The Flash Season 8: Armageddon Part 5


Oh boy yeah
Mar 10, 2015
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The conclusion to Armageddon presents an opportunity for The Flash to end his lifelong battle with Reverse Flash, but the payoff could be too much for Barry and the team to handle; Mia Queen drops in from the future looking to save a lost loved one.

Glad Mia is sticking around in the present. If she returns I want to see her team up with Bart and Nora to carry on the legacies of Flash and Green Arrow.

I want a spinofff involving future heroes such as Legion of Superheroes, Mia, Nora, and Bart.
I could have done without the last 10 minutes or so but I liked Armageddon overall - a solid start to season 8. Curious to see where they go with Thawne from here.

It was nice to see Joe have an impact on the show again too, I feel like that's been missing for a while.

We could be in for something pretty fun with Bart and Nora coming back and I noticed they zoomed in on Eddie on that photograph too...

All in all, a nice semi return to form for this show to start season 8. Looking forward to it coming back in the Spring.
I’m going to have to rewatch the episode was watching my little cousin while watching but what I caught I thought was great. Yeah pretty solid start to the season. Let’s keep it up writers.
Enjoyed seeing Mia again and nice to know she'll be on another adventure soon, though I wonder how she'll even be able to see Felicity since didn't the Anti-Monitor take her to be with Oliver?

Also, even though some of the drama felt a bit forced, I did like that much of Team Flash was on board with letting Thawne die, given everything he'd done. Cisco being here would have absolutely helped. That and I appreciated Mia not being won over by Iris' feel-good speech.
After the disaster that Season 7 was I had very low expectations going into this, but I actually ended up enjoying this quite a bit and its probably the most I've liked the Flash in a long time.

It's atleast the most I've enjoyed a crossover event in a while, but I don't know if its because of length or because it wasn't as jam packed with too many characters like the past ones have been.

The stuff with Thawne was pretty solid and I even liked seeing Cress Williams come back for a bit. Also, Neal McDonough seemed like he was having quite a bit of fun in his role as well.

I'm even interested in seeing more of Tony Curran's character in the future and while I'm not hyped for the rest of this season I will definitely give it a chance and hopefully they can surprise me.
Well good to see Mia Queen again. I wonder if they will continue her storyline in Flash now that her spin-off show fell through.

It should've been revealed that Despero actually caused Armageddon by trying to destroy Reverse Flash. Then Barry could reason with him by applying Captain Kirk-like logic and telling Despero that since he caused the end of the world and his mission was to destroy whoever caused it, he must therefore destroy himself.

I wish we had Matt Letscher as Eobard Thawne instead of Tom Cavanagh. What's the reason for still wearing Wells's face now?

Why is there also such a long break until Flash returns again next year? It seems to be coming back in March, which is a bit overkill for a Christmas break.
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While this crossover/event wasn't without its fair share of flaws, this is pretty much what the producers should have done with the "Flashpoint" story arc in the first place.
I don't think this was much more than that, as a whole.
Well good to see Mia Queen again. I wonder if they will continue her storyline in Flash now that her spin-off show fell through.

It should've been revealed that Despero actually caused Armageddon by trying to destroy Reverse Flash. Then Barry could reason with him by applying Captain Kirk-like logic and telling Despero that since he caused the end of the world and his mission was to destroy whoever caused it, he must therefore destroy himself.

I wish we had Matt Letscher as Eobard Thawne instead of Tom Cavanagh. What's the reason for still wearing Wells's face now?

Why is there also such a long break until Flash returns again next year? It seems to be coming back in March, which is a bit overkill for a Christmas break.
For Superman and Naomi to air. Flash will be back in March and be on Wednesday nights now instead too.

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