Ok, I saw the movie this evening as I already said in threads which have now been closed down...
It really could have done with being longer in my opinion. I felt it suffered from going too quickly, and half the film seemed to be the end finale.
It lacked the basic 3-Act Structure really. It felt like it was just the beginning and the end without a middle.
Angel was introduced with a scene set 10 years in the past, yet it felt less relevant seeing as he was only in the film for an additional 3 minutes max really. He did nothing special, said very little and it just felt like they were going to build him up to something, based on his flashback.
I couldn't help feeling that Professor Xavier was a nasty piece of work after we learn more about Jean, he certainly lost his warm and happy charm that I could see in the first two films.
I don't think I agreed with how it finished that much, I wish certain things were not how they ended up, but never mind.
I really did enjoy the film though, I think it could be 10/10 if it was longer and more elaborated. So 8.5 for this film and maybe a 10 for any extended edition should they make it. In context, I'd give X-Men an 8 and X2 a 9 out of 10.
My friends and I enjoyed it much. They even told me they enjoyed it than DVC. We're even discussing while we're going out of the theatre. I heard no complaints from them except one: Wolverine's shirt appeared to have healed as well. lol
They love the Phoenix vs Prof. X's fight, the witty one liners, the pace of the movie,Angel (yeah, even in just short scenes he has, we find his look rather fitting for his character)Pyro and Iceman, etc. Believe it even my friend discussed how Prof. X's soul came into someone else's body based on that scene where Xavier lectured something to his students. They also discussed why ice defeated fire and then came into conclusion that it wasn't actually about who's more powerful but it's about how one uses it so it means there's great teaching in Xavier's Academy for the gifted and Pyro '....shouldn't have left.' hehe.
Maybe the reviews haven't been on par with those for X1 and X2 but I've heard a LOT MORE people wanting to see X3 this weekend than I remember hearing for the other 2 movies.
I´ve seen it yesterday ( Wednesday ), and I loved it!
I was in no way disappointed. Critics complain, that there was less character development, than in part 1 and 2. That´s right, but you should not see X3 as a single film. You should see it as part of a trilogy. Character development was done in 1 and 2, so part 3 may be granted to be the big finale of the battle, which it was. Sure, there are new faces, which would give an interesting story, but where shall this lead to? Tell the indepth story of Colossus, of Shadowcat, of the Morlocks, of Multiple Man, the family bonds between Juggernaut and Prof. X, the circumstances how Xavier lost the use of his legs, and, and, and, ... - There wouldn´t be any time left to bring up a story. Beside, there was one new aspect of Prof. X, which should not be underrated: We learn, that he is not the perfect saint, but a man, who takes questionable steps, if needed, to meet his beliefs.
Instead, this movie focusses on being a superhero flick. Magneto being omnipotent, as we know him, and not only levitating Zippos. The Phoenix as a nearly invincible threat. And the sheer number of mutants shows us, that they are not only a group, but a new species within the human race. Well, this is the only point, I didn´t like: Magnetos mutants looked all similar somehow: All gothic, all tattoed, all outsider-ish, all clothed in brown. There should have been more diversity, showing, that mutantdom is a worldwide phenomenon, which can meet everyone, from manager to blue collar worker.
But let´s take another approach: I am visiting the X3 forum since November 2002 (!) and I remember some things that were discussed since:
Will we have Angel?
We had Angel, and he was pure eye candy. I got goosebumps seeing him fly.
Will we see Beast?
Beast was there. Could have shown more of his agility, but well ...
Will there be Sentinels?
There was at least one, in the Danger Room. We didn´t get to see much of him, but hey - there was a Sentinel.
Will we see the Danger Room?
See above.
Will Storm fly at least?
She did.
Will Storm live up to be a goddess?
Pretty much so.
Who will play Shadowcat?
I think, Ellen Page was a good choice, I liked her from the first moment. She is sweet ( and she reminds me of a girl I know )
Will the Dark Phoenix Saga be handled?
