A bit late, but I just wanted to say, I’m loving this show so far. The opening action scene was great. I’m loving how they’re still using The Blip to let us sit in how everyone is dealing with concepts like guilt and trauma.
I think the pacing is good. Bucky’s storyline of guilt and making amends is really compelling. The first time since First Avenger where he’s felt like a fully fledged human character and not an accessory or a plot device in another movie. Also love Sam’s storyline, his hometown background and the interactions with his sister. I don’t get any complaints about them being boring or uninteresting. The show was also successful in making me want to punch John Walker Cap in the face. Lol
Looking forward to the next episode.
Bravo Marvel, bravo!
Episode 1 is a great step in the direction of restoring my hopes for Marvel streaming. The writing and cinematography team are significantly better than what we got for WV. I loved every second of Bucky with his shrink - the long shot across the room with the forest picture in the background, side angles of Bucky, and the steps - that's the kind of attention to detail I crave. The character arcs here are also infinitely more compelling and I really loved how they structured the opening episode into new Cap's reveal. This show feels adult, whereas WV was aimed a lot more at children. Can't forget an action-packed opening for Falcon!
Wandavision being for children? The same show that deftly dealt with the main character dealing with trauma from the death of her loved ones, her holding an town under her spell result, explored grief in a profound way, etc.? Did we both even watch the same show?
Look, I get that the sitcom angle and tone wasn’t your thing, and that all of the rumors and theories proposed online didn’t come to pass, but you not liking how the show didn’t turn out the way you wanted it to doesn’t make it a bad show. It just means you personally didn’t like it.
I loved WandaVision. I’m also loving this show so far. Both are different shows with different premises and tones, and are both great for different reasons. I’m really sick of people propping up something they love to put down something they didn’t love, as if somehow they think the thing they love validates them feeling more secure in being a fan of that thing. If this show being “for adults” somehow qualifies its quality over something like WandaVision, which you deem to be “for children”, then you might have your priorities mixed up or be watching this show for the wrong reasons.
It’s not a competition, so stop it.