Show Mattel some love!!! Movie Master Dark Knight figures rule!!!


Dec 19, 2004
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1-800-524-8697 (TOYS) That's right! Show Mattel some love if you love the Movie Master 6-inch Dark Knight Batman movie action figures!

If any of you have been to the Batman Spoiler boards you should check out the last few pages of the Batman Merchandise thread cuz there are some sweeeet ass pics of the Movie Master figure line.

I called and spoke to this really nice woman and just let her know how happy I was (and I'm sure tons of other people) as a fan to finally get decent Batman movie toys. I figured I gave them enough ball busting on account of their Batman Begins toy line a few yrs back..horrendous.

Anyways they have sure cleaned up their act...give 'em a call it'd be really cool for them to know people are intersted in the Movie Master line! :D :brucebat:
I might show them love if when they DO come out, they don't look like total s#!t
Actually yeah maybe I was a little too hasty....those pics that made me create this thread were apparently two ups that were heavily detailed prototypes...the actual figures wont be that good....but either way the Movie Master line is 39292929292992384 better than any other Batman movie figures...although I really do wish their paint aps and detail were more movie accurate..but nonetheless they are still amazing
Im hopin the damn things wont be prototypes

OH man am I with you on that...however I sincerely think they are now that I put more thought into's not that Mattel is incapable of making figures like that, they just wont due to the nature of their business...they probably already THINK they are taking some huge risk putting out a line of figures like the Movie Masters...they just dont get it...they are probably testing the waters as it were with these...if only they'd realize that it'd be a much smarter idea fully exploring 6-inch well detailed movie stylized figures....ah well like I've said a million times, I am still happy as a pig in **** that they are releasing 6-inch movie based figures as is, they have definately gotten in my good graces now :)
Guys I swear to you those are the prototypes, for example look at Joker's pocket watch. It's an actual gold painted chain while the toyfair photos are plastic and grey.

If this was Mcfarlane or NECA making these figures the final products would look much closer to the prototypes but this is Mattel were talking about plus we have all seen the finished figures at toyfair.
1-800-524-8697 (TOYS) That's right! Show Mattel some love if you love the Movie Master 6-inch Dark Knight Batman movie action figures!

If any of you have been to the Batman Spoiler boards you should check out the last few pages of the Batman Merchandise thread cuz there are some sweeeet ass pics of the Movie Master figure line.

I called and spoke to this really nice woman and just let her know how happy I was (and I'm sure tons of other people) as a fan to finally get decent Batman movie toys. I figured I gave them enough ball busting on account of their Batman Begins toy line a few yrs back..horrendous.

Anyways they have sure cleaned up their act...give 'em a call it'd be really cool for them to know people are intersted in the Movie Master line! :D :brucebat:

If anything, I'm gonna be calling to complain. Those last images ARE prototypes like many have been saying and are NOT what we'll be getting in stores. Calling to praise the line as it stands from the pictures we've seen at Toy Fair would only be fueling Mattel's lack of quality control in making what could be some awesome figures, using cheap plastics and sloppy paint-jobs, leaving us with sub-par figures on the shelves. Sorry if this seems like a rant, but I've been looking foward to McFarlane/NECA style Batman figures for so long, and now Mattel's gonna mess up an amazing opportunity to save some dough on production costs. WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?!?!?!
If anything, I'm gonna be calling to complain. Those last images ARE prototypes like many have been saying and are NOT what we'll be getting in stores. Calling to praise the line as it stands from the pictures we've seen at Toy Fair would only be fueling Mattel's lack of quality control in making what could be some awesome figures, using cheap plastics and sloppy paint-jobs, leaving us with sub-par figures on the shelves. Sorry if this seems like a rant, but I've been looking foward to McFarlane/NECA style Batman figures for so long, and now Mattel's gonna mess up an amazing opportunity to save some dough on production costs. WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?!?!?!

LoL...fair enough :D Ah well, I have been so let down with Mattels past efforts to produce what they deemed 'movie based toys' that seriously, even though the finals wont looks as good as the prototypes I am soooo friggin' happy with what we are getting.

One day....maybe ONE day someone will do figures that look like those prototypes..

..either way I'm scoopin' up ALL of the Movie Masters figures they put out :)
wait a minute who does prototypes better then the actual toys thats insane but who cares im gettin that joker on the 1st of may and nobody on this boards gonna changed my mind
I'm definately buying that joker figure whether it looks like the decent prototype or not. also getting the goon figure, one of the batman figures and the tumbler+Pod combo figures

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