It was, and not bad. This storyline could have been a trilogy of its own, but for one movie, it was translated well.
Will Colossus have more screentime?
He had - not much more, but enough.
Will Iceman ice up?
He did - and he looked cool, in both meanings of the word.
What I didn´like too much, was the very ending: Some mutants lost their powers, but then there was this chessman, indicating, that maybe they didn´t.
Some mutants died, but the last scene showed, that at least Prof. X didn´t.
They took some radical steps in this movie, but hadn´t the guts to pull it through.
So much from me, I am looking forward to your opinions and comments.
saw it this evening, and can safely say I preferred it to X-men 1, and it was maybe slightly worse than X-Men 2, but not by that much.
I feared for this film with its production nightmares, I really did. I wanted it to be so good, and while it may not have been perfect, it was plenty good enough for me
What I Enjoyed:
Beast - not enough agility? final fight, he OWNS... simply said. Fraiser was perfect casting.
Sentinel - well handled, considering the story they were telling, i'm glad they got it in there.
Storm - wasn't useless for once, and actually looked intimidating.
Iceman Icing up - MADE the film for me. I didn't think they'd do it... but they did... so good
Iceman Vs Pyro - god YES!! great
Juggernaut - in a perverse way, I really liked the Vinnie Jones performance... except for that moment right out of All-Star Batman and Robin; "I'm the Juggernaut *****!"
The pre-credit ending - so slight, so great.
What I Didn't Like:
Angel's amount of screen time - Not enough... not by a mile.
Rogues Story ending - this trilogy has followed rogue, and I didn't like how they took her powers away. altho, considering the pre-credits ending, she could be back in any possible sequels.
post-credits ending - ok, I saw this coming from the moment they mention random brain dead guy. ugh.
Random deaths - psylocke? huh... why?!?!
Brotherhood random people - what the hell... it's Prince with mutnat powers... and he's a girl... er... who was that meant to be again?!
So yeah, final rating... 7.5 - 8/10: a lot better than I feared it would be, and a worthy addition to the franchise. Some people will have to eat there predictive words, I know I did... and gladly
Question to all that saw it. I am just coming to the end of the novelization right now. The book mentions Gambit and even shows him using his powers.
Is Gambit actually in the film? Or is that just something that was in the book?
Also, does the movie have a speech at the beginning? Usually in the novels, the speeches are included- but in the novelization for X3 there was no introductory speech.
Question to all that saw it. I am just coming to the end of the novelization right now. The book mentions Gambit and even shows him using his powers.
Is Gambit actually in the film? Or is that just something that was in the book?
Also, does the movie have a speech at the beginning? Usually in the novels, the speeches are included- but in the novelization for X3 there was no introductory speech.
yeah, it was a bit obvious from earlier in the film as to what it included;
Basically, earlier in the film, Xavier is talking about the morality of having the power to say, wink wink nudge nudge, place someones conciousness into another body.
The example he gives is, a brain dead man who is otherwise healthy being used to house the conciousness of a father of three dying from terminal cancer. Is that morally right or wrong? This is what he and Dr. Moira McTaggot have been discussing, with Moira running tests on a brain dead man that she is studying.
Anyway, when Xavier confronts Jean, she blows him away. Literally, atoms in the wind... Its done well.
After the credits role, we go back to the good Dr Moira and her Brain Dead friend. Its unclear as to wether he wakes up or is using telepathy, but the B.D.M. talks in Xaviers voice and says, "Hello Moira" to which she replies, "Charles?" and the screen goes black for good.
I saw last night at a promo screening and it was pretty much on par with what I expected.
More of the same wasted and shallow characterizations the first two, though not as bad. This one was a team movie with slightly too much focus on Wolverine, where as the first 2 are bad Wolverine movies with almost no focus on anyone else.
Wolverine was a slight improvement over the generic as hell wannabe bad-ass from Singer's films, although he is still his opponent's ***** against anyone other than random generic or generic mutants. Jackman and especially Berry's acting were up quite a few nothces in this one.
Their reaction to Xavior's death was perfect.
