*Sigh* GREMLINS 3 - direct-to-video sequel

I can't wait till Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning comes out.
^You don't have long to wait. It comes on ABC Family in March.
Wait there was a Gremlins 2!? And now they wanna make a 3? D2DVD?! BWAHAHAHAHAHA
You didnt know they made a 2?

It had Lionel Luthor in it.
I can't wait till Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning comes out.

that new daisy dukes looks a lot hotter than jessica simpson... not to say jessica is not easy on the eyes, but knowing what her personality is like ruins her for me.
Gremlins...IN SPACE

they had already thought of that before dante came back on board for number 2

though the stupidest idea they had had to be gremlins go haiwan:whatever:

the commentarys on boths movies explain a lot and the deleted scenes are brilliant
Gremlins...IN DA HOOD!!!!

Gremlins are back, and black!
Maybe they will bring back Corey Feldman & his character from the original who has Gizmo this time around & he will once again get Gizmo wet & will feed the Gremlin's after midnight. I also hope Howie Mandell will return as the voice of Gizmo.
god, CGI Gremlins make my soul weep... :(

I second this. :( Blurry, intangible "creatures" have never once enthralled me in any way remotely close to the way that well-done animatronic ones have. It's a lost art in this computer-crazed movie world, it seems.:o
I don't think a third Gremlins wouldn't be such a bad idea, so long as it's done with a big screen budget.

They could address some of the fans mythos that have grown over the years like, "What if a Gremlin eats on a plane and then flys into a time zone where it's already after midnight"? Or "what about Gremlins walking in the WET snow as the did in Gremlins 1"..
Oh my god.

My childhood was just ruined. :(

...you should have gotten out more, then.

At this rate, nothing surprises me. Not even this. I just wish they'd up the stakes a little bit - the first one, they terrorize a small town; the second one, they terrorize a New York high-rise. They better be let loose in the Pentagon in this time, or I ain't interested.

GhostPoet said:
Gremlins...IN SPACE

Actually, in the junior novelization of the first movie, it's explained that the Mogwai were created on another planet as the galaxy's answer to Furbies.
I live in Ohio (yeah sad isn't it?) and work in a videostore and the locals here eat up this DTV crap. Half the people that come into rent can't even pronounce the new releases.
I live in Ohio (yeah sad isn't it?) and work in a videostore and the locals here eat up this DTV crap. Half the people that come into rent can't even pronounce the new releases.

I feel your pain about Ohio man. I just moved there.

DTV movies suck, and the sad thing is people will see Gremlins 3 and watch it. Heck, people will probably buy it just to have all 3 movies, despite the fact it has CGI Gremlins and will be horrendous.

However, this DTV campaign they are running is smart. Continue once popular movies series, and people will eat it up. Gotta admit, it is good marketing.
^Disney cornered the market on that. Cinderella III...w...t...f?
^Disney cornered the market on that. Cinderella III...w...t...f?

I knew that came out, but how well did it sell? It is Disney, so I am sure it did pretty well.
Disney had said that that will be their last DTV sequel.

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