Sentry mini 2


Apr 3, 2006
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Now as many know, with the odd exception of something like Hulk vs Wolverine , I mostly wait for tpbs. I read the first Sentry mini and dug it, especially some of the retro art and story telling. I think he is an intriguing character. I would read more New Avengers for my fix but I hear he barely shows up anyway :( but what's the word on the second mini that just wrapped up? is it worth waiting for?
Some people seem to like it. Others find it a dull contrived mess. Me, I gave up after #3.
i just finished up the mini and the new avengers did have like a 4 issue story on him and what he is. the mini just put it all togeather. its a good story and a good idea. somethin youdont see often. but i dont know if it would be enough for a second mini. but they have been pushing him more in the new avengers. and with rumor of roster change comming up. look to see what happens to him, if he goes solo.. im sure a book of his own wont be to far behind.
The latest Sentry mini can be a tad on the confusing side. This might be due to only reading one issue a month as they came out. Maybe sometime soon I'll read all eight issues in the span of a couple days and see if that combined with a second reading makes things more understandable.

Romita Jr's art is beautiful as always. The writing is great, giving you good intrigue on the mind of Robert Reynolds. And by the end of the series, the Sentrys' true origin is revealed.

And just to be mean. (Hill)Billy your avatar is quite appropriate. Revolution beating PS3 and 360? DS better than PSP?

Were you born with a Nintendo controller up your arse?
no i just think that with this round of next gen systems comming out, people are gonna shop for the games and not the system name. plus the expected price tags of ps3 and wii, i think that will sway alot of minds when buying a system. plus the ds is out selling the psp 3-1.
Sentry 2 was a great mini.JRJR's contributions were lovely as always and Jenkins really showcased some serious character work.

The only thing I carry over from the NA arc to this one is the mindwipe.
iambilly81 said:
no i just think that with this round of next gen systems comming out, people are gonna shop for the games and not the system name. plus the expected price tags of ps3 and wii, i think that will sway alot of minds when buying a system. plus the ds is out selling the psp 3-1.

I still see Revolution coming in 3rd. By the time PS3 and Revolution come out, X-Box 360 will be having a pretty good library of titles, which is the one thing that makes it not worth having until now. (It seemed forever until I had a new game to play. And, I'm real tired of the countless games that are all the same. Really, how many war games do I need?)

Now, I'm more excited about Revolution, mainly because of getting to download that vast library of old titles from Nintendo's past...but, Nintendo has lost a lot of it's fans with the Nintendo 64 and Gamecube. Meanwhile, X-Box and Playstation are what Nintendo used to be, back in the day.

As for PSP vs. DS....DS has the advantage of being way cheaper and geared towards kids who want to play on the go. But, the fact is, PSP is much better. If you gave any kid the chance have either, I would bet 90% would grab the PSP. Plus, GTA is just so awesome, even on the smaller screen. Personally, I haven't touched my DS for over a year.

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