The pointless puppy love crap that I was dreading was also still, but not as bad as it was in Singer's films. Iceman atleast becomes an active part of the team here, and Kitty is more interesting and useful than he and Rogue were with their circular, completely uninvolving characterization through 2 entire films.
Juggernaut's use of powers were great, but the personality and voice were...not. Callisto, Collossus, and Psylocke(especially the last one)were very flat and for the most part, wasted.
Storm finally had an actual personality, was strong-willed rather than generic and shallow, and had some exhilerating moments(that most likely wouldn't have been there if Singer were involved). She was the most interesting part of the film.
Magneto was fantastic, as expected. He goes through a great character arch and also has some top notch setpieces involving his powers.
Pyro was a good heel character, coming full circle with his character arch that began in X2.
Rogue was a complete waste yet again, but after how badly Singer and company handled her there wasn't much that could be done about it.
Cyclops is also wasted yet again, but the same applies to him as to Rogue.
Mystique is used little, but effectively.
Angel is also used sparingly, but he's well acted and there's more to care about with him than there was with Cyclops, Storm, Jean, Rogue, Iceman...throughout the first 2 films.
I would've liked to see Beast do a bit more in the fights, but Kelsey Grammer did a fine job, and his personality matches the source material quite well(for once).
Jean, like Storm, finally manages step out of Singer's shadow of mediocrity(and that's being generous)and actually have a personality and be worth a damn. The origin of the Phoenix isn't the same, but the change still works.
Overall, it's not as deep as an X-Men film could and should be, but it does put Singer's movies to shame(which isn't tough to do). Rattner did a pretty good job of cleaning up the mess that layed before him. Singer's films had almost no character depth, and weren't even anything special to look at. Rattner's film has some character depth, some wasted characters(as opposed to almost all wasted characters), and it's some great eye candy.
I'll take Rattner's visually stunning film with an ensamble that could've had more substance, but has enough to get by over Singer's shallow films centering on one guy that they couldn't even come close to getting right despite how much time they waste on him that aren't even cool looking any day of the week.
just came back from it.
and yes its very enjoyable. if u are an xmen fan or a superhero fan in general. u will get more out of it. as u know and feel for the characters more so than just the general public.
the movie does lack character depth. most characters in the film are generic 2 dimensional versions. its the acting chops that push the fairly weak characterisation and script up a bit.
patrick stewart and ian mckellan obviously handle their parts with ease considering their screen presence.
wolverine was a bit dissapointing to me. only because he is too watered down and soft now. there is no feral in him anymore. but hugh jackman still has made the character his own.
halle berry;s storm has more screentime and she does kick some top arse with her powers this time around. its a pity her delivery of the character is so bland.
angel is hardly in it and serves as a vehicle for the plot and themes the movie is trying to express.
beast is fine. and handled well by kelsey grammar. its good to see the "furball" on screen finally.
colossus is hardly on screen at all. and i think he has 1 line in the entire film.
same with rogue. i wanted to see rogue finally sass up and become an xmen. the opposite happens here. she resembles nothing of the kick arse chick i was hoping to finally see.
pyro and iceman had a good buildup to their fight and when it finally happened it was well.... a fizzer. the one of a few scenes that ended too fast and without any directional aplomb. still he iced up so i can forgive the uninspired battle they had.
juggernaut was crap. no mention of his relation to xavier. he was mutant in this version and while he had some decent action scenes, it was not the juggernaut out there. just some footy hooligan with fake muscles and a stupid helmet that served no purpose. a wasted character.
jean grey kicked arse and was my favourite character in the film. seeing her as the dark phoenix was tops.
cyclops had about as much time as collossus in the film and was handled terribly by the script. for the leader of the xmen he certainly got handed the shortest straw in this trilogy and the 3rd movie is like a slap in the face for all who like the character.
the story was weak. the action was great.
as a popcorn superhero movie it did rock hard mostly. esspecially the 1st hour.
the climax was good too but lacked any emotional impact.
i will say though. i did have a tear in my eye during a scene. so for those critics that say this film holds no emotional resonance. well they are obviously not fans.
if u are a fan. u will get a whole lot more out of x3 than the average joe.
so in that regard its a thumbs up. even though some plot developments will also infuriate some of u fans as well.
