekiel - Cyrusbales
Franco Zano - Karem-Knight
Deity - Matt Murdock

The Zombie RPG

Unable to find Roster. Will have to be provided by the GM or AGMs.

The "Get Violent" Video Game RPG

Mario & Luigi - Blacklight
Sora - JinnSato
Leon S. Kennedy - JinnSato
Red - Blacklight
Link - Blacklight
Sonic the Hedgehog - Obi-John-Kenobi
Fox McCloud - Syn (Mercenary)
Captain Falcon - ScarletVenom25
Samuel Fisher - Byrd Man
Sam & Max - NamesAreUseless
Lara Croft - Apprentice
Donkey Kong - TheRunningMan
Gordon Freeman - Xn0o0c13

Shadow The Hedgehog - ScarletVenom25
Scorpion - TheRunningMan

Dr. Eggman - Obi-John-Kenobi
Sarah Kerrigan - NamesAreUseless
Arthas Menethil The Lich King - JinnSato
The Spider Mastermind - NamesAreUseless
The Trickster - Xn0o013
Bowser - ScarletVenom25

The "Gods & Men: The Ancient Myths" Mythology RPG

Aithne Ó Ciardubháin - twylight
Caed - trustyside-kick
Slieken - Green Lantern
Kamahl - Cyrusbales
Charaun - Johnny Blaze

The "Gotta Catch 'Em All" Pokemon RPG

Brock - Mr. Marko
Tube - Mr. Marko
Elliot - ScarletVenom25
Vincent Rivers - trustyside-kick
Red - Eddie Brock Jr.
Draco - simonz43
Koga - SuperFerret
Lieutenant Surge - NowufaceDoom

Giovanni - NamesAreUseless

"A Brave New World" The Silver Age RPG

The Citizen - Eddie Brock Jr.
Doctor Rock - Byrd Man
Captain Astro - Andy C.

Avenger - Catman_prb
Velocity - Oh Snap!

The "Rise of Legends" Heroes RPG

Peter Petrelli - Eddie Brock Jr.
Nathan Petrelli - Byrd Man
Hiro Nakamura - Apprentice
Scott Darren - Blacklight
Michael Brown - Eddie Brock Jr.
Mohinder Suresh - Apprentice
Claire Bennet - Blacklight
Alan Caine - Lord Doom
Ken Maverick - najanimik23

Noah Bennet - MaskedManJRK
Elle Bishop - Syn (Mercenary)
The Haitian - Eddie Brock Jr.

Sylar - Venom160
Adam Monroe - Syn (Mercenary)
Jimmy Ryons - JinnSato
Shanti - Syn (Mercenary)

The "Lights, Camera, Action!" Movie RPG

Unable to find Roster. Will have to be provided by the GM or AGMs.
Zombie Roster.

"Killer" Kyle Baker

Hunter Jerusalem

Victor Winters

Matt Byrd

Michael West
Eddie Brock Jr.​

Albert Fischer

Captain John Nathaniel Pierce, U.S.A.F, M.D.

Brad Garfield

Roger Stone
Charlie No-One​

Eric Constantine

John Lees
Electro UK​

Jonathan William Smith

Jacob Hern

Sam Matthews

Jack Varner: Interpol
Lord Doom


Zombie Master
This is the Transformers roster because it's not dead. Video Game is far from dead too.:up:

Transformers Roster





Syn (Mercenary)

Hot Rod
Venom 160




-- Any Available --




Syn (Mercenary)


