Batman Begins Something I never understood.


I got nothin'
Jul 2, 2003
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Bruce's parents are buried at the foot of Wayne Manor (along with other deceased Wayne family members).

So, they're resting place is, like, right there.

Yet not one scene of Bruce visiting their grave. Not one.

I know this is a very old topic, but I guess it's just now hitting me as to how easy it would have been to include that, considering that they are right outside of Bruce's front door.
The fact that there's no scene showing Wayne's grave doesn't mean there is no Wayne's grave.

Or is it that you were expecting one? It would have been nice, I reckon.

Personally I was sure there was going to be a bat through the window scene and there wasn't. I was truly dissapointed at that.
The bat through the window thing I could forgive, but to be honest, I didn't really miss the visiting the grave scene until after the film was over and someone brought it up. I guess I got a little too wrapped up in it to even notice. I did like the little touches they'd make when Bruce picked up the stethoscope, and he'd remember his father teaching him how to use it.
It didn't really bother me, IMO it's the memory of his parents that spurs him on, rather than the physical reminder.
It didn't really bother me, IMO it's the memory of his parents that spurs him on, rather than the physical reminder.

Plus, it doesn't show him to be depressed.

Which sounds like a more balanced person? Someone who looks back fondly on the deceased by having little keepsakes (stethoscope) from them, or somebody who is constantly at the deceased's graves?
Bruce Wayne is ANYTHING but a balanced person, let's be honest...
I think BB saw him taking steps in the greiving process...anger, blame, etc. Maybe as the films progress we will get to see him become (relatively) ok with what happened and see him visiting his parents grave. It would be a nice way to wrap up a trilogy, having him go to thier graves and make the promise that in the comics he made initially. However in this interpretation he would have to grow more to get there.
Personally I was sure there was going to be a bat through the window scene and there wasn't. I was truly dissapointed at that.

I don't get this. What about the bit where Bruce is sitting on the floor and hears the bat fly into the next room? That's what reminds him to go down to the cave. Does that not count?
The whole thing with the bat flying through a glass window works better in a comic than on screen, IMO. It's just a little over the top, yeah?
Yeah the whole smashing glass wouldn't really work on screen.

Having said that I just got an incredible vision of the Bat coming through the window with shattered glass everywhere, and the camera doing a 360 pan around Bruce as he stands there...
I was never a huge fan of the Bat coming threw the window, i prefer the falling threw the cave way of bats becoming important to him.

I would love to see him visit the Wayne grave though in costume, Mask of the Phantasm style. Maybe to end the movie.
I don't get this. What about the bit where Bruce is sitting on the floor and hears the bat fly into the next room? That's what reminds him to go down to the cave. Does that not count?

Oh, you mean that flat, uninspiring, boring, unexciting scene? I reather think it doesn't count than thinking Nolan ruined the most legendary bit of Batman's story like that.
Nah, not in costume...

Can you imagine the cleaner of the mansion looking through the window and tutting to herself... Master Bruce playing dress up again... Wait, is that... OH MY GOD!
Oh, you mean that flat, uninspiring, boring, unexciting scene? I reather think it doesn't count than thinking Nolan ruined the most legendary bit of Batman's story like that.

Really? I thought it was a nice little touch that led to something much bigger--the cave scene with the bats.
The cave scene was cool, especially when the bats flew around him, it showed how he was fully immersed in his quest. Nice bit of semiotics there...
Come to think of it, in hindsight, there are ways to mix the two and get the best of both worlds.
The fact that there's no scene showing Wayne's grave doesn't mean there is no Wayne's grave.

Or is it that you were expecting one? It would have been nice, I reckon.

Personally I was sure there was going to be a bat through the window scene and there wasn't. I was truly dissapointed at that.
I'm not saying there isn't a grave. There definitely is one.

I'm saying that I don't understand why they couldn't have Bruce visit their grave, considering they are buried right outside the mansion.
Yes, the cave scene was great.

But the window scene is the window scene.

You do know that if a normal bat hit a normal window it would break, right? The bat, I mean, not the window.
Id prefer them to be in a real Grave yard rather than his garden. It just doesn't seem right to me for them to be at the end of a garden. Know ive said it already but MOTP got it perfect.
Oh, you mean that flat, uninspiring, boring, unexciting scene? I reather think it doesn't count than thinking Nolan ruined the most legendary bit of Batman's story like that.

I think the way it is handled in the film is great. The way the music builds up underneath is amazing, and as Lobster Charlie pointed out, it leads to the fantastic shot of him in the cave with the bats. I think this is much more moving and exciting than a bat smashing through a window (which couldn't happen - is this bat supposed to be made from steel?).
You do know that if a normal bat hit a normal window it would break, right? The bat, I mean, not the window.

of course, you are right, this is just typical Frank Miller bs.

But perhaps he meant the original bat-flies-in-through-open-window scene?
I really wanted that Bat-Crashes-Through-The-Window scene. It's so iconic. But I liked the subdued Nolan version too. One thing that I really wish we would have seen in BB would have been a scene of Batman fighting SWATs. The Arkham Asylum part doesn't counts because he used the bats to "scape" from the SWATs. (And bats crashed through windows on that scene BTW...Ha)
bruce visits his parents' graves every twelve minutes in the comics and the animated series. its dull and overdone. why do you need to see it again?
I think handled right, visiting the grave could be a cool scene. I also agree with the whole Batman fighting SWAT ala Y1...

Woah... Is this the first SHH! topic where everyone agrees?

Someone call a mod, i'm getting scared.

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