XMTLS was great. It starts off with a bang and will NOT let you breathe until all the way to the end. The cast did their job and perfectly, too. This is the movie fanboys have been wanting for years now. Despite the misfortunates in some characters, they still got their time to shine.
Ian McKellen and Famke Janssen stole the scenes. I loved all the shots in the Magneto-crushing-the-cars-to-rescue-Mystique scene and also, the shots in the Xavier/Jean battle. Very creative.
The final battle seemed to go by very quick. It didn't feel epic, but still enjoyable.
I give it 9 out of 10. I think most people will love this movie, that's for sure. Even the general audience.
And you will LOVE the final climax of the movie, trust me. I felt I was rising from my seat when I saw it. Mystique, Moira, Angel, Cyclops, Kitty and Colossus were underused. When the credits start rolling, don't leave your seat. Tell your friends this -- "the movie isn't over yet". The ending(s) left many possibilities for a possible X4.
The DNA/Cure sequence in the beginning was visually great and well-done. The music also helped it, thanks to John Powell.
Many parts in XMTLS may be cliche, but I can honestly say...it's better than X1, but no, X3 is NOT better than X2 b/c it lacked the "slick" style to it and also, the runtime hurt the film. It would be great if the runtime was longer.
Mr Lex Luthor’s XMTLS Review (W/ Answers)
Ian McKellen was just brilliant in the movie. BRILLIANT! He stole every scene in the movie. It’s a pity that I had to leave right at the near end of the movie because I had other matters to attend to. I have no idea why critics are bashing it. Ron Howard certainl...
...oh. Ah...erm...wrong movie.
Yeah, I got there WAY too early, so I decided to watch The Da Vinci Code. Then I had to leave the movie because XMTLS was ready. Sorry, sorry.
Now, for real...for those who have seen every (or most) of the TV spots and clips online, MATTER NOT! Most of the clips have been chopped up, I can guarantee you that. One more thing, they look even better on the big screen. Quality, sound and size were amazing. Seeing them on your tiny computers will be nothing compared to seeing the movie on the big screen, trust me.
And now, onto the movie...I was overwhelmed. Yes, that is true! I tried not to keep high expectations when I went in. And you know what? It worked. You should do that, too. I was blown away, seriously. It was mostly because of the music and the direction. I applaud John Powell. He did a great job, in my opinion. Brett Ratner, also, did a great job. I wouldn’t say that he “pulled” it off, but it was better, action-wise, obviously. Okay, it’s better than X1. And it’s a bit on-par with X2. Well, a bit better than X2. (Argh, Lex, make up your goddamn mind!) XMTLS is the X-Men movie every fanboys have been waiting for. On second thought, not all of them (sorry).
Alright, let’s get to it, shall we?
The movie starts off with the flashbacks right away. 20 years ago, we see the
“young” versions of Xavier (he walks!) and Erik, getting out of their car and heading into Jean’s house.
Jean’s mother looks creepily like Famke, yeah. Good casting. Haley Ramm -- hmmm...she was freaky. But I didn’t not like the scene. It was great and
I loved the cars levitating.
We see
Stan the Man, making a small cameo, too, along with Chris Claremont.
I was expecting a big disaster...something like Young Jean getting out-of-control and crushing Xavier’s legs (that causes him to be in the wheelchair). Would’ve been nice to see in the movie-verse.
10 years ago, we see Cayden Boyd,
trying to cut off his wings.
It was bad enough to stomach through the scene while watching it on my computer, but oh, boy...wait until you see it on the big screen. Anyway, I loved Cayden in this scene. He blew me away and I had no doubt when I heard that he was being cast as Young Warren. To be honest, the Young Warren clip that was released online -- that was all of it, really. You be the judge of that.
And then BANG!