Venom 160


And if they forget it's their own damn fault. It shouldn't be mandatory for a GM to check up on players all the time. If the players are truly interested and care about the character they are playing, then they shouldn't have a problem with coming up with a simple, short post in a two week span.
Or at least an excuse of some kind.
It's not about how much effort it takes to write the post. It's the fact that a player who could be perfectly committed to the game could just innocently forget to post for a while. I just don't want to run the risk of losing a character for the simple fact that I don't have a flawless computer-like memory; nor should any player. Getting a reminder PM could help the player think "gee, has it been over a week since my last post already?" Sending a note saying "dude, it's been a week. Get to posting" is not coddling to the player -- it's just helping move the game along, which is already part of the job description for a GM.
In any case, we're just going in circles, repeating ourselves. Let's just agree to disagree before this gets really heated. Cool? :o
Seems that way. *shrug*
Hey Trusty I'm the Question in OU, sorry to be a bother.
Few things concerning me and those rosters, trusty. You don't have me down as Ghost Rider in Ult. Marvel. I'm gonna drop Jason Drake in DC:NA, I'm out as Flash in OU, I took up Robin in his place. Oh and Wieg, I'm pretty much out of the zombie RPG. I made what? One post.
I'll make note, but I was merely just looking at the rosters I could find. If it wasn't updated, it was that RPG's GM or AGM's fault.

The Ghost Rider thing though, I do not know how I missed that. I remember seeing.
I'm playing Mysterio in the OU RPG.
Here is the updated list of RPG rosters then (and byrd? I had you down for Ghost Rider :huh:)

The "World of Hereos" DC RPG

Aquaman - trustyside-kick
Batman - MaskedManJRK
Black Canary II - twylight
Blue Beetle III - Blacklight
Crispus Allen - Harlekin
Jay Garrick - wiegeabo
Wally West - Master Bruce
Green Arrow - Master Bruce
Hal Jordan - batnkevlar
Kyle Rayner - Green Lantern
Jim Gordon - Keyser Soze
Kid Flash - Byrd Man
Martian Manhunter - SuperFerret
Nightwing - Byrd Man
The Question - MaskedManJRK
Ravager - Syn (Mercenary)
Robin - Catman_prb
Superboy - Eddie Brock Jr.
Supergirl - Supergirl
Superman - Andy C.

Anarky - Karem-Knight
The Eradicator - Oh Snap!
Sinestro - wiegeabo

Captain Nazi - Harlekin
Cyborg Superman - Watchman
Deadshot - Oh Snap!
Hazard - twylight
Jason Todd - trustyside-kick
The Joker - Keyser Soze
Killer Croc - Electro UK
Lex Luthor - MST3K 4ever
Nero - SenseiofCheese
Prometheus - Watchman
Savitar - Johnny Blaze
Two Face - Karem-Knight

The "Ultimate DC Universe" RPG

The Atom (Rahianna Palmer) - MST3K 4ever
Batman - Master Bruce
Captain James Gordon - Byrd Man
Detective John Grayson - Eddie Brock Jr.
The Flash (Barry Allen) - Green Lantern
Harleen Quinzell - Charlie No-One
Hawkman - SenseiofCheese
Hourman (Rex Tyler) - Feature
Huntress (Helena Bertinelli) - Blacklight
Superman - Spike_x1
Wonder Woman - Andy C.
Zatanna - Blacklight

The Spectre - Karem Knight

Anthony 'Fat Tony' Zucco - Green Lantern
Bane - Spike_x1
Black Mask - Catman_prb
Brother Blood - trustyside-kick
Deadshot - Syn (Mercenary)
Deathstroke - Byrd Man
Despero - trustyside-kick
General Zod - Karem-Knight
Giganta - MST3K 4ever
The Joker - Master Bruce
Lex Luthor - Andy C.
Two-Face - Master Bruce
Zoom - Green Lantern

The "Why So Serious? Gotham City Noir" RPG

The Batman - Byrd Man
Harvey Dent - NowufaceDoom
Rachel Dawes - Apprentice
Slam Bradley - Watchman
Special Agent Chase - Green Lantern
Lieutenant Gordon - Eddie Brock Jr.
Harvey Bullock - Oh Snap!
Detective Montoya - Syn (Mercenary)
Detective Sergeant Vincent Del Arrazio - Harlekin

The Roman's Son - Catman_prb
Boss Maroni - batman11
Catwoman - Val
The Joker - Eddie Brock Jr.
Killer Croc - Syn (Mercenary)
The Penguin - MST3K 4ever
The Riddler - Cyrusbales
The Scarecrow - raindog13
Mr. Zsaz - SenseiofCheese

