Smallville writers discussion thread

Brainiac 8

Clark Smash!
Aug 8, 2005
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We talk so much about the episodes as they air but rarely talk about the writers themselves.

This is so we can say what we like or dislike about the writers of Smallville. What we appreciate about them, and if we agree with how they right the characters we all love.

I'll start us off, Steven DeKnight. He's not a bad writer per se, but I have never been that interested in the supernatural, ghosty type stories he is so fond of doing.

Another interesting tid bit: Aqua was written by a guy named Darren Swimmer. I find that quite funny.:)
Well you gotta list the episodes they've done in order to talk about them
I have no problem with the show anymore. I just take the show for what it is and leave it at that though I know it could be so much better
Tony_Montana said:
I have no problem with the show anymore. I just take the show for what it is and leave it at that though I know it could be so much better

This is also for if there are any writers that you think have done a really good job at the writing.
I think the writers do a great job when they stop with the Peter Parker story and do a Superman/Clark Kent story.
Tony_Montana said:
I think the writers do a great job when they stop with the Peter Parker story and do a Superman/Clark Kent story.

You speak the truth!:up: :up: :up: :up: :up:
The Sage said:
You speak the truth!:up: :up: :up: :up: :up:
thank but I wont get started because then it will upset people. So as I said before I just take the show for what it is and enjoy it. I just hope that we finally get a story from them where he is not always worrying over Lana I mean even Lois and Clark gave us plenty of shows where he wasn't worrying over Lois. All the time and saying when will I find that some one I can be with.
Brainiac 8 said:
This is so we can say what we like or dislike about the writers of Smallville. What we appreciate about them, and if we agree with how they right the characters we all love.

I appreciate the writers adding layers to the mythos and bringing them to a human level. The best example of this is Jonathan Kent. I always imagined JK as a man who tries to keep his adopted son going down the right path but at the same time, not knowing what the path is and being overwhelmed by that. I felt that was accomplished, particularly the former. The Pilot episode demonstrated that well with Pa Kent rebuking Clark on accepting gifts for helping people. The latter I saw occur once, in the second season premiere when the reporter called Jonathan "a man with a son whose destiny is too great for him to comprehend." In reaction, Jonathan slugged him, because deep down he knew he was right. I wish there could have been more of that instead of Pa Kent giving Clark a sermon every now and then.

What I don't appreciate right now is the way they have defined Clark's POV of his Kryptonian legacy, which is antagonistic at this point. I mean sure, with Brainiac he's gonna feel that way. But prior to Brainiac, other than the Rosetta episode and Relic, Clark didn't have an encounter with his Kryptonian roots that left a sour taste in his mouth, and he still hasn't had one yet. I don't like the idea that he isn't really interested in learning his roots. One of the things I was expecting in the begining of the season when I heard about the Fortress of Solitude being included is that Clark would go there at least one episode and learn about his blood family. Instead, in the first episode

I think if he was, then maybe we could have seen more of Jonathan Kent being overwhelmed by Clark's future destiny.

What I also don't like is how Clark still hasn't learned a lesson about avoiding his legacy. What will it take? Does someone else have to die? At least three occurrences have happened from him ducking and dodging his past.

My other issue is unexplained elements. For example, the plot with the Kryptonian stones in Season 4. That plot had so much potential that wasn't tapped. Okay, so the stones were brought to Earth. Big question: Why? Also, if staining the stones with human blood could cause a meteor shower and awaken the Discples of Zod or whatever, then the question of why the stones are on Earth becomes bigger.

