Singers Vision Of Xmen 3?

Any news on Storm's accent this time around? Australian perhaps?
RedIsNotBlue said:
Any news on Storm's accent this time around? Australian perhaps?

Who knows - it's been different in each film.......
Quote your source, give your evidence

I can't quote him because the conversations took place years ago, when X-MEN was just coming into the public eye. But they consisted of repeated statements about how much Bryan Singer didn't want Halle Berry to be his Storm, and that FOX wanted her. Bryan Singer wanted Angela Basset, but FOX wasn't interested. Angela Basset wasn't "marketable".

We've heard rumours of an argument in which she said 'Kiss my black ass' but that's all and that does not amount to almost constantly by my reckoning. Present your evidence for this statement.

I don't have any evidence that isn't hearsay, so I have nothing that will sway you. It's hearsay from people I trust a hell of a lot more than you, but hearsay nonetheless.

Far too much evidence? Let's see it please.

No. It basically involves the obvious...that Halle Berry, for the last seven years or so, seems to be the only "marketable" black actress of any note when it comes to major action films. My "evidence" wouldn't have any bearing on your feelings about her.

'Acting choices'? The cast were not allowed to refer to the comicbook sources, it was Bryan's directing they had to follow. I wouldn't say it was a 'sub-par performance' either, it was not the acting, it was the portrayal (the lines, the characterisation).

Not allowed to refer to comic book sources my ass. Then how did McKellan, Jackman and Marsden become such fans of the material? What Singer told them about it? I'll tell you how: they did their damned research. Many of them got the animated series for inspiration, and yes, read the comics. What Bryan Singer didn't want was his cast to do was to be trying for broad, over-the-top, "comic book" performances (as he had seen in many other comic movies). He never told them not to look at the comics, just not to rely too much on what they saw there in terms of tone.

Halle Berry's acting in X-MEN was subpar, even by her standards. Don't get me started on her accent (how'd she know Storm had an accent, btw? How did Singer, if he didn't care about the character?)

I gave my examples. A man who should be a competent, authoritative leader bellyflopped the X-jet, thus giving Wolverine the chance to mock his flight skills.

That is not an example of a character being incorrectly portrayed. It's a valid moment, and it injects humor. I'll explain it for you. One, the X-Men are CLEARLY shown to be fallible in X-MEN. Every single one of them. This was one of the major THEMES of the movie. To show them growing as a team, working together while facing new, more dangerous threats than the ones they had in the past.

Cyclops is a young hero, who is piloting an obviously high tech supersonic jet, and piloting it well. He has a bit of a rough landing, which he knows someone will call him on, providing a humorous moment when they all kind of look around like "who's gonna say it". Wolverine says it. And with this "example", are you telling me that any small failure on a character's part makes their portrayal invalid or weak? Shall we talk about BATMAN BEGINS?

A man who should be leading the way allowed Wolverine to call him a 'dick' and just answered 'okay'.

Did you even watch the movie? He wants something to prove that's Wolverine, and not Mystique posing as Wolverine. Wolverine knows simply pointing out he doesn't like him will both ease the tension in a humorous way, and prove to Cyclops that he is the real Wolverine. That's not Wolverine outright insulting Cyclops, it's Wolverine easing Cyclops's mind, and saying "yeah, I'm the real one".

Bryan's favouritism for Wolverine shines likes a beacon here.

Uh, that's a humorous moment put into the script by the writers. It has nothing to do with Bryan's favoritism for Wolverine. And the whole Wolverine VS. Cyclops thing is not about favoritism. That's how their relationship has played out for years. They are foils. Wolverine ribs Cyclops, and Cyclops either restrains himself or beats the crap out of Wolverine. There's no real reason for him to beat the crap out of Wolverine in X-MEN, so he just chooses to be the bigger man.

More coming...
X-Maniac said:
...I envisaged her handing controls over to someone, ejecting into the clouds, creating the tornadoes while flying along.. and then landing beside the jet as Magneto suspends it in the air.

