Sequels Singer Toying With Possible Sequel Villains Already?

DarthSkywalker said:
How does that work when Kal-El has the FOS to do the exact same thing?

There isnt a FOS with Jor-El in the future though (from what Ive heard). Just as in the deleted footage of Superman II, Jor-El give his last lifeforce energy from the power of the FOS, to restore Kal-El......but in the end, theres nothing left of him..

The empty void.
Steelsheen said:
i hope they get Brent Spinner to play Brainiac.


Brainiac is machine, not man.

A design like this would be awesome (to fit with the Crystal tech)....obviously the voice actor would need to be in the suit (doing the mouth movements etc)....but the actor's face wont be recognizeable.
I don't feel like reading through the entire thread to see if anyone else has mentioned this, but am I the only one that really doesn't want nor doesn't expect Darkseid to ever be used in live action? I mean don't get me wrong, I love Darkseid, but, A. Bringing in the concept of the whole 4th World saga, would be way to out there for a mainstream audience. They have come to accept sci fi, but they still don't generally go for the extreme sci fi, and imo Darkseid is as extreme as you get with Superman, B. Bringing in Darkseid would take any Superman movie he's in to a place I don't want to see. I don't want to see a dark Superman movie.

Personally the villians I'd see being capable of being adapted that would please both the fans and the mainstream audience and are perfect for a battle royale are Metallo, Brainiac, Parasite and Zod. villians that could be used as secondary villians are Toyman, and Bizarro (also perfect for a big fight, but couldn't be a solo villian).
thatsabadoutfit said:
No he didnt. He just said it was Supermans biggest hurdle realizing the woman he loved has moved on with her life, is engaged, and has a kid out of all things. She has her own family now.

He in no way,shape, or form confirmed it being Supermans.

I don't know which interpretation is better, they should keep it a mystery for a film or two, something beneath the "text." The new trailers make this film look better (but I'll still be watching it anxious for a super villain in the sequel like Darkseid or Doomsday...Braniac is a dork).
thorstone said:
Braniac is a dork.


It's spelled Brainiac and needless to say, he is not amused by your lack of logic.

And, seriously, what kind of plot could Doomsday come up with. Nothin, unless they plan to kill Superman, which I highley doubt. He's all muscle, no brains. Which is why Brainiac is superior.
TheSuperBatFan said:
I don't feel like reading through the entire thread to see if anyone else has mentioned this, but am I the only one that really doesn't want nor doesn't expect Darkseid to ever be used in live action? I mean don't get me wrong, I love Darkseid, but, A. Bringing in the concept of the whole 4th World saga, would be way to out there for a mainstream audience. They have come to accept sci fi, but they still don't generally go for the extreme sci fi, and imo Darkseid is as extreme as you get with Superman, B. Bringing in Darkseid would take any Superman movie he's in to a place I don't want to see. I don't want to see a dark Superman movie.

I think Darkseid could be done and adapted with a few tweaks. They dont have to go into the heavy details of the New Gods and the New Genesis/Apokolips wars. He could be an alien dictator (who like in STAS) is also tied to Intergang on Earth and suppling them with technology as a prelude to the invasion (like in STAS).
Kane said:
I think Darkseid could be done and adapted with a few tweaks. They dont have to go into the heavy details of the New Gods and the New Genesis/Apokolips wars. He could be an alien dictator (who like in STAS) is also tied to Intergang on Earth and suppling them with technology as a prelude to the invasion (like in STAS).

I'd rather see a "New Gods" movie.

Which would be awesome.
They can still have both. Even though Darkseid appears in the Supes movie..The New Gods movie would serve as the official origins story and have all the characters in the war that started it all.

I think they should test it with Superman. If the Darkseid character is popular in the Superman movie, they should attempt The New Gods movie.

Seems logical.
Kane said:
They can still have both. Even though Darkseid appears in the Supes movie..The New Gods movie would serve as the official origins story and have all the characters in the war that started it all.

I think they should test it with Superman. If the Darkseid character is popular in the Superman movie, they should attempt The New Gods movie.

