The Flash The Flash Season 3 episode 19 "The Once and Future Flash"

Like the costume, not a fan of moapy Barry, absolutely hate "alternate personality for no reason" Caitlyn.

When Caitlin uses her cold powers she absorbs heat everywhere she goes, causing her to lash out often making her cold hearted and unfeeling inside. Since Caitlin's been through a lot of tragedies in her life which includes losing her father at a young age, being raised by a terrible single mom, losing her fiance Ronnie twice, or getting in a twisted relationship with fake Jay/Zoom, her cold powers manifest all of that psychological trauma throughout her life and make her uncontrollably angry and cold hearted. "Killer Frost" is just a metaphor or nickname E2 Caitlin came up with once her cold powers took over her mind and emotions, because she felt empty inside like a monster. That's why she became shamed of being called "Caitlin" like she used to be.
I'd like Eddie to be Savitar, as unlikely as that sounds. We never got to see what happened after his body went through that wormhole in S1.

I think Savitar being Eddie would make more sense than anybody, considering that his reasons for hating for Barry and being jealous that he has "everything" would be a similar twist to Malcolm Thawne/Cobalt Blue from the comics. However, the show would be combining this with comic book Savitar, and Savitar's armor looks like it's made out of cobalt tungsten.
Nice dual work from Grant playing regular and future Barry, whose suit looks cool and I hope he wears it soon.

They finally addressed the year 2024, but I was hoping to learn about the impending Crisis where Barry disappeared.

Barry has no trouble of time traveling to the past, why does he need Wally's help in going to the future?

Would a stasis cuffs still work on Caitlin now that she's Killer Frost?
Aside from Mirror Master and Top being defeated way too easily, this might be my favorite episode of the season so far, props to Cavanagh for doing a great job directing.

Really hope the new suit becomes the shows main suit soon, because it looks so much better than the current one imo.
Nice dual work from Grant playing regular and future Barry, whose suit looks cool and I hope he wears it soon.

They finally addressed the year 2024, but I was hoping to learn about the impending Crisis where Barry disappeared.

Barry has no trouble of time traveling to the past, why does he need Wally's help in going to the future?

Would a stasis cuffs still work on Caitlin now that she's Killer Frost?
probably but, they need to be changed, so unless they rigged them up with some type of new power source they would only be a very temper way to slow her down

If it isn't some variation of Barry, then my second guess is Ronnie or it is somehow original Harrison Wells.
yes, that's what I was thinking to especial how quick Caitlin was to trust him once he revealed who he was

perhaps the Savitar suit is how he survives without someone to bond with, and/or to contain his energy (with may also power the suit)
Since Caitlin's been through a lot of tragedies in her life which includes losing her father at a young age,

So, when Savitar calls Frost "my child", and she suddenly defers to him, is he being metaphorical or literal?
I liked the episode a lot, seeing what happened to Cisco is the thing that sticks with me the most. Future Flash's suit is awesome and if it isn't the new suit soon, I'm gonna be super disappointed.
Like the costume, not a fan of moapy Barry, absolutely hate "alternate personality for no reason" Caitlyn.

It really bothers me that Caitlin—and only Caitlin—has a curse associated with her powers that completely overrides her actual personality, desires and morality. Given how often they've stranded her in thankless, corpse-filled romantic plots, it's really disappointing that the writers are shoving her into that box when everyone else gets powers while remaining themselves.

It's hugely indicative of the show's problem with female characters in general. With no explanation whatsoever, Caitlin is the only who whose agency is pretty much entirely removed. She didn't even get a say in the transformation (and Julian even went against her express wishes - yes I know, heat of the moment; on another show with better women, this might've been less of a problem).

On Flash, removing female agency is just another Tuesday

All of the CW shows have issues in this regard to one degree of another. But out of all of them, The Flash is the worst offender in this regard imo. So that doesn't fill one with confidence that they'll handle this well either.
Caitlin—and only Caitlin—has a curse associated with her powers that completely overrides her actual personality, desires and morality.

That sounds exactly like Julian's situation. Martin Stein has it pretty bad, too, in all of his combinations in both universes.

I'm very certain I posted these gifs in the right thread, cause there was a blizzard, and they mentioned July before Barry traveled back to the past.

