Funny (ish) story about my encounter with a Traffic Warden. On my 25th Birthday me & a few friends went on a complete bender, started on the Friday Night and finished on the Sunday afternoon. Come the Sunday morning, about 8am, there were only a few stragglers left, but me & my friend Anthony were on my balcony doing Tequilas.
These two Traffic Wardens walk past, wearing their sturdy looking flat-topped hats I might add, and start to walk towards my mate Anthony's car. Quick as a flash, Anthony throws this lime at one of them and it bounces clean off the top of his helmet, startling him. Absolutely cracking shot considering how far away we were. We were in fits of laughter and were too drunk to even be bothered hiding.
So these two portly Traffic Wardens trundle over to us and one gets his little notepad out and shouts up (we were on the 2nd floor) 'Right, you two, names, now!"
Anthony goes 'Buzz Aldrin!' and I go 'Neil Armstrong!"
The Traffic Warden starts writing in his little notebook, and I can see him slowly mouthing as he writes; 'Buzzzzzzzzz Alllllldrin'
Had to be there moment, but completely cracked us up.