Seems logical.

I can see where your coming from, but even with a few tweaks, Darkseid is an unbelievably dark character. And even more than that, the whole concept of the 4th world, Apokolyps, New Genesis, Darkseid and the New Gods, thats pretty hardcore science fiction. Softcore sci fi has gained a sellable audience, but most harcore sci fi films are still generally bombs.

I love Darkseid. I love him in the comics. I loved him in STAS and JL, but in live action, I think he'd be to much. Maybe I could accept him as the villian of a Justice League movie, but in a purely Superman movie, thats taking the character into far darker territory than I think most realize.
Remember, Darkseid was only first introduced to the DCAU in a Superman episode (2 Parter)....

It really wasnt much darker than some other supervillians and was handled well, truely one of my favorite eps of that series.
Kane said:
Remember, Darkseid was only first introduced to the DCAU in a Superman episode (2 Parter)....

It really wasnt much darker than some other supervillians and was handled well, truely one of my favorite eps of that series.

I agree that he was well handled, but we're talking about the character that on the cartoon murdered Dan Turpin in cold blood just because he knew how it would effect Superman, and brainwashed Superman into betraying the Earth. I know opinions differ, but thats hardly on par with the tone of the rest of the villians that appeared on the show. Just about every episode of the show that was a full on Darkseid episode was much darker than the average STAS episode.
If this film is a monster hit, Singer should step up to the challange and bring on Darkseid. He is easily Superman's most important villian beyond Lex.
WHO would be a good voice for a Brainiac....I say Jason Lee.
I'd say Terrence Stamp just for a kick in the balls to Smallville fans.

Stamp does plan an evil bastard on Smallville anyways.
Kane said:
Im pretty sure Dan Harris and Mike D were planning to use Brainiac if the end of the novelization is the same ending to the film.

Everything seems to lead to his creation in the end.

I'm against Metallo as another villian, I dont see much unique potential with him. Hes literally a thug with a kryptonite heart, a Kryptonite freak of the week.......Smallvilles already overdone that.

Bring on the Brainiac.

what happened in the novelization to hint at a braniac sequel? i haven't really been keeping up with the novelization thread.
no Darkseid. not for a movie.

face it, Superman simply doesn't have many 'movie worthy' villains. metallo would be easy enough, and brainiac is pushing it, but could be done well. but darkseid? he may be huge in the comics, but he couldn't be made to work in a movie, and if he did, he's be so watered down that the only people who know who he is would be pissed at how he was handled.
Darksied is a rash leap. In the animated series and in the comics he works, but in a movie he would not. He is just too big. In both mediums his real war was with New Genisis and his goal was the Anti-Life Equation, making Superman and earth just mere stepping stones in his quest to control all life.

I know, Superman's rogues bite. They pale in comparision to say Batman's rogues or the Flash's, but they are still his foes. The challenge would be to write for them in a way that would make them more appealing to a broader demographic.

Personally, I really want to see Bizarro in a movie. Not enough to violate logical storytelling, but still, a lot.

Save Darksied for a New Gods movie, a place where he'd make much more of an impact.

And for Doomsday? I don't think that the Superman movies have delapated enough that they require the services of a walking plot device.
Well it would have to be Brainace or Darksaid. I am more for Draksaid as a finally movie. He would be the villain i would use to finally have an ending worthy to the name of Superman.

Ofcourse for me Brainace would have to be the most easiest choice. Maybe they would get Patrick Stewart to play Brainace since they got along so well in the first 2 x-men.
I wouldn't mind the return of General Zod.
For the next movie i would do Doomsday and call it the Death of Superman, then the third movie is called Superman lives vs i dont know darksied or Brainaic. Superman never had the greatest villians IMO.
Mr. Credible said:
what happened in the novelization to hint at a braniac sequel? i haven't really been keeping up with the novelization thread.

Before Superman dies, he uses his last strength to throw New Krypton into space to destroy it. In the end, the advanced Kryptonian crystal technology (the same also used in the fortress to hold knowlegde and data on Krypton) beings to re-form and space....into....something.

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