This episode is stupid, there is no turning around it. Barry is stupid, future Barry is stupid, Caitlin is stupid, the upcoming revelation of who is Savitar is stupid, Barry is stupid fighting villains he's used to, he's back to not thinking on his own.
Who should be able to travel back to the past without STAR Labs, he's done it before.

Inception effect is cool, and I did enjoy the episode regardless of how silly it is.
If Savitar is Ronnie, I'm out. I quit.
I'm quitting after the end of the season regardless of who it is, even if it turns out this isn't Ronnie, instead he took the look of RR and info about him to make his move.
Am i the only one who didn't care so much about the suit? I mean it sure looks cool but it is almost the same as the one he was already wearing except of some little differences.
The biggest question for me and what i think most people want to know is who Savitar is... he can't be Ronnie, why would he be Ronnie? Ronnie is dead and not even a speedster, ok the speed must be because of the suit and even if he is dead there is time travel and **** but Ronnie is not even that much of a scientist, he couldn't have build all that. And the exact same stuff go for Eddie. It could be more complicated than this of course.
But for now all we know is that Savitar is someone who can gain Keitlin's/Killer Frost's trust just like that, in a second, just by revealing himself.
I really can't wait to see the next episodes, it is gonna be like 4 more to end the season.
I'm guessing Savitar is [blackout] One of Barry's time remnants. [/blackout]

Cisco did say that
not all of them were killed. Just most...

Great episode. Loved the new costume. I was kinda hoping they would quickly switch suits before Barry went back to 2017. I sure hope we see it soon, especially because it is already made and it would be a shame not to use it right away.

Didn't realize Cavanaugh directed, and I think he did a great job. Get him behind the camera more often! and let him keep his drum-sticks. His line about checking off every man's box was awesome!

As for Cailtyn, I side in that her cold powers effect her emotions, making it harder for her to feel and easier to hurt those she normally wouldn't.

She literally becomes a 'cold-hearted bee-otch.'

Good episode. Coming back from break and both this and Supergirl have hit it out of the park in my book!:woot:
Its gonna be Wally West or Julian in my opinion.

None of the shows have gone back and used a character from a previous season thats gone as a "big reveal"

Julian makes the most sense, as maybe he realizes its his earth 2 thats alchemy, and so savitar makes himself have the powers, to ensure that he can get close with the team resulting in the death of Iris West as its probably barry's fault in some sort of manor that Julian has "meta" issues.

Wally West is still the other option because he's catatonic and now left behind in the future, probably eventually feeling betrayed by Barry for not helping him to stop Savitar sends him down a wormhole that leads to his ultimate fall from grace, creating savitar.
I started watching an episode of Flash and Doctor Strange started playing

Am I the only one who doesn't care about Killer Frost?

Really liked this episode though, it was a bit emotional seeing what happened to all of them after Iris died.

The new suit is good but looks weird when the hood is down and looks a bit too baggy. I'm sure we'll see it again soon, especially since they wouldn't have made it for a one off.

I'm guessing Savitar is Julian. Who else would get Caitlin to change her tune so quick just by revealing himself to her?

But then again future Julian was around...
That sounds a little too much like the "fake Jay Garrick" reveal from last season, imo.
Like the costume, not a fan of moapy Barry, absolutely hate "alternate personality for no reason" Caitlyn.

Yeah, the whole "I'm evil simply because I'm a metahuman" angle is incredibly stupid.
After seeing killer frost see who it is
The color of the sit and boots makes me wonder if it's zoom. Zoom could have had a remnant take his place for the end of season 2 and the remnant is the one who became black flash
Like the costume, not a fan of moapy Barry, absolutely hate "alternate personality for no reason" Caitlyn.

Yeah, I still don't understand what it is that makes Caitlyn "Killer Frost". The character just comes across as utterly ridiculous simply because they've never bothered to explain her powers and why they have the effect they have on her personality.

Not sure I'd put too much stock in the reveal at the end, as we know how much this show likes to swerve the fan base.
I'd like Eddie to be Savitar, as unlikely as that sounds. We never got to see what happened after his body went through that wormhole in S1.

Did Caitlin even know who Eddie was though? Savitar has to be someone she trusts completely.
I liked the episode. I still don't really care who Savitar really is.

I laughed at how they tried to make future Barry seem older by the sound of his voice and him looking a little bit older. And that hair was too funny.

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