Alright I'm done.
I never looked at it as if Smallville was plagirising Spider-man because they both came out at the same time (2001-2002) and I figured this was just the general movement for how Super Hero adaptations were to be (teen angst, post 9/11 "postive" belief in a hero) and hey it worked.
I guess as the live action comic book genre progressed we've seen other sides (Sin City, BB)
I just hate how they did his Kryptonian roots altogether and I will not even go into how they have done Jor-El which is an upset in its own. They have yet really explored what Krypton is really like or what his family was really like. I mean if this year was suppose to be SIT they could have at least done that and yes you can do a whole show on it. I mean if they could do a show of Clark in the 50's or sex crazied vampires then you can do a show on his kryptonian roots. I feel the writers alot of times are missing what makes him want to become Superman. I mean it makes it look like Peter Parker he was forced to become then instead of he became him of his own free will.
Super_Ludacris said:
I never looked at it as if Smallville was plagirising Spider-man because they both came out at the same time (2001-2002) and I figured this was just the general movement for how Super Hero adaptations were to be (teen angst, post 9/11 "postive" belief in a hero) and hey it worked.
I guess as the live action comic book genre progressed we've seen other sides (Sin City, BB)
I look at it like Spider-Man because they are both written by the same people and they really just wrote Clark to be like Peter Parker in high school but as I said before thats their take on it so hey its what ever.
But Jor-El we dont even know the full picture with him even after like 5 seasons. In the end they've written that sort of works. Why would a young Clark just accept his destiny out of the blue. In that lies the conflict and the clash.
As far as his Kryptononian roots I really think that all be found out and concluded in the last season and when he says that overwhelming retrospective (where he came from, what his legacy is, what his repsonsiblity is ) and then combine that what he already knows in Smallville it puts everything in perspective. Really the show is more about Clark Kent than Kal-El and it may bug people that they dont go all the way with it but to be honest at times that aspect needs to be played in a certain background of sorts.
Tony_Montana said:
I look at it like Spider-Man because they are both written by the same people and they really just wrote Clark to be like Peter Parker in high school but as I said before thats their take on it so hey its what ever.