I can just imagine if Magneto said 'When will you people learn how to fly' and then Storm descends and lands beside him 'Some of us already can'.

That, for me, would have been a Storm moment. Flight is part of her power.

that would have been awesome!! :up:
X-Maniac said:
A man who should be leading the way allowed Wolverine to call him a 'dick' and just answered 'okay'.

Yeah, Cyclops is the leader!! When Wolverine said "You're a dick.", Cyclops should've blown him away like a leader would. Right??
And in X2, although he got to do some defensive beam-firing and fisticuffs at the prison, he is then absent for much of the rest of the movie, suddenly appearing (no one sees him being freed, he is just staggering around). It's not what i would call a portrayal of a commanding, competent leader.

That's right. He isn't in the movie a whole lot. When he is, what's so wrong with how he's portrayed? He's still the same old Cyclops, until he gets brainwashed (SO DOES XAVIER AND ALMOST KILLS MUTANT AND HUMANKIND ALIKE, BTW). He's staggering around because he's just been in a fight with a powerful telepath. I see him sparring with Wolverine, deeply in love and deepy concerned about Jean, and very protective of Xavier. Seems pretty in character to me. So he gets taken out of action. The main villain plot of the film was for Stryker to remove the X-Men's leadership and turn it against them. Or didn't you catch that?

Nothing like the source material, nothing like how ANY leader should be portrayed.

So you've never seen Cyclops hurt in the comics? Ever? And you've never seen him or Xavier, or any comic book leader taken out of action or "turned"? Bull****.

Tell me: Was it Halle Berry then who forced Bryan and his writers to make the "Storm" character do the following?

*Get strangled

Uh, Wolverine got strangled, too. Does that make it a bad portrayal.

*Smashed against glass

Wolverine got hit with a tree.

*Get kicked in the face

Wolverine got kicked in the face, too.

*Send carreening into various displays

Wolvering got sent careening several times.

*Get kicked in the stomach

I'm pretty sure he got his ass flat-out handed to him by Mystique.

*Get thrown down an elevator shaft

Your examples suck, and I'm starting to see why.

*Get gut-punched in the stomach

Yeah, definitely seeing why now.

*Get stabbed (although technically that was really a morph, but Storm was still used)

Uh, that was Mystique, and no, it doesn't count, because Wolverine KNEW it was Mystique.

Your examples blow, It's like you're saying "If they get their ass kicked, it's a bad portrayal because Storm kicks ass". Newflash: Wolverine has gotten his ass kicked and been defeated repeatedly in the films in some most embarrassing ways, and Cyclops, Jean Grey and others have been bettered as well. Know why? Because it shows that the villains are actual THREATS, not pushovers. And you do realize half of the stuff Sabertooth does to Storm is via surprising her, right?

*Say out-of-character lines i.e. "I can't control it like that", "I can't!" etc.

"I can't control it like that" is not out of character. It's simple honesty. In this film, and probably in the comics, she can't. She's worried about the possibility of their mission failing because of it. AND, AND, that "out of character" line leads Wolverine to step up, and Cyclops to realize Jean can use her power to steady Wolverine, giving them a better chance at success. So in sequence, it ends up a good line.

*Give the character the worst punchline in comic moviedom history

It's only that bad because she gave an abysmal delivery of it with almost no emotion or weight to it (which it damn well should have had, given the situation). She plays it like a jilted high school cheerleader, not like a woman seeking vengeance. The line itself is not that bad. Her delivery was horrid.

And that's just from the first film. Pray do tell, why wasn't Jean or Cyclops treated in a similar manner?

They were. Toad spit slime all over Jean Grey's face, and Cyclops got his ass handed to him by Toad as well. Now you're going to say "Why did Storm get her ass kicked so badly?" Because it takes MORE to take Storm out. She was shown going through and surviving all that because they were trying to show you how much damage she could take and then, and this is the important part, STILL BOUNCE BACK DEFEAT HER OPPONENTS (It happened with Sabertooth, and it happened with Toad). That's the whole point of the damned fight/revenge sequence, and you missed it. Congratulations.

