
The Apatow Crew

New God
Mar 13, 2005
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Is there such a thing. And if so why do people always say oh i gotta go out and find my soul mate. Most likely the person who your "soulmate" might be might not even be the right person for you.

Is it just a bunch of crap people say or what.

Cause to tell you the truth i don't think there is.

There's just the one person you find you can put up with and live with untik either you get sick of each other and divorce or one of you dies. Either old age or you kill them.

But thats just my take on things.
Love was invented to maintain monogamy.
Love and Pain are about the same to me. both a 4 letter word.

I know Pain more though then this thing called love.
Jessica Alba isn't your soulmate, JAL.


Oh, come on. We all knew it was going there eventually.
I think most people could fall in love with several people in their lives, but there is something nice about the idea of a soul mate. I'm not sure they exist, but I want to believe they do. :)
Jessica Alba isn't your soulmate, JAL.


Oh, come on. We all knew it was going there eventually.

It's like an egg on a t-ball stand... someone's eventually going to hit it with a bat.
Is there such a thing. And if so why do people always say oh i gotta go out and find my soul mate. Most likely the person who your "soulmate" might be might not even be the right person for you.

Is it just a bunch of crap people say or what.

Cause to tell you the truth i don't think there is.

There's just the one person you find you can put up with and live with untik either you get sick of each other and divorce or one of you dies. Either old age or you kill them.

But thats just my take on things.

Soul Mates don't exist. I think the term just came about when certain couples over the ages got together that seemed perfect for each other.

As for what's in, if their is such a thing as a soulmate then that in fact would make them the right person for you. That's what a soulmate technically is.
Is there such a thing. And if so why do people always say oh i gotta go out and find my soul mate. Most likely the person who your "soulmate" might be might not even be the right person for you.

Is it just a bunch of crap people say or what.

Cause to tell you the truth i don't think there is.

There's just the one person you find you can put up with and live with untik either you get sick of each other and divorce or one of you dies. Either old age or you kill them.

But thats just my take on things.
Then that person isn't your soul mate. What surprises me is that these idiotic kids marry their high school sweet heart before going out in the world and seeing what it has to offer with women and life in general...idiots if you ask me:o

Yes, I think there is one person out that for each person to be with and be happy forever. Sad thing is, mine probably died:csad:
I don't think there is such a thing.
the heartless romantic in me wants to believe there is one

the cynical girl in me says there isn't.

even though i believe cynical girl is probably right, i secretly wish hopeless girl is
There is no love, there is no romance, & there isn't a soul mate. There is just insert your penis here.
Jessica Alba isn't your soulmate, JAL.


Oh, come on. We all knew it was going there eventually.
I wasn't even talking about that.

I was just trying to make conversations that didn't deal with her. way to ruin it.
I don't really believe in the idea of soulmates either . . . there's too many people in the world for there to be that special ONE person . . . there are many people you can be compatible with . . .

plus, a soulmate could realistically be your best friend, and even the same sex as you when you really think about it . . .
Is there such a thing. And if so why do people always say oh i gotta go out and find my soul mate. Most likely the person who your "soulmate" might be might not even be the right person for you.

Is it just a bunch of crap people say or what.

Cause to tell you the truth i don't think there is.

There's just the one person you find you can put up with and live with untik either you get sick of each other and divorce or one of you dies. Either old age or you kill them.

But thats just my take on things.
There are 6.6 billion people in the world. On a purely statistical level, it's presumptuous to find anyone's soulmate especially if you never leave the immediate area.

I think a lot of people just overly romantics trying to find someone.
There are 6.6 billion people in the world. On a purely statistical level, it's presumptuous to find anyone's soulmate especially if you never leave the immediate area.

I think a lot of people just overly romantics trying to find someone.

exactly . . .
If the average person dates approximately 20 people in their lives and meets mr right or wrong, that means that they could be attracted to approximately

2.5% of the world's population (exluding opposite sex).

2.5% of 6 billion is approximately 15,000,000

let's even it out and say one won't date anyone outside a bracket of approximately five years and say the average person lives to 80. that's 16 separate groups, so that's 1/16th that total amount which is


even at the very worst, let's chuck that in half for outside reasons you may not be able to get married to them, then its


round it down to be nice again to 400,000

there are four hundred thousand people i could statistically live my life with.

why should i believe in soul mates with those odds in my favour.
Erz, will you be my soulmate? :)
^no, but I thought we could look past the sex :(
He gonna off that pregnant woman, kill her fiance and kill himself in a bloody soap opera/postal rage isnt he?.....
I love a lot of people, but is there someone out there who really got to my soul? Who has understood and sympathized with my unspoken desires and needs? With whom I can discuss anything and everything without worrying about how they will take it?

Yes, there is, but it isn't a person at all
it's the Hype
There's just the one person you find you can put up with and live with untik either you get sick of each other and divorce or one of you dies. Either old age or you kill them.

Hhahahahah, I like it.

er.... 'soulmate' who knows maybe, I reckon there are any number of persons each individual can be compatible with.
It depends if both persons actually want a longterm relationship, and if they want it with each other.
This is based off what each half can offer the other.

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