I think what works well nowadays is that it's less about the Superhero and rather the burden of being one for the alternative identity in these adaptations. At a teenage level those are the issues they face so of course there's similarites.
Super_Ludacris said:
But Jor-El we dont even know the full picture with him even after like 5 seasons. In the end they've written that sort of works. Why would a young Clark just accept his destiny out of the blue. In that lies the conflict and the clash.
As far as his Kryptononian roots I really think that all be found out and concluded in the last season and when he says that overwhelming retrospective (where he came from, what his legacy is, what his repsonsiblity is ) and then combine that what he already knows in Smallville it puts everything in perspective. Really the show is more about Clark Kent than Kal-El and it may bug people that they dont go all the way with it but to be honest at times that aspect needs to be played in a certain background of sorts.
No my thing is if your going to say a season is SIT then you need to make good on that. I have really yet to see that happen. I mean my point is I am okay with the show being about Clark Kent but once he learns what he really is then the show isn't just about Clark Kent. It becomes about Clark Kent/Kal-El and thats my problem I am not expecting him to accpet things over night but I do have a problem when it looks more like Spider-Man then Superman and I can go down the line and tell you how this show is pretty much a mirror of Spider-Man. As I said before though I am not expect to see what I want to see anymore with this show like how some feel with the movie. Instead I am just going to sit back and enjoy the show and if I see a story line dealing with Superman then I'll be shocked bt other then that its a good show for what it is.
Well I think for them the idea of SIT is bringing Brainiac in, having Lex progress, Lana being more suspicous/tumoltous in the relationship, killing Johnathan etc. Those may not seem like major things for a Superman story but I guess in there minds they think that's progressive for Smallville. Indeed it has become its own story....a different perspective for Superman and with a traditional story that's been reinvented time and time again from a mainstream perspective they feel they can get away with it with maybe some murmurs from the hardcore Superman fan crowd.
Super_Ludacris said:
I think what works well nowadays is that it's less about the Superhero and rather the burden of being one for the alternative identity in these adaptations. At a teenage level those are the issues they face so of course there's similarites.
Your right but as I said before the show is more of a Marvel's take on Superman then DC's take. That is why Man Of Steel was not as widely like because many felt it took the Super out of Superman and made it more of the Man then Superman. Thats how I feel with SV but hey to each his own.
Well I wont deny when I first saw Smallville it was Marvel like to me. Maybe thats why I liked it a lot in the first 3 seasons.
Super_Ludacris said:
Well I think for them the idea of SIT is bringing Brainiac in, having Lex progress, Lana being more suspicous/tumoltous in the relationship, killing Johnathan etc. Those may not seem like major things for a Superman story but I guess in there minds they think that's progressive for Smallville. Indeed it has become its own story....a different perspective for Superman and with a traditional story that's been reinvented time and time again from a mainstream perspective they feel they can get away with it with maybe some murmurs from the hardcore Superman fan crowd.
Once again I agree it is its own story of Superman. The problem with Lois an Clark mainly was though it was its own story it started to merge with the comics and much to many fans dislikes. Many feel the same will happen with SV as it looks like the effects of SR are starting to take place(maybe). I feel though SV changes things and make things your own but their problem is they go about it wrong. They start off good but somewhere in the middle it just goes to hell IMO. Thats just how I feel though. Take Lana for example the first 3 seasons they had her right then all of a sudden they just really killed her, Chloe is another good person putting her on the show was fine till they put Lois on the show now there really is no point for her, taking people from the DCU if they are going to do it atleast do it right and show some respect to the heroes you take. Pete another good person could have been well used but poorly done over time. My main problem with SV is that they start off good and then get lazy and think hey if we throw in TW topless here or KK or ED in their underwear there people will just let it pass and say great show and not notice we are getting lazy on the writing. Thats the problem for me you got 2 seasons left and I will bet money that out of the last 42 shows only 11 will really deal head on with Superman.
Super_Ludacris said:
Well I wont deny when I first saw Smallville it was Marvel like to me. Maybe thats why I liked it a lot in the first 3 seasons.
And thats my point really SV is just a watered down verison of Supreme Power to me.
I wouldt say its watered down like I said I do think the similarites are coincidental. They wanted to set out like, it happen to be similar to something else but in the end they gotta stick with the plan even if people say otherwise
Not a watered down Superman a watered down verison of Hyperion. But your right it has its own plans so I am just sitting back and waiting to see how things unfold.
Super_Ludacris said:
But Jor-El we dont even know the full picture with him even after like 5 seasons. In the end they've written that sort of works. Why would a young Clark just accept his destiny out of the blue. In that lies the conflict and the clash.

No one's expecting him to accept it out of the blue, but one would expect him to take an interest and learn more about it instead of ignoring it completely.

Super_Ludacris said:
As far as his Kryptononian roots I really think that all be found out and concluded in the last season and when he says that overwhelming retrospective (where he came from, what his legacy is, what his repsonsiblity is ) and then combine that what he already knows in Smallville it puts everything in perspective. Really the show is more about Clark Kent than Kal-El and it may bug people that they dont go all the way with it but to be honest at times that aspect needs to be played in a certain background of sorts.

However at this stage in his life, Clark Kent is Kal-El. He needs to be exploring both sides of him, as he is a child of two worlds. There's too much Lana/Clark stuff and not enough Kryptonian roots focus. If they could learn to balance that and shift one to the background and the other to the foreground then it would be much better.
The Sage said:
No one's expecting him to accept it out of the blue, but one would expect him to take an interest and learn more about it instead of ignoring it completely.

Dude's 18, he aint gonna accept still, teenagers arent gonna accept responsiblity for something like that and at 18 your the most confused anyways.

The Sage said:
However at this stage in his life, Clark Kent is Kal-El. He needs to be exploring both sides of him, as he is a child of two worlds. There's too much Lana/Clark stuff and not enough Kryptonian roots focus. If they could learn to balance that and shift one to the background and the other to the foreground then it would be much better.
...Because its a teen show and there mind they feel they are balancing it but not shifting the spotlight as much on the destiny part but the young Clark Kent part. Again this is a show about Clark Kent.

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