Why should Storm get the lion's share of whoop-a$$?

She did. She blew Sabertooth through a wall, her own way. And she blew Toad out to sea, AFTER hitting him with lightning.

These events spelled out one character trait for Storm to moviegoers: WEAKNESS. She can't fight, defend herself, and the baddies go straight for her and kick her ass.

Unless you're an idiot, and can't see that Sabertooth and Toad caused ALL the X-Men trouble througout the movie, then it should spell out this one thing: Sabertooth and Toad are dangerous enemies who are not pushovers.

She only gets a lightning bolt in after she's had some time to recuperate and get some prep time in the elevator shaft!

The woman has just fallen down an elevator shaft. And then she "gets right back up", pissed as hell, and blows him away. Literally. Prep time, my ass. Are you saying it's not ok for her to take a few seconds to recover from falling down an elevator shaft?

True, to an extent Halle's responsible for her tone of voice with her lines, but even that can be directed--for example: the magically dissappearing African accent in X2--at Bryan's demand. That's real mature.

He had to do it. Because apparently Halle Berry wasn't talented enough to hold an accent without her African wavering into Spanish and then god knows what.

And even if he simply didn't know much about Storm as a character, he should've done his homework and directed the character more accurately.

One generally doesn't tell Halle Berry what to do. Odds are he tried and she gave him crappy take after crappy take.

Remember, Bryan got Wolverine, Magneto, Jean, Xavier and Scott right (more or less), so to screw Storm up says something--not about his talent--but about his motives and appreciation for the character.

What did he get wrong about Storm again? That she wasn't a goddess? That she was a bit more human and vulnerable (as they all were) than her comic book counterpart?

Sigh...did you own any of the X-Men scripts? I own both X1 and X2, multiple drafts. In it, Storm is not written as weak and weasly.


Bosef made some good points that I agree with. In X2...

-Storm helps track down Nightcrawler. She is integral in convincing him to join their cause.

-Storm flies the X-Jet. She helps the X-Men escape their pursuers by creating dozens of tornadoes. Tornadoes. Not rain. Or snow. Huge tornadoes.

-She is the one who sets out to save the children and convinces Nightcrawler to help rescue the children.

-She is integral in getting into the spillway.

-She saves the damned day at the end of the movie. She saves humanity. Apparently people missed that.

-She helps cause electrical interference at the end so Xavier can speak to the president.

In a movie packed with characters and plot points, that's a sizeable, and very important, role.

That is THE problem I have with this whole situation right now....A more commanding presence could have easily pulled off the same lines from X1 and X2.


It's called 'stealing your scenes', Oscar or not, Halle doesn't have that ability and commanding presence to do it.

Actually, she does, which is odd. The problem is, she rarely chooses to do so. It's baffling.

Oh come on, wake up, it was the lines and the characterisation that were wrong.

Wrong because she didn't go around screaming "WINDS HEAR MY CRY"?

She acted the lines given to her.

Not very well.

But they were the wrong lines, they were't consistent

What the hell does "the lines weren't consistent" mean? If you mean they didn't establish a consistent character, you're wrong. Storm was clearly one of the levelheaded ones in X-MEN and X2. The mother figure. The one who calmed people down, who made emotional connections with people. She also was clearly supposed to have an edge when provoked.

they were random and nonsensical.

Examples, please.

They didn't define the character and the writer of X3 agreed with that.

Oh, they clearly defined the character. Did they lean toward "mother figure" more than "warrior goddess"? Yes. But it's a valid take on the character.

She was 'scared of humans' (too meek, why is this?), 'gave up on pity long ago' (why? what happened?) 'anger helped her survive' (how, when?)

The point to these lines was the irony of it. This is Storm. Strong, silent, capable of great feats, and yet, here she is, underneath it all, just as vulnerable and frightened and uncertain of anyone. They were fantastic character moments which, had she nailed, would have been amazing onscreen. Halle Berry's acting didn't help uncover this theme. Thank God it's RIGHT THERE in the writing for anyone with a brain.

and her failure to defend herself at all from Toad was absurd.