We zoomed right into the mirror in the bathroom (I think) to the Cure/DNA sequence. It was a little orange ball with a little brown thingy inside it. I’m guessing the Cure is the orange part, containing the DNA, the brown part. Anyway, very creative visuals. Also, we see the Cerebro doors. Yay for consistency. I loved it.
we do not see more than the Sentinel’s eyes in the Danger Room. And we don’t see Wolverine climbing down from its leg, either.
Well, I was sort of expecting that, but it would’ve been nice to see a bit more than that. Just a minor nitpick, is all.
Storm was a true leader in the movie. But I have to say, her short height kinda took it away. I guess I'm more used to seeing her being taller in the comics. Action-wise...what can I say?
She frigging fried everyone in the final battle. No tidal waves and no eye-snatching, though, sadly.
But you will be impressed. She has truly stepped up as a leader. Well...erm...actually,
Wolverine was the real leader.
Sucks, I know. End rant. Should’ve been Cyclops in Wolverine’s place, but yeah, I guess beggars can’t be choosers. Halle Berry fought for her character's presence on-screen to actually "matter". It was worth it. She's more Storm than ever.
Even though he had a small part (let’s call it a cameo, shall we?), Jimmy Marsden was great. He looked great,
riding on his Harley Davidson.
I really hope he comes back for an X4 since
I didn’t actually see him getting blown into pieces.
Onto Jean Grey -- HOW DARE YOU?!
Teasing us with bright, bright lights, Fox?
Now, that was just mean.
No Phoenix firebird SFXs in this movie.
Well, I could see a lot of
fire coming out of her in the final battle, but they came from all the explosions. At the Alkali Lake, Scott gets blasted backwards. Then he’s blinded by this bright yellowy light.
Oh, speaking of that, the special effects were awesome.
The water spiralling down and then blasting upwards (Phoenix rising)
I will say this for ALL of you Phoenix and X-Men fans, the big climax of this movie will blow you away. Props to the SFX guys, Powell and Ratner! I couldn’t look away. My eyes were glued onto the screen.
Black eyes aren’t the only stuff on Dark Phoenix. She gets all shadowy and veiny, yup. I loved it. Comparing it to Dark Willow, no contest. Dark Phoenix wins the make-up competition, hands down.
Speaking of Dark Phoenix, I’ve got to mention the whole Jean’s Neighbourhood scene.
The fights are amazing. We have four ongoing fights in the same one single scene; Xavier/Magneto versus Dark Phoenix, Wolverine versus Juggernaut, Storm versus Arclight/Quill and Storm versus Callisto. My favourite has to be the Xavier/Dark Phoenix fight. The music, the action, the drama -- AMAZING! Magneto looked so helpless, sitting there, unable to get up because of Dark Phoenix’s power pushing him down. And no, we don’t see the shot of Magneto yelling “Charles!” from the trailer. Everything and everyone were on the ceilings as the house was levitating. This is NOTHING compared to the climax of the movie.
“Don’t let it control you.”
How in the hell can Xavier be so calm?! He was frigging getting demolecularized
(sorry, _BB_, you’re going to see A LOT of this word in my review). The special effects were mind-blowing.
Xavier’s smile (to Wolverine, who was climbing on the ceilings) before getting blown into pieces was saddening.
Well...not really. The secret scene...
Xavier is in a new body, yay! So, we got a patient lying on the hospital bed with all the bandages covering him. We couldn’t see his face. Moira entered and started doing checks.
How can there NOT be an X4, hmm? Especially after that?
Logan and Storm crying beside Xavier's empty wheelchair was just icing on the cake.
Rebecca Romijn was great as Mystique. I’m not sure if her voice was computerized or not. Her voice sounded the same from the previous movies (I think). At least to me, anyway.
Her “heart-breaking” scene...was heart-breaking. Mystique got in the way of the Cure darts. Magneto mercy-killing her would’ve been way more heart-breaking, but noooo...
“You’re not one of us anymore.”
