I dont see how Shield coming before Avengers is going to save the movie
First of all how do you from a movie involving Shield with Gods,Men in High Tech Armor,Supersoldiers and Gamma Radiated Monsters to men running around with guns your going backwards your downsizing however if you go with men with guns and hinting on Gods,Men in High Tech Armor,Super Soldiers,and Gamma Radiated Monsters then you got a hit because in the next Movie Avengers your Supersizing.You want to Anti-up in each following film not Downsize and go Backwards.
Think about it.If it comes before you can tell the story of how the Shield became Shield and how the Avenger initiative got started,throw some Easter eggs in there tantalizing and wetting our taste buds as we eagerly await the Avengers at the same time this will cause people to go see it just to catch whatever glimpes they can get.
Okay try this :
Would you look at an Iron Man Trailer now???
Why not?Because it's a done deal.Also if you did you wouldn't be as hyped up too.
How many people on these threads went to great Lengths to see Helmsworth first Picture as Thor.
Okay now how many are going to do it after the Thor movie????
Marvel needs to use this to their Advantage it's a great way to ensure Shield to be successful.I mean why re-invent to wheel.
Me??? If they tell me "hey man you got to go see the Shield movie it shows you how they started they show glimpes of the Super Serum,how they found Cap in ice,or why they started a Captain America,How they knew about Thors Hammer"Heck they can evern throw in that cut clip of when Banner breaks the Ice as Hulk and they find Caps Body.Small clips of Iron man as to what he was up to between the 6 months between both movies or even if they just talk about how they been survailing him.
etc etc.Now if someone advised on this before the Avenger movie then I'm going to go see it.If they do it after the Avenger movie I'll wait for it on DVD.Also it would help build up story for the Avenger movie story and interest.It builds background,interst,anticipation continuity,and anticipation.The Shield movie works so much better on so many levels before the Avneger movie.