So I just now read through ALL of Gotham Central


Disciple of Whedon
Jan 9, 2003
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And I wish to express my current emotional state through an artistic medium:

That is all. Thank you.
Ugh I have only had the first two trades for about 3 years. I did look for the third in my shop today but they didn't have it. I figure I'll forget about it again for about another year or so
I read all of it a while back as well. Loved it.
I've heard nothing but fantastic things about this series. I can't wait to read it. :up:
I don't know. For me, reading this series would be like watching Aliens again. I really doubt I would enjoy it that much knowing that [BLACKOUT]Newt and the guy die at the beginning of ALien3.[/BLACKOUT]

I mean, the transformation of Allen into the Specter and Montoya into the Question has really made me bitter about these characters.
That's exactly why you should read it.

Also, why the hate against Allen as Spectre? Sure, they could've done a better job, but I really like it.
I like Corrigan as the Spectre. I don't feel like everytime a character dies, there should be speculation that they will or won't become the Spectre.
Corrigan hasn't been the Spectre for over ten years now, and IMO, he should never be the Spectre again. With a hopefully stable host in Crispus Allen, the speculation you refer to should be over. I would've preferred Hal Jordan stay on as the Spectre, but oh well.
Batman [blackout]being the biggest fcking dick ass motherfarker ass dick hole[/blackout] surprised me for a bit, even from the perspective of the cops, even from the perspective of pre-IC.

I'm surprised that there's still such vitriol against Montoya in spite of this series. Reading this makes me like her and her 52 arc even more.
I also have a greater appreciation for Montoya after reading Gotham Central. Don't recognize the character anymore though.

As for Batman's characterization, meh. He was a bit cold (heh, get it, cold) against Driver, true, but I could understand some of his attitude.
Batman [blackout]being the biggest fcking dick ass motherfarker ass dick hole[/blackout] surprised me for a bit, even from the perspective of the cops, even from the perspective of pre-IC.

I'm surprised that there's still such vitriol against Montoya in spite of this series. Reading this makes me like her and her 52 arc even more.

I don't think anyone's got anything against Montoya. I don't. I just don't like her going all costume-y. Not really her style.
I'm surprised that there's still such vitriol against Montoya in spite of this series. Reading this makes me like her and her 52 arc even more.

You really shouldn't be if you actually read Gotham Central. The Montoya in GC and the Montoya in 52, are just two different characters, and there really wasn't a journey in between. She just got from Point A to Point B without any explanation.
Not really. She was angry and losing it at the end of Gotham Central and started off angry and losing it at the beginning of 52. What else should there have been?

Honestly, the only thing from 52 that felt like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole was Kathy Kane's sudden revelation as some hidden lost true love.
I don't think anyone's got anything against Montoya.
I've heard at least three people state outright that they refuse read Crime Bible, by all rights a great series by a great writer, because she's the star. I can't understand it.
I'm still waiting for them to finish the trades. theres about 6 more issues which haven't been collected in trade format.
I've heard at least three people state outright that they refuse read Crime Bible, by all rights a great series by a great writer, because she's the star. I can't understand it.

Strange. I didn't read Crime Bible because I dislike what was done to the characters of Montoya and The Question. But I love Montoya. I'd have a pathetic, sexless Will and Grace-like relationship with her any day. :up:
I didn't read Crime Bible because Montoya just shouldn't be the Question.

It seems as jarring to me as Batman as Dr. Fate.
I've heard at least three people state outright that they refuse read Crime Bible, by all rights a great series by a great writer, because she's the star. I can't understand it.

No you ignorant ape. We refuse to read it because she's The Question, not because she's the star, there is a fine difference.

I would read it if it was just Montoya investigating ****.
Strange. I didn't read Crime Bible because I dislike what was done to the characters of Montoya and The Question.
I didn't read Crime Bible because Montoya just shouldn't be the Question.

It seems as jarring to me as Batman as Dr. Fate.
Okay, but see that's exactly what I'm talking about
. "Vitriol" was probably too strong a word for it, but the marked refusal to give this even a tiny bit of chance more or less ends up being no different.

At best it's unfair. At worst it completely validates every single Hal fan who ever said "nah I won't ever like Kyle because I just won't."
Meh. The Diamond shipping list is a long, long list. You've got to have ways of cutting down what you're going to read otherwise you'd end up spending a complete tonne of money each week.
Meh. The Diamond shipping list is a long, long list. You've got to have ways of cutting down what you're going to read otherwise you'd end up spending a complete tonne of money each week.
Cut out Marvel.
At best it's unfair. At worst it completely validates every single Hal fan who ever said "nah I won't ever like Kyle because I just won't."
No, this is different! just is!
Gotham Central is great, for the longest time is was one of the only DC books I was GC and Green Arrow.
Montoya investigating **** is THAT different from Montoya investigating **** in a faceless mask?
Yes. I had no problem with Montoya being the Question's partner, but being the Question herself? It's just off. The Question came to embody a certain ideology and method, and Montoya came to embody the very essence of hard-boiled, noirish detectivism. Both were great on their own, but try to smush them together and it just doesn't work for me.

I'm not reading Crime Bible because of Batwoman, though. I could deal with Montoya as the Question, even though it sucks. Montoya as the Question with Batwoman as a sidekick? Too much.

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