The "DC: New Age" RPG

Aquaman (Owen Arthur Curry) - trustyside-kick
Elongated Man (Ralh Dibny) - SenseiofCheese
The Flash (Barthlomew West) - Johnny Blaze
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) - Oh Snap!
Martian Manhunter - SuperFerret
Nightwing (Tim Drake) - Catman_prb
Power Man (Christopher Kent) - Byrd Man
Superman (Clark Kent) - Karem-Knight

Bizarro - Watchman
The Joker - The Question
President Luthor - MST3K 4ever
Mr.Freeze - Cyrusbales
The Riddle - Keyser Soze
Two-Face - NowufaceDoom

The "Heroes vs. Villains" Marvel RPG

The current roster is not 100% accurate, for it is merely a copy and paste for the most part of the previous season. Not all of the players have stated whether or not they are returning as the same characters, nor have all the players re-applied. Need notification from the RPG's GM and AGMs.

The "Ultimate Marvel" RPG

Spider-Man - Master Bruce
Scarlet Spider - Matt Murdock
Tarantula - Venom160
Shaman - Oh Snap!
Daredevil - Matt Murdock
Patriot Byrd Man
Captain America - Apprentice
Spider-Woman - Eddie Brock Jr.
Bruce Banner - Cyrusbales
Thor - NowufaceDoom
Iron Man - Matt Murdock
Wolverin - Byrd Man
Angel - Venom160
Charles Xavier - Feature
Cyclops - Apprentice
Kitty Pryde - Blacklight
Pyro - Venom160
Colossus - Feature
Iceman - Eddie Brock Jr.
Jean Grey - Logan Howlett
The Human Torch - Blacklight
Reed Richards - Catman_prb
John Bronson - Cyrusbales
Toxin - Climperoonie
Sandman - Feature
Ghost Rider - Byrd Man

Scorpion - Syn (Mercenary)
Blackheart - Syn (Mercenary)
Sinister - NowufaceDoom
Doctor Octopus - Master Bruce
Kaine - Syn (Mercenary)
Gambit - Catman_prb
Dr. Doom - Lord Doom
Bastion - Watchman
Longshot - Watchman
Eddie Brock Jr. - Eddie Brock Jr.
Apocalypse - Logan Howlett

The "One Universe" Marvel & DC Crossover RPG

Aquaman - trustyside-kick
Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) - Eddie Brock Jr.
Batman - wiegeabo
Captain America - Syn (Mercenary)
The Flash (Jay Garrick) - wiegeabo
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) - Blacklight
Harvey Dent - Keyser Soze
Iron Man - Matt Murdock
Kitty Pryde - Green Lantern
Moon Knight - Oh Snap!
Nightcrawler - Carnage27
The Question - Catman_prb
Robin (Dick Grayson) - Byrd Man
The Silver Surfer - Johnny Blaze
Spider-Man - Master Bruce
Superman - Byrd Man
Wolverine - Logan Howlett

Deadpool - Blacklight
Hawkeye - Oh Snap!

Black Adam - Cyrusbales
Brother Blood - Green Lantern
Count Luchino Nefaria - bkhedr
Doctor Doom - Johnny Blaze
Eddie Brock - Matt Murdock
Electro - Electro UK
The Joker - Karem-Knight
Mysterio - Lord Doom
Scarecrow - Keyser Soze
Zoom - Syn (Mercenary)

The Multiversers RPG

Green Lantern - SenseiofCheese
The Gunslinger - Byrd Man
Spawn - Blacklight
Superman - Eddie Brock Jr.
The White Ranger - Green Lantern

Artemis Entreri
Dr. Randall Dowling

The "Create-A-Hero/Villain" RPG

Agnus Dei - Feature
The Archangel - trustyside-kick
The Assailant - ScarletVenom25
Asteroid-Man - Asteroid-Man
Blacklight - Blacklight
Blue Blur - Byrd Man
Eagle Scout - Kaboom
Electron - Climperoonie
Ghost Kid - ghost kid
Icon - NiteMare Shape
Mantis - Eddie Brock Jr.
The Survivor - Spike_x1
Divinity - Apprentice

