

Oct 19, 2004
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Has anyone tried this, I have a few friends who've done it but they can't describe it that much, has anyone here tried it?
I've been at a place where a bunch of people were trying it for the first time, they smoke a lot of pot though. They were freaking out like it was this almighty non-illegal best high ever.

I dont do drugs, but I tried this stuff (its sage and legal). I didnt feel a damn thing. But then again, I dont get maybe I did? :confused: The others were rolling around on the ground laughing hysterically. Maybe they were faking.
You hallucinating hippies better get of my lawn!! *loads shotgun* :cmad:
Has anyone tried this, I have a few friends who've done it but they can't describe it that much, has anyone here tried it?

I have done it 2-3 times, each time ive Done 80X, A number with the X means how strong it is, at the time it was 80.

You have to smoke it from a bowl or pipe using a jet flame lighter, and you hold it in for 15 seconds, right after that youll feel very light headed and the rest is up to your own mind and how you see things.

for me after i hit it and it hit me, i felt as if the ground broke around me and i was spinning in circles wizzing around my other friends, it also felt as if i was seeing from the prospective of a corner.

the trip lasts a good 10-15 minuets but it feels like it could last for hours, i had to convince myself to get out of the trip cuz i was hallucinating to hard.

it also feels as if you can pause and rewind time around you, its like a constant feeling of de ja vu.
This sounds amazing, weed just doesn't do it for me anymore, I need to move on.
I've heard some very good things and some very bad things. I had a very weak dose(I wasn't about to blaze that s**t, considering some of the stories I've heard), and I laughed for a good 5 minutes.

It's not uncommon to hear about people having very frightening hallucinations, but I'm not sure how true that is..
I've heard some very good things and some very bad things. I had a very weak dose(I wasn't about to blaze that s**t, considering some of the stories I've heard), and I laughed for a good 5 minutes.

It's not uncommon to hear about people having very frightening hallucinations, but I'm not sure how true that is..

Well out of the 5 friends with me that night 3 of us had really bad hallucinations, my oldest friend ran around the field we were in completely convinced a bear was chasing him, the only reason i believe he did hallucinate that is because i was tripping mad hard of 2 hits where as he took 4.

if you ever do want to do it go for the highest grade.
I LOVE Saliva!


I'm a roller!
I'm a rider!
Number one mother f**kin survivor!!!

oh...that's not what this thread was about?
Well out of the 5 friends with me that night 3 of us had really bad hallucinations, my oldest friend ran around the field we were in completely convinced a bear was chasing him, the only reason i believe he did hallucinate that is because i was tripping mad hard of 2 hits where as he took 4.

if you ever do want to do it go for the highest grade.

I wouldn't know where to find it where I live. Local headshop doesn't have any so :meow:
its completely legal, i don't see why your local shop wouldn't have it?

ask them to special order. or order them online.
I'm going to need a :ninja:
Has anyone tried this, I have a few friends who've done it but they can't describe it that much, has anyone here tried it?
Salvias lame. Ive done it before and the buzz lasted only a minute. Its like standing up really quick and holding your breath. However strangely when I was buzzing off of it (alone in my pad) it felt like I wasn't alone. :csad:
Well out of the 5 friends with me that night 3 of us had really bad hallucinations, my oldest friend ran around the field we were in completely convinced a bear was chasing him, the only reason i believe he did hallucinate that is because i was tripping mad hard of 2 hits where as he took 4.

if you ever do want to do it go for the highest grade.

Were the three who took it and got a bad trip,in a bad mood? Because my friend told me he was taking it to make himself feel better after a really bad day, and he ended up having a bad trip.
Can't believe the mods are letting this thread go on.

wait a second, yes I can :(
Were the three who took it and got a bad trip,in a bad mood? Because my friend told me he was taking it to make himself feel better after a really bad day, and he ended up having a bad trip.

Well there were a few factors, we were **** bored all day waiting to do it, but had to wait for 2 more people to come meet us so they can watch and that set us back about an hour, so now its 12 at night were bored and tried and finally ready, so yea we were in kinda ehh moods but not totally bad.

our trips starting getting really bad when school sequrity came chasing after us.. we ran like hell around the whole field and hopped a fence all while tripping idk how we pulled that **** off.

but it was funny cuz when we all came out of the tip our pants were completely drenched in water from the waist down, we were tripping so hard we didn't realize we were hiding in a small pond. lol

yea do it with good friends, while your in a good mood, in a decent environment, id suggest indoors cuz it always gives you a sense of safety.

same rule apllys if you want to do shrooms.
Also you can buy Salvia in plant form or grinded form, id go for the grinded form.

and buy the highest grade they have, well actually go for 60- 80X they went up to 150X as of last month and i want to get my hands on it. lol


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