Superman Returns So far, do you like what you've seen of the genesis camera?


on the brink of sanity
Nov 25, 2001
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I haven't seen any hd version of the trailer, but the hi-res version looked pretty unique, not to mention the vivid colours during the cornfields scene. The picture looks more "full", which is according to what was said about having a "paint-relief" effect. One thing though, will this effect work with or against cgi, which obviously doesn't come from the camera?
I don't know enough about different camera's to talk about specific differences, but I like what I've seen so far.
Will a digital camera help FX appear more seamless?
Oldguy said:
Will a digital camera help FX appear more seamless?

I would imagine it could be both good and bad. I guess it all depends on the detail. I think it will help the digital effects mesh well. However I could see it being so clear that it could show too much. I suppose thats on the shoulders of the CGI folks rather than the director though. Probably one of the few times that filming has surpassed digital effects in terms of visual quality.

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