Pulse - Syn (Mercenary)
Mr. ? - Lord Doom

Ezekiel - Cyrusbales
Franco Zano - Karem-Knight
Deity - Matt Murdock

The Zombie RPG

"Killer" Kyle Baker - Climperoonie
Hunte Jerusalem - CyberFaust
Victor Winters - Majik1387
Matt Byrd - Byrd Man
Michael West - Eddie Brock Jr.
Albert Fischer - Wolfwood
Captain John Nathaniel Pierce - wigeabo
Brad Garfield - SpeedballLives
Eric Constantine - Watchman
John Lees - Electro UK
Jonathon William Smith - S_H_F_4839
Jacob Hern - JinnSato
Sam Matthews - Obi-Jon-Kenobi
Jack Varner - Lord Doom
Jack Raven - Catman_prb

Zombie Master - Cyrusbales

The "Get Violent" Video Game RPG

Mario & Luigi - Blacklight
Sora - JinnSato
Leon S. Kennedy - JinnSato
Red - Blacklight
Link - Blacklight
Sonic the Hedgehog - Obi-John-Kenobi
Fox McCloud - Syn (Mercenary)
Captain Falcon - ScarletVenom25
Samuel Fisher - Byrd Man
Sam & Max - NamesAreUseless
Lara Croft - Apprentice
Donkey Kong - TheRunningMan
Gordon Freeman - Xn0o0c13

Shadow The Hedgehog - ScarletVenom25
Scorpion - TheRunningMan

Dr. Eggman - Obi-John-Kenobi
Sarah Kerrigan - NamesAreUseless
Arthas Menethil The Lich King - JinnSato
The Spider Mastermind - NamesAreUseless
The Trickster - Xn0o013
Bowser - ScarletVenom25

The "Gods & Men: The Ancient Myths" Mythology RPG

Aithne Ó Ciardubháin - twylight
Caed - trustyside-kick
Slieken - Green Lantern
Kamahl - Cyrusbales
Charaun - Johnny Blaze

The "Gotta Catch 'Emn All" Pokemon RPG

Brock - Mr. Marko
Tube - Mr. Marko
Elliot - ScarletVenom25
Vincent Rivers - trustyside-kick
Red - Eddie Brock Jr.
Draco - simonz43
Koga - SuperFerret
Lieutenant Surge - NowufaceDoom

Giovanni - NamesAreUseless

"A Brave New World" The Silver Age RPG

The Citizen - Eddie Brock Jr.
Doctor Rock - Byrd Man
Captain Astro - Andy C.

Avenger - Catman_prb
Velocity - Oh Snap!

The "Rise of Legends" Heroes RPG

Peter Petrelli - Eddie Brock Jr.
Nathan Petrelli - Byrd Man
Hiro Nakamura - Apprentice
Scott Darren - Blacklight
Michael Brown - Eddie Brock Jr.
Mohinder Suresh - Apprentice
Claire Bennet - Blacklight
Alan Caine - Lord Doom
Ken Maverick - najanimik23

Noah Bennet - MaskedManJRK
Elle Bishop - Syn (Mercenary)
The Haitian - Eddie Brock Jr.

Sylar - Venom160
Adam Monroe - Syn (Mercenary)
Jimmy Ryons - JinnSato
Shanti - Syn (Mercenary)

The "Lights, Camera, Action!" Movie RPG

Unable to find Roster. Will have to be provided by the GM or AGMs.

Transformers RPG

Rachet - MaskedManJRK
Bumblebee - ScarletVenom25
Jazz - Blacklight
Ironhide - Syn (Mercenary)
Hot Rod - Venom160
Prowl - Scarletvenom
Tracks - Blacklight

Megatron - LibrarianThorne
Bonecrusher - MaskedManJRK
Starscream - Syn (Mercenary)
Thundercracker - NamesAreUseless
Blackout - Venom160
Astrotrain - ScarletVenom25
Brawl - Spike_x1
You can add Jack Raven - Catman_prb to the Zombie roster.
Nice Twy. I think this character Bank is a great idea. :up:
I'm Spider-Man and not Batgirl in OU now. :up:

But since the thread is up, it's irrelevant now.
*reads MB's Past Character list*

*eye twitch*

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