God, she could’ve been a useful source for Magneto. Like, she can go undercover and spying on the humans or something. But my other side was a bit happy. I’ve always liked Mystique as an independent villain like in the comics. “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” said the President. Oh, yeah. She went straight to the government and told them of Magneto’s hideout, giving Mags the payback. There, we see a map with little white dots, hundreds of them. Soldiers started to invade the hideout and ta-da; the white dots disappeared into one -- Multiple Man! I didn’t see that coming. So...I was a bit confused. She was still working for Magneto? Loved the new hair.
Angel -- let’s see...
one, two, three, four...yup, four scenes of Angel in the movie (not counting the Young Warren scene).
Ben Foster did a good job here. After seeing him as Angel, I could not imagine Mike Vogel as Angel. I’m glad Ben took the role. The wings didn’t look fake in the scenes other than the Lab scene. So, that’s a plus.
Umm...Angel is in the final battle. Yay! I was afraid that Quill, Psylocke and Arclight were gonna throw Warren Sr. off the building and killing him, but no, Angel came to rescue (with a shirt, for those curious fangirls.) It would’ve been a huge letdown if Angel didn’t appear in the final battle. Mmm, I think he was in his tux. He should’ve stolen one of the X-suits.
Speaking of those three, they were alright.
How can Quill get more lines than Cyclops? PFFTT. Anyway, no, we don’t see him throwing his quills, sadly. I loved it when Psylocke did the invisible-out-of-the-wall-teleporting thing.
Demolecularization! (Is that even a word? Whatever.)
Let’s see...I’m happy that Quill got demolecularized. Happy that Arclight and 100+ human soldiers got demolecularized. NOT happy that Psylocke got demolecularized. I wanted to see her join the X-Men. Bugger. The whole Dark-Phoenix-going-crazy at the final battle will blow you off your seats.
Again, I applaud Powell. Great music in the climax there.
Kelsey Grammer pulled it off. It was a great and inspired casting. I still can’t believe it was Kelsey who did all the fighting. Kelsey, Famke Janssen and Ian McKellen stole the scenes. Speaking of Ian McKellen, I HATE YOU, FOX!
But I did like the scene at the end, though. Magneto as Sir Lee Teabing (must’ve been the hat), sitting in a park, playing chess with himself and...moved the king!
...Directed by Brett Ratner.
At least we got a cliff-hanger. Actually, we got two cliff-hangers (Magneto in the park
Xavier in a new body
), actually. The Magneto one -- actions speak greater than words. One of my favourite scenes from the movie.
There was no “secret character”. I wanted to see Callisto and the surviving mutants to hide in the sewers and form the Morlocks, Sinister in a laboratory with Kavita Rao...but no. Why?
They frigging killed everybody! Apart from Callisto and Rao, Dark Phoenix demolecularized them, actually.
Speaking of Rao, Shohreh Aghdashloo did her a great job;
especially the scenes with Hank and with Warren Sr (loved this one).
I was happy to see her getting more than one scene.
Remember the leaked pic of Jean and Scott’s tombstones? Yeah, it’s true, sadly.
Should’ve been Scott at the final battle, but I understand...since
he would’ve died right away because of DP demolecularizing everything within 30 meters around her. I didn’t know Wolverine could heal in 2 seconds. Took him quite a while to heal his big cuts on his head, right? Anyway, the whole scene of DP destroying everything, Wolverine trying to get close to DP and stabbing her...I liked it. Water rising everywhere, buildings getting demolecularized, the X-Men and military falling back...again,
the SFXs were mind-blowing. So, that was where the 200+ million budgets went to, eh?... Well spent.
This whole Cure storyline...it kinda reminds me of HoM (House of M). Everyone gets depowered. Bleh...
Kitty Pryde -- what can I say? I think
ALL of her fight scenes are in the TV spots and clips. Colossus’ fight scenes are in the clips, too (except for the second Fastball Special).
Kinda takes the fun away, but they look even better when you see it in theatres.
Juggernaut is the resident funnyman and the muscle here. Nothing much to say about him.