Uh, Toad kicked everyone's ass who he came up against at some point.

She could have put up a bit of a fight before he kicked her into the elevator.

She was getting her ass kicked. She's a mutant, not Superman.

Even in X2, summoning tornadoes while flying the jet - it didn't seem right to be able to concentrate on flying manoeuvres and also on bringing down multiple tornado funnels, she should have handed over the jet controls and flown out into the sky.

Flown out into the sky to do what? Get buffeted around by the tornadoes she was creating? Get shot by the planes chasing them? Get hit by one? Get left miles behind when the supersonic X-Jet flies way, way, way further, way faster than Storm could possibly catch up to it? Yeah. That makes sense. The point of her not leaving the jet was that it's that EASY for her to control the weather. She's that good.

Who is 'right' and 'best' is a matter of opinion. You can flap and flail like a fish on a hot griddle as much as you want. I don't think we'd ever get a Storm 'goddess' in the movies - but someone with some confidence, with a defined reason for being what she is and doing what she does - that's what fans wanted.

Use your damned imagination. Xavier teaches at a school for gifted mutants. He does so to help those who struggle with being different. Cyclops, Jean and Storm are also teachers there. They also fight for mutant rights. HMM...they are mutants...WONDER WHY THEY DO IT.

The power displays have been, generally, fine. If Singer had shown Storm landing on the snow in her first scene in X1, then that would have established flight.

Except that then there's less surprise factor to the first shot of her. And they established flight in the elevator sequence.

And if he replaced the 'I can't control it like that' with something else, or just cut it altogether. 'Storm can you fly me up there' 'Yes, everyone hold on to something' and that would have served the purpose without any hint of lack of control or lack of confidence.[/quote]

It would also have killed any chances for one of the best "teamwork" moments of the film, where the "new guy" steps up to show his true colors.

Okay, I won't. I'll let you. So, Storm hovers out of the jet and makes some tornados. I just need some clarification?

1) As fast as that jet's moving -- we'll say in the Mach region -- how is she going to get out of that plane without the relative adjustment in air pressure and speed killing her or the people in the cock pit?

2) If she manages to somehow to get out of the moving jet during this high speed chase -- when they're all supposed to be buckled in by the way -- how does she get back into the jet since the tornadoes are meant to distract and disable the jets long enough for the X-Jet to escape?

2a) If the X-Jet then does escape, as Storm has now escape the fast-moving jet and now disable the jets, how does she get back into the moving jet if one, it's already left, or two, if it's moving in?

3) If she's left behind, how does she meet the X-Men miles away in West Canada when the Jet scene takes place on the Eastern seaboard?

4) Do you think the audience would literally believe any of this?


1) If Singer had shown Storm landing on the snow in her first scene in X1, then that would have established flight.

Destroys surprise factor of two people standing behind that blizzard.

2) If he replaced the 'I can't control it like that' with something else, or just cut it altogether. 'Storm can you fly me up there' 'Yes, everyone hold on to something' and that would have served the purpose without any hint of lack of control or lack of confidence.

Been over this one.

3) She was 'scared of humans' (too meek, and why is this?), 'gave up on pity long ago' (why? what happened?) 'anger helped her survive' (how, when?), these were all random lines, they weren't even consistent. They didn't really hint at anything that was before or after they were said.

Who cares what happened? Use your imagination! She's a mutant, she's probably experienced bigotry! Duh! The lines are extremely consistent. They paint a picture of a young person fed up with a world that hates her for no good reason, to the point where she begins to hate them back.

4) Flying out of the plane to create the tornadoes - my own personal view, not essential, but it has crossed my mind everytime i think of that scene.

Apparently half the problems with that scenario didn't.

The main gripe is the dialogue. Not the acting. Not the power displays. There is a general and overriding feeling that Storm was not properly defined or portrayed. Those who dislike Halle just blame her because they cannot see past the hatred.

Which dialogue has problems with it?

I thought Jean was notoriously weak (and she's actually my secret favorite next to magneto) in X1. I mean, she gets no action first of all, and shen she does, all she manages after being kicked and throttled, is a stop in mid-air, then a spit of acid into her face.

Ok...but the point of her character arc (here and in X2) is that she's reluctant to trust herself, to trust her power. She's not portrayed as one of the "muscle", she's the doctor, the scientist, the policital side of the team, the mentalist, the student who still has much to learn.

And, lest we forget, she opens the movie in Congress, she's integral in helping Wolverine and discovering his adamantium skeleton, she has emotional moments with him and Cyclops, and is integral iun both finding out what was wrong with Cerebro, discovering where Magneto is going, and saving the day at the end of the film. Or did you just forget these minor details?
bosef982, I agree with many of the things you've said thus far. Just thought you should know. :)

I wouldn't say it was a 'sub-par performance' either, it was not the acting, it was the portrayal (the lines, the characterisation).
I couldn't disagree more with this. I'll use Angela Bassett as an example since she was mentioned earlier: If you were to hand Angela that script (X1 or 2), I'd bet good money that the delivery of those lines, as well as the performance in general, would not come off as weak in the slightest. I've seen good actors spin gold out of the crappiest dialogue imaginable. Halle should have made the best of what she was given and she didn't. Either because she chose not to, or because she can't. And to be frank, I think it's the latter.

And if you read the reviews and the fans' displeasure that was the unifying theme among all--Storm was weak.
I don't agree with this either. Look, I'm a Storm fan in general, and not once did I think to myself while watching the films "Christ all mighty, why is Storm so effing weak!?" Not regarding her powers, and not regarding her lines either. The only thing that came off as weak to me was Halle's performance. And I can't recall who at the moment, but someone upthread said that Singer didn't "get" Storm. And I would agree that Singer's characterization of Storm did leave a lot to be desired, but the person who really doesn't "get" Storm is Ms. Berry.

The "I can't control it like that" line to me just made sense, and offered an opportunity for the X-Men to work as a team (which is another common critique that people make, while overlooking that they did). So, her saying that presented that opportunity for a team effort.
Word. I could just as easily argue that Storm's part in this scenario is pointless, when Jean could have just floated him up there with her TK. But I like the fact that the four of them each had a hand in bringing Magneto and the machine down. It should be about teamwork and it was.

And to bring this back around to topic:

I am known as the raving Singerite. Perhaps this is true, but if I were to outline to you what I would have done with the X-Men, it would not resemble Singer's X-Films in many respects. Yet, however, I love the X-Men films -- how is this so? It's due to the fact that just because it's not done with my favorite characters or the way I would do it, doesn't mean it's not a good piece of cinema.
I feel the same way. Which is why I'm not gonna start prematurely bashing Ratner's film. I'd prefer to see the finished product and form my opinion accordingly. And I'm sure there's gonna be things I won't agree with, or that I would have done differently. Because there are things in the first two that I personally would have done differently. But in the end, what matters the most to me is that the film, as a whole, is a quality piece of work that does right by the franchise. And I feel like Singer accomplished that with the first two.
LivingInClip said:
If you ask me, it is. I thought Singer made two piss poor versions of X-Men and glad to see the series change hands. I just wish he wouldn't go butcher Superman now. And this is from someone who likes Singer's other films, but I think him not being a comic fan shows.

Agree.Im happy Singer is not doing X3.And yes,in my humble opinion,Superman is doomed.
Singer has zero vision. That's probably why the action scenes and characterizations suck in X-men 1 and 2.
singer really didnt grasp x-men, you can tell. he kept saying oh give characters enough to do, and blah blah.

and everyone thought X2 was an improvement. over the summer action b.s. that the first was, sure.

but theres no team work in x2, theres no team scenes period.
and he kept saying the world of x-men, more like the mansion!
we hardly saw anything, it was like there was no other mutants in the entire world. and im not uncluding that cheap trick in cerebro. ooooh dots! cool cameos!
and enough time for characters?! um MAKE IT LONGER! did anyone ask for an hour and half movie?! i dont think so...
theJust said:
singer really didnt grasp x-men, you can tell. he kept saying oh give characters enough to do, and blah blah.