Sadly, there was no Juggernaut versus Colossus.
The scene of him lifting the government cars, crushing them and throwing them -- it was one of my favourites.
This is Magneto at his most nasty and aggressive, ladies and gentlemen!
The Golden Gate bridge sequence was simply amazing. ‘Nuff said.
But I did feel that it was a bit rushed, short and all out of sudden.
He flies! Oh, god, that was an amazing shot, seeing him flying up high in the air. Yup, that was Magneto, alright.
Iceman versus Pyro
was a bit underwhelming, to be honest. 95% of the whole scene was shown online. The other 5% -- Iceman was iced-up longer. I think it was about 6-10 seconds. He looked great to me. What a perfect transformation from the comics the movie. Though, I wish his hair wasn’t so wavy-curvy.
I hated what they did to
But I understand why she took it. Hopefully, this cure isn’t permanent. Yeah, I’m in denial. Be temporary, cure!
Okay, my brain is a dried-up piece of walnut at the moment. Overall, I’d say it was a pretty good movie. If I were to rate it from a scale of 1 to 10 out of 10...I’d give it 9/10.
It would’ve gotten a full mark from me if
Cyclops was alive, Juggernaut fighting Colossus (how the heck can it not be in the movie?!), more Angel, Rogue absorbing someone at the final battle (and fighting em)
and a LONGER runtime.
If I weren't so biased with X-Men, I'd give it 7.5/10.
The movie felt short, but yet enjoyable. I wish it would’ve been longer. It was rushed in some parts.
We went right from Logan just getting up in the medical room after getting owned by Jean to Xavier, Storm and Logan, arriving at Jean’s house.
Yeah. Talk about rush. But other than that, it was great.
Just got back from watching it and I was pleasantly suprised. This is an excellent finale to this trillogy.
And even though X2 is a better movie, x3 has more moments of excitement.
Im not one of those people that gets his panties in a knot simply because this movie does not follow the comic book story. My favourite Xmen story is God Loves, Man Kills and X2 butchered that and I still enjoyed the film.
What I Liked
Magneto- I mean come on Sir Ian plays this role amazing well, seeing Magneto weild his power in this movie is simply amazing. I also was happy to see Magneto and Charles relationship develop, you could really tell that Magneto was fighting for a Dream, and this dream included Charles.
Kitty Pride- though not given much screen time , it is evident this young girl is important to the Xmen mythology and I hope to see her in any future film.
Mystique- Once again in the few scenes she has she steals the spotlight. Magneto response to her when she is cured is priceless.
The GGB and Phoenix scenes were amazing.
What I Hated.
Why the **** does Logan have to be the centre of everything, Im not a fan of Cyclops but he should of been the one in the final scene. I was actually disappointed with the way Logan was treated throughout this film.
It seemed rushed, things like the score seemed rushed to me, and it was way to short.
Too many characters.
Overall I enjoyed it and I hope we see more films, I would love to see AOA. I know it is most likely to hard to do AOA due to the mainstream audiences not understanding the Alternate universes. Simply have the new Xmen team (Kitty, Collusus, Logan, Storm, Iceman) seek oout Magneto for help with defeating apocalypse.
"Storm was a true leader in the movie. But I have to say, her short height kinda took it away. I guess I'm more used to seeing her being taller in the comics. Action-wise...what can I say? She frigging fried everyone in the final battle. No tidal waves and no eye-snatching, though, sadly. But you will be impressed. She has truly stepped up as a leader. Well...erm...actually, Wolverine was the real leader. Sucks, I know. End rant. Shouldve been Cyclops in Wolverines place, but yeah, I guess beggars cant be choosers. Halle Berry fought for her character's presence on-screen to actually "matter". It was worth it. She's more Storm than ever."
I don't think Wolverine was the real leader, she was just enabling him his chance to step up to the plate and prove himself as a team player, and as someone capable of making a necessary sacrafice, hence her talk with him before they leave for the end battle. She's still the real leader, as was specified previously in the film.
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