and everyone thought X2 was an improvement. over the summer action b.s. that the first was, sure.

but theres no team work in x2, theres no team scenes period.
and he kept saying the world of x-men, more like the mansion!
we hardly saw anything, it was like there was no other mutants in the entire world. and im not uncluding that cheap trick in cerebro. ooooh dots! cool cameos!
and enough time for characters?! um MAKE IT LONGER! did anyone ask for an hour and half movie?! i dont think so...

You think Ratner seriously graps it more LOL. Remember the script was torn apart on AICN.

X-Men 1 = 1 hour 44 minutes

X-Men 2 = 2 hours and 13

Yeah...what was Singer doing makeing an hour and a half movies.

Dear Mr Guard

I am not going to type detailed rebuttals in ever-smaller analytical justifications until I am validating a syllable or a single letter.

What I think is what I think. What I believe is what I believe. You may attempt to wriggle between the lines and letters of my reply as much as you want, but I stand by those points.

But i note that YOU, the person who demands examples and evidence for every comma and apostrophe, were unable to authenticate your comments on Storm when i asked for hard evidence. To me that speaks volumes.

Without facts and evidence, this is just a battle of opinions. And you cannot just take my opinion away and replace it with yours, so you can then feel much better. Not how it works.

I did not like those things i said i did not like. I loved the movie, but I did not like some of the portrayals. I think they stemmed from a misinterpretation of the source material.

Each of those things can be justified within the movie, but there are still moments when, on reflection, I do not feel it is not in sync with what I have been reading for the past 30 years. Like it or not, these characters are going to get compared to their comicbook sources over and over. That's where the characters came from. Storm has been around for 30 years in the comics, that's a lot of stories and a lot of characterisation. She is well established. Cyclops and Jean have been around even longer, another 12 years.

In general, I think that Storm, and Halle, were fine. I do not watch the movies ranting and raving in anger or criticism but I can see room for improvements when i reflect on the films, especially when comparing with the Storm that is known from the comics. The same applies to other characters too.

A friend of mine who hadn't seen X1 before came round and watched it. I asked what he thought. First thing he said was that Storm 'didn't really do much'. He's not a comicbook fan, and did not know the character before. But his overriding impression of what he thought was a great film was of something that was not properly accomplished with the Storm character. My own local newspaper described Storm as being 'more like a mild drizzle.' We can argue over what can be blamed on Halle, or on the lines, or on Bryan, but in my experience the inaccuracy of the Storm character is an overriding impression. It's reflected in the amount of debate on here, which usually turns into Halle-bashing.

It looks like X3 will redress the balance. Curiously, the version of Storm in X3 may actually fully validate the versions seen in X1 and X2. We can now see the character has grown and matured, and aged, since the version in X1. Even the progression in hairstyles now looks okay.

It's almost like the pagan goddess cycle of virgin-mother-crone. The young Storm in X1 (in her 20s perhaps? a teacher, but innocent, scared, not in control). The older more motherly Storm in X2 (in her 30s? a mumsy hairdo, more in control, able to summon tornadoes while flying a hi-tech jet, more angry than scared). Now in X3 we will see an older Storm (greying hair, seemingly fully in control - now able to fly!). It presents an evolution (over seven years of real-world time, from X1 casting to X3 release and over an unspecified amount of movie-world time) that is very appealing.
I was thinking the exact same thing.

What in Heavens's name is Guard Ball!
theJust said:
and enough time for characters?! um MAKE IT LONGER! did anyone ask for an hour and half movie?! i dont think so...
Yes. Fox did. Did you see what they also did to Daredevil and to Fantastic Four? Character moments are not welcome at Fox films. For reference, watch the DD: Director's Cut documentary on the Fox mentality for superhero movies.
bosef982 said:
What's Guardball?
Dont be silly, you've played that game before... The Guard and his balls... oh never mind!:p

Guard said:
Actually, she does, which is odd. The problem is, she rarely chooses to do so. It's baffling.
Actually it's not baffling at all, except to you who just doesnt want to admit at the very least BOTH Halle and Singer(writers, and whatever) are responsible for that WEAK Storm characterization.

Which brings me back to...Deny working for FOX, fine, but you work or are affiliated with the "business" jerks on a major scale. I know you are and I'm watching you. :spidey:

Xmaniac said:
In general, I think that Storm, and Halle, were fine. I do not watch the movies ranting and raving in anger or criticism but I can see room for improvements when i reflect on the films, especially when comparing with the Storm that is known from the comics. The same applies to other characters too.

Good Job Xmaniac, I'm with you man, tell this conformist madman that you aren't changing your mind .... "so take that weak crap outta here" (sorry for the colloquialism)!
The main reason Halle was cast as Storm is because she was one the top black females in Hollywood at the time. She was just miscast plain and simple. Basset would have made the perfect Storm but I think her age is one of the main reasons she didn't get the part. And she didn't really want the part because at the times comic book films weren't considered great films to be in.
What's Guardball?
Huge arguments that go on for pages, where two or more people go back and forth responding to every line of the other persons post. The arguments are cyclical and rarely evolve. The end result is page upon page filled with enormous posts, representing hours of the posters life where nobody agrees on anything.
X-Maniac posted what is perhaps the only way out of the game.
RedIsNotBlue said:
The main reason Halle was cast as Storm is because she was one the top black females in Hollywood at the time. She was just miscast plain and simple.

She was cast because she was an up and coming actress. No one could have forseen her being the massive star she is now. I mean, hell, after Next Friday, Ice Cube was the star of the week...similar to Halle after Bullworth.
Quote by guard:
-Storm helps track down Nightcrawler. She is integral in convincing him to join their cause.
Yes, but you don't really see it that way watching the movie. The whole "convincing" was of screen, and that process was serving to introduce Nightcrawler, not to show Storm as an inteligent and toughtful person.

-Storm flies the X-Jet. She helps the X-Men escape their pursuers by creating dozens of tornadoes. Tornadoes. Not rain. Or snow. Huge tornadoes.
Yeah, that was supposed to be her scene. However, she didn't succeed, did she? The rockets were still coming, and Jean and then Magneto had to save the day. Out of this plane pursue scene all you remeber is Jean fiery eyes and meeting Magneto who saves our helpless heroes.

-She is the one who sets out to save the children and convinces Nightcrawler to help rescue the children.
That made people see har as a motherly figure. Great job! (no sarcasm)

-She is integral in getting into the spillway.
Ok, we know that, 'cos distrupting electrical systems is something Storm often does in the books. But in the movie it wasn't shown on screen, and that one sentence slipped away very easily among all this mayhem Mystique was doing.

-She saves the damned day at the end of the movie. She saves humanity. Apparently people missed that.
She saves humanity and a second later she needs to be saved by Nighcrawler. That takes a little of the splendor away.

-She helps cause electrical interference at the end so Xavier can speak to the president.
All those examples can give you an idea of what actually Storm was in the movie - A BACKGROUND.

And one more thing:
The point to these lines was the irony of it. This is Storm. Strong, silent, capable of great feats, and yet, here she is, underneath it all, just as vulnerable and frightened and uncertain of anyone. They were fantastic character moments which, had she nailed, would have been amazing onscreen. Halle Berry's acting didn't help uncover this theme.
I disagree - this scene carried a great emotional value. I didn't like it however. Why? Storm being fearful and ANGRY at regular humans? So what the hell is she doing at Xavier's, that's EXACTLY what Magneto is feeling! In the books Storm would NEVER said such a thing.

Now, that being said, I hope that in X3 Storm will be given justice.
Singer has no imagination and the other two could've been way better and huge in scope like the Lord of the Rings.

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monitoring_string = "afb8e5d7348ab